At this moment, Tom shot again without hesitation, and fired three shots in a row.

Two of the shots landed in the thighs of two men who were trying to rush out of the classroom, knocking them to the ground. Of these two people, one is a teacher from Phoenix No. 1 Middle School, and the other is a professor at Yenching University.

These two are young, strong and courageous masters, and they decided to rush out of the classroom through the back door, but they didn't expect that Tom's reaction and marksmanship would be so fast, and they were knocked down with two shots.

As for the third shot, Tom aimed at a pane of glass and shot through it.

And these few gunshots and the sound of glass shattering completely silenced the group of screaming and running students. They knew that these people were demons at all, and they would really shoot and kill, so Everyone was so frightened that they didn't dare to yell or even do the stupid behavior of trying to escape from the classroom.

"Now, can I go to the corner and crouch with my head in my arms?" Tom said with a smile like a devil.

"Didn't you hear what Mr. Tom said? Why don't you hurry up?" Kaziaji waved the machete in his hand and said viciously. If he hadn't had to obey Tom's arrangement, he would have rushed to kill these people by now.

So even though the teachers and students were so frightened that their legs were weak, they still walked to the corner of the classroom with their heads in their hands, and squatted down one by one, looking like lambs waiting to be slaughtered in a slaughterhouse.

"Oh, this beautiful lady, please stand up and come with me to a place." Tom walked up, pointed his gun at one of the girls, and said very gentlemanly.

This girl is impressively, Zhou Qian!

There was another gunshot, and someone was shot again. This normally weak girl was terrified, her face was pale and her body was trembling, and the smell of blood in the air made her stomach shudder. Another burst of twisting, I am afraid that I will spit it out as soon as I open my mouth.

If it wasn't for her body leaning against her buddy Su Li, she would have collapsed already by now.

When she heard that the demon who fired the gun wanted to go with him by herself, Zhou Qian was even more frightened, and her eyes were full of horror.

"I... I'll take her place... I'll go with you..." Su Li glanced at Zhou Qian, gritted her teeth and looked up at Tom and said with a trembling voice. She was actually very scared, but maybe out of kindness, or out of righteousness, or something hot in the head, Su Li mustered up the courage to make such a request to the devil.

Of course,

She also knew in her heart what it meant to go with him.

"Oh, lady, I admire your courage, but unfortunately, you are too ugly." Tom looked at Su Li and shrugged his shoulders and said apologetically.

"..." Su Li felt like she was being insulted to death, and she almost rushed over to bite the bastard with sick eyes fiercely, mother, what do you mean by that?

"Pretty lady, please." Tom looked at Zhou Qian with a smile, and said very gentlemanly, "Oh, by the way, if you don't hurry up, I won't be a gentleman, and I will even give you this girl for free. One bullet, friend."

"I..." Su Li wanted to say something else.

Zhou Qian, who had already reacted, was both frightened and moved, and quickly stopped Su Li, suppressing the panic in her heart and looking at Tom and said, "I... I'll go with you..."

"Oh, beautiful lady, you made a very correct choice." Tom smiled and said very satisfied, then stretched out his hand, grabbed Zhou Qian's arm, and pulled her away at once He got up and pulled him into his arms.

Zhou Qian didn't have any ability to resist at all, and her legs were already weakened from fright at all, so she could only lean heavily on him, but there were more tears in her eyes.

Tom hugged the delicate body tightly with one hand, then looked back at Kaziaji and said: "I will leave with this beautiful lady first, and what you do next is none of my business. Today's matter is yours." What Dongtu did has nothing to do with me."

"Okay, Mr. Tom." Kaziaji said quickly. He naturally knew what Tom was going to do with this girl, and he secretly guessed in his heart that Tom, an old pervert, probably knew that there was such a girl in this classroom. A girl with such a pure and good-looking appearance was itching to do something, so she joined hands with Dong Tu to achieve the purpose of invading this girl, and then pushed the crime to Dong Tu.

But Dong Tu is not afraid of many crimes at all, so it doesn't matter at all.

Watching Tom leaving the classroom with the girl he chose in his arms, the face under the hood of Kari Aji was already full of ferocity, and the blood on his body was completely boiling!

The long-lost killing is about to begin! The long-lost great holy war will begin! In the future, Dongtu's history will definitely record their sacred scene! The name Kari Aji will be recorded!

