The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 993 Climbing the Wall

After finally finishing these few words, Kari Aji was out of breath, and only felt that stars began to appear in front of him. At the same time, Ratti's hand that was trying to raise was uncontrollably drooping heavily. When he got down, the little bee in his hand fell heavily on the floor, and the loudspeaker made a muffled sound.

However, Kari Aji felt relieved for a while, because what he said, the police below did not dare to act rashly, and even, they would rush to have the previously arrested elites brought here Come.

In Kariaji's view, the life and death of those arrested Dongtu elites is his business. His only purpose is to bluff the policemen so that they can get some recovery time.

After all, after hearing what he said, those policemen will definitely hold a meeting first to seriously discuss whether to bring those people here. Even if they finally agree, it will take some time to bring those people out of prison. no? By then, maybe, by then I will have regained my strength.

And after regaining his strength, he will not be afraid of those policemen anymore, and even, at that time, he can calmly kill these untouchables one by one.

Downstairs, when they heard the other party start yelling again, everyone's eyes turned to the window.

Li Zedao frowned slightly, as if he was thinking about something.

Nanji and the engineer looked at each other even more, and then their eyes fell on Li Zedao.

Because they have already recognized that this is the accent of people from the Western Regions, and the request made by the other party is to release the dozen or so elites who were arrested a few days ago and tried to blow up the Workers' Stadium, and this matter is only a small part People know... At least Liang Changsheng, the chief of the police station, didn't know that the Workers' Stadium was almost bombed.

But the other party knew about this, and the accent was from the Western Regions, so there was no doubt that the other party was a member of Dongtu! This is completely different from previous guesses.

In other words, a foreigner also joined the evil organization of Dongtu?

"It's really Dongtu, and the reason why they acted so abnormally is to rescue those dozen people... I just want someone to bring those dozen smashed over?" The engineer looked at Li Zedao and said, completely Without the awareness of being the captain, he simply forgot that among all the people present, he has the highest rank and the greatest power.

"Anyway, those people were all disabled by you. Even if they escaped in the end, it wouldn't be too harmful." The engineer continued.

Li Zedao narrowed his eyes slightly, looked at the engineer,

He looked at the South Pole again, and said, "No."

"What's wrong?" Nanji asked, wishing to slap this guy to death, it's time like this, why are you still playing with mystery.

Li Zedao looked at the window and shook his head and said, "What he not right!"

"Get to the point!" Nanji said very depressed.

"Think about it, do those scumbags in Dongtu have humanity? Are they the kind of people who will find ways to fish out their accomplices?" Li Zedao gave the answer, "No! What they are most passionate about It’s launching a jihad, it’s attacking those unarmed ordinary people, and they don’t care about the life or death of those subordinates!”

Of course, there are still some doubts that Li Zedao didn't say, because he himself is not sure. For example, he always feels that although the voice of this guy who speaks is loud, it gives people a feeling of being strong and capable, and he still pauses from time to time when he speaks. All of a sudden, Li Zedao even heard a very heavy gasp.

In the end, there was a muffled sound of "bang!", why did it feel like something like a loudspeaker fell to the ground?

From these details, Li Zedao felt that the shouter might have been injured or something, so he was out of breath, and even dropped something like a loudspeaker on the ground.

But it was just an inference, and Li Zedao couldn't guarantee it, so he didn't say it.

Nanji's little face turned cold all of a sudden: "You mean, they are deliberately delaying time and calmly carrying out a brutal killing inside?"

The engineer's face also became very ugly in an instant. Why are these bastards starting to learn to use their brains?

Right now, the Antarctic and the engineers want to rush in. In this case, if you can save one more, it counts as one.

However, Li Zedao grabbed the two of them, and said in a low voice: "These are my guesses, they may not be right, if they really become humane, they really want to use hostages for their people, you guys like this If they rushed over rashly, they were discovered, and then they shot and killed people, so what should we do?"

"Then what do you think we should do?" Nanji said angrily, already becoming a little impatient. In the recent period, almost every mission has not gone well, and they have been led by the nose as fools by the other party. There are even traitors in the Shenlong organization, and a huge crack has appeared, which makes Antarctica extremely aggrieved.

"I come over."