"The jihad begins!" Kari Aji raised the butcher knife in his hand and shouted!

"Jihad! Jihad! Jihad!" His four subordinates also raised the butcher's knives in their hands, and roared fiercely, as if they were going to knock down the roof of the classroom.

Then their mood is so good, their blood is so boiling! A carefree feeling arises spontaneously! This yelling is really his grandma's joy, damn it, the slogan that was shouted like a mosquito last night really made them feel so aggrieved that they want to vomit blood.

Then, the elites of Dongtu looked at me and looked at you, and they could all see the extremely strong doubts in each other's eyes, because the hundred or so people who were squatting there waiting for them to kill, unexpectedly It was very strange that one after another rolled his eyes up, and his body collapsed to the ground, and he passed out.

"What the hell... what's wrong?" Kari Aji was confused.

"Could it're all fainted by our aura?" Kari Aji's subordinate Lati was dumbfounded, because the three majestic men who were standing next to him The soldier turned his eyes white, and then fell to the ground and lost consciousness.

"What... what's wrong with this?" Kari Aji was really shocked. Could it be that there is a ghost? Immediately, his head became dizzy, and his body strength seemed to be drained instantly. The machete in his hand fell to the ground, and then he sat down on the ground.

Lati was also not much better, and even felt a little difficult to breathe, as if his neck was tightly strangled by an invisible hand.

"Kari...the leader...we are...what's the matter..." Lati said with great difficulty, panting heavily.

"" Kari Aji said with difficulty, his face ashen.


That's how it happened. The lambs to be slaughtered passed out completely for unknown reasons, and the same was true of Kari Aji's three subordinates.

As for Kari Aji and Lati, although they didn't pass out, they felt as if their strength had been drained. They were out of breath, let alone moving, even speaking.

In the end, Kariage decided that it must be Tom's fault, he must have used some poisonous gas or something, otherwise why did such a thing happen as soon as he left?

And soon, something happened that made them not only hurt their eggs, but even their heart, liver, lungs and kidneys!

The police didn't know why they showed up and surrounded the place.

When did Dongtu soldiers fear Huaxia police? Hacking and killing those unarmed civilians in front of the police, they did not do this kind of thing less, and even waved their knives at the police, that was something that happened in the past.

However, this time, Kari Aji and Lati were scared, because they hadn't started killing people at all, and they were taken away by the police before they successfully launched a jihad. This pair of great Dongtu fighters It's a disgrace! What a shame!

No, you can't sit still, that is to say, you can't let the police know what's going on in the classroom!

As one of the leaders, Kari Aji still has a bit of brains. After seeing the little bees used by the professor on the podium table to give lectures, he thought of a way, which is to scare the policemen below with words and let them Don't dare to act rashly!

So Kari Aji and Raji finally got the little bee on the podium with great effort and got to the bottom of the window. At this time, they were both out of breath and sweating on their foreheads.

But Kari Aji and Lati knew that if they didn't quickly frighten the policemen below, they might risk rushing up.

So Kari Aji first yelled at the little bee in his hand with all his strength, and the content of the yelling was exactly what Liang Changsheng told Li Zedao and the others.

After shouting these words, Kari Aji only felt dizzy, his eyes were staring, and his body was even weaker. At this time, Lati continued to shout, and even insulted a certain leader of Huaxia. After shouting, he was out of breath, and felt like he was about to faint.

But no matter what, it managed to temporarily bluff the underground policemen so that they did not dare to act rashly.


"You... you... put the little bee... in front of me... I said..." Kaziaji said in a very weak voice, "otherwise... I won't talk for a long time... maybe they will Aroused...suspicious..."

"Okay...ok...leader..." Lati took a few breaths and said in a weak voice.

Then he tried his best to lift his hand up, and put the little bee in front of Kari Aji little by little, but his hand trembled involuntarily, and the little bee in his hand might slip from his hand at any time.

Knowing that Lati couldn't hold on for too long, Kari Aji almost exhausted all his strength and shouted: "The policemen downstairs...listen...if you want the lives of the teachers and students in this classroom, send them to the hospital. The dozen or so who were arrested by you that day wanted to bring here the workers...the elites of Dongtu whose gymnasium was blown up, otherwise...we will start killing people...wait...our fighters have arrived...we talking about..."

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