"... Is there a difference?" The black lines on Nanji's face made him want to shoot this guy to death! It is undeniable that you are more powerful in a fight, but do you think you can be invisible, so that those eyeliners who might be hiding in that part of the building can't see you reaching the classroom on the fifth floor in one go?

"Yes, I can't put you in danger, can I? Who knows if a bullet will come over suddenly. My skills are better than yours. I'll go." Li Zedao said.

"Go away, even if someone shoots secretly, I will hide." Nan Ji said angrily with a small face, but his heart was inexplicably sweet.

The engineer soldier on the side couldn't help but cover his face, big brother and big sister, when is it and you are still in the mood to talk about love here?

"Tell them not to be surprised, and don't stare at the wall." Li Zedao pointed to the leaders of Liang Changsheng and the special police behind him.

"What do you mean...uh..." The muscles on Nanji's face twitched.

This guy has already turned into an afterimage, and rushed forward, but he didn't rush to the door, but rushed to a window around the window that was pierced by bullets and was nailed from top to bottom. In front of the drainpipe on the wall.

At that moment, Li Zedao put his hands on the water pipe and pulled it slightly. It was quite strong and could bear his weight! So he grabbed the water pipe with both hands, kicked his legs against the wall, and then began to climb up with a light body, as flexible as a gecko covered in it.

"Uh..." The leaders of Liang Changsheng and the special police around here were slightly dumbfounded. They never thought that climbing the wall alone could climb so smoothly. It can be said that after learning this With the ability to climb walls, it is not difficult to become the number one flower picker in the world.

At this time, Nanji and the engineer already understood what Li Zedao said. If Liang Changsheng and the others were to look at the wall, and even point at it, they might be hidden inside to monitor the movement outside. Seeing something was coming, so he hurried over, and lowered his voice to let Liang Changsheng and the others pass the order. Staring at the window is fine, but don't stare at the wall, let alone pointing.

The classroom is located on the fifth floor, more than ten meters high. For Li Zedao, climbing up the drainage pipe for more than ten meters was not difficult at all. If he hadn't had to pay attention to the movement around him while climbing, he would have climbed up already, but Li Zedao's speed was still very fast. In less than two minutes, he had already climbed to the top of the fourth floor, and came under the window whose glass was broken by the gun.

Underground, those people who sneaked their eyes upwards from time to time inevitably broke into a cold sweat because of Li Zedao. After all, at this time, if those people in the classroom found him, they would even shoot him. Falling from such a high place, there is basically no possibility of survival.

Not only that, those terrorists in the classroom might be furious, right? At that time, will they kill a few hostages to vent their hatred?

At the same time, Li Zedao did not continue to climb up, but pricked up his ears to listen to the weak voice coming from the window above.

"I...I'll scare them...make it an hour...if you don't...take kill...people..."

He spoke the Western Region language. Li Zedao had learned the Western Region language when he was in Amsterdam, so he naturally understood what he was saying.

Then there was another panting sound, and he looked very, very tired, as if it took a lot of effort to say the words.

And if it wasn't for being so close, plus Li Zedao's amazing hearing ability, otherwise, he wouldn't be able to hear this mosquito-like sound at all.

Then there was a slight muffled sound, as if someone tried to pick up something but failed to catch it and dropped it on the ground.

Something is really wrong! Li Zedao frowned, continued to climb down, and then jumped lightly, his hands had already tightly grasped the window sill of the window, and the whole person was hanging there abruptly.

The people in the underground looked at it, and they were even more dumbfounded. This person is simply desperate. Let alone whether he will be discovered by the people inside, just this jump is enough to scare many people. One must know If you don't catch it, you have to do free fall. If you fall from a height of more than ten meters, you will be severely disabled if you don't die, right?

Immediately afterwards, a scene that made them even more dumbfounded happened. This guy who was said to be a daring or desperate guy actually pushed his hands up. The next second, this guy was already standing on the window sill It's on, this is not the end, he actually raised his fist, and then slammed it on the glass.

"Kang Dang!" With a muffled sound, the glass shattered directly, and then he got in.

From Li Zedao standing on the window sill, breaking the glass with his fist, and then sneaking into the classroom, these things were completed within a few seconds, so that Liang Changsheng and the others were dumbfounded. Did not respond.

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