The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 994: All Passed Out

Antarctica and the engineers naturally came to their senses. They knew that Li Zedao would do this, so they must have full confidence that they would be able to stop all the gangsters inside the moment they smashed the glass.

At that moment, Nanji said to the engineering soldiers beside him: "Take them up the stairs..." Before he could finish his sentence, Nanji rushed to the water pipe, and then he just grabbed the water pipe like a gecko. Climbing up... For Antarctica, climbing up to the fifth floor from here is much faster than climbing stairs.

Those people at the bottom were dumbfounded again. The man who climbed up had caught their eyeballs, but now this woman who looks so good-looking is stronger than that man, even faster than that man. .

Of course, they didn't know that Li Zedao was climbing up while paying attention to the movement around him, and deliberately slowed down.

"Why are you still standing there?" The engineer shouted after glancing at these guys who had never seen the market before, "Rush in with me, if you find suspicious people, you can kill them immediately!"


When Nanji leaped nimbly and grabbed the window sill with her hands abruptly, she heard very clearly the sound of "click!" from the window above, the sound of bones breaking. , Li Zedao broke the bones of one of them.

At present, Anji imitated Li Zedao, with a slight force on his arms and a quick leap up, the whole person was already standing on the window sill, and when he looked inside, he saw Li Zedao standing there with a cold expression on his face. He stared at a man with a hood on his head who collapsed there, his foot was still on one of his legs... That leg was already bloody and bloody and had been trampled to pieces by Li Zedao.

Next to this man was another man, looking at Li Zedao with horror in his eyes, as if he was looking at a devil.

Nanji quickly jumped into the window, scanned the surrounding area, and was already stunned.

I saw that there was no one standing in the classroom except herself and Li Zedao, and they were all lying in a mess, not knowing whether they were alive or dead.

"What happened? Are... dead?" Nanji gasped several times, his face was already turning green.

Li Zedao shook his head, and said in a gloomy voice: "I've checked, and they are all breathing. They must have passed out after being hit by some kind of gun, but... Zhou Qian is not here!"

"Not here?" Nanji was taken aback, not quite understanding what Li Zedao meant.

"Not here."

"You mean... Zhou Qian was taken away?" Nan Ji's face darkened again.

"I'm afraid that's the case." Li Zedao said, with extremely strong worry on his face, his eyes fell on Kari Aji, his eyes were like a knife, as if he wanted to cut off his body piece by piece.

When he first came in, Li Zedao was also taken aback by the scene in front of him. Could it be that all the teachers and students including Zhou Qian were slaughtered?

As for Kari Aji and Lati, the glass above their heads suddenly shattered, and a person even got in through the window, which really shocked them who were extremely weak. , almost fainted like this.

After a quick inspection, Li Zedao breathed a sigh of relief. These people just fainted, and even the three who fell in a pool of blood were shot, but the injuries were not important, so their lives were not in danger. .

It's just that Li Zedao's face darkened quickly again, because among those who fainted, he didn't find Zhou Qian's figure, that is to say, Zhou Qian was not in this classroom at all. Was it kidnapped or something else?

Li Zedao was in a turmoil, and had an urge to kill in his heart, so he strode up to Kari Aji and Lati, who were looking at him with terrified eyes, and lifted his feet suddenly, Without further ado, he directly stepped on Lati's calf, crushing his leg very simply, directly hurting Lati so much that he passed out without even making a scream.

And Kari Aji saw that the other party was so fierce, it was really worse than their Dongtu fighters, and he almost passed out with his eyes rolled like this... Scared!

"They... were all defeated by you?" Nanji asked with a deep breath. I just feel a little cold sweat on the back. According to Li Zedao, these teachers and students must have passed out after being hit by some kind of drug. Kill one by one?

Fortunately, Li Zedao decisively climbed the wall and broke the glass to rush in, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous, right?

"No, after I came in, except for these two guys who were half dead, everyone else passed out." Li Zedao shook his head and said.

Then, without warning, he kicked over again, stepping on the calf of Kaziaji who was staring at him with a panicked face.

"Crack!" A scalp-numbing sound sounded, and Kari Aji's calf was shattered directly, and he passed out immediately after taking a look.

"No?" Nanji was taken aback, as if he didn't see Li Zedao crushing his leg.

"I'm afraid there is another force besides Dongtu." Li Zedao said in a deep voice, expressing his conjecture.

Ever since he entered the magic cave forest and experienced the baptism of life and death, Li Zedao seemed to have the mentality of a mountain collapse before him, so even though Zhou Qian might be in danger now, Li Zedao didn't mess around like a headless chicken. Instead, he calmed himself down instantly, even thinking about various possibilities in his mind.

"You mean, the one who called the police?" Nan Ji's eyes widened slightly, and he grasped the key point at once.

"I'm afraid that's the case, these people including Dongtu were all stunned by him with some kind of gun." Li Zedao said with a gloomy face, "Zhou Qian should be taken away by him too..."

In this way, all the doubts are correct, which also explains why the people in Dongtu call the police, because it is not them but someone else who calls the police, and it also explains why these guys in Dongtu would call the police. Such an abnormal person would be so humane that they would consider the safety of their accomplices.

"Is that person your acquaintance?" Nanji frowned tightly.

Li Zedao shook his head and said, "It's possible, but I can't be sure, maybe someone was taken away randomly..." Although his expression was calm, he was actually very anxious. But Li Zedao also knew that he had to keep calm, otherwise, he would never even try to rescue Zhou Qian.

As he said that, Li Zedao took out his mobile phone and called Zhou Qian. As he expected, Zhou Qian's mobile phone was turned off, but she also located her mobile phone. It is in this classroom. It should be Which bag is located in which desk.

At this moment, there were noisy footsteps in the corridor, and soon the engineers rushed over with those special police officers. As for the leaders of Liang Changsheng, they were all pampered at ordinary times, how could they outrun these special police officers, so He was still panting and climbing the stairs behind him.

After seeing so many people poured down in the classroom, the engineering soldiers and those special policemen were also stunned, and their scalps even became numb. Could it be that these hundred or so teachers and students were all killed by terrorists?

After a simple explanation from Antarctica, they realized that their lives were not in danger, they just fell into a coma after being hit by some kind of drug.

Liang Changsheng and the leaders secretly breathed a sigh of relief. Although three people were shot, their lives were not in danger. It was a false alarm. In this way, they would not have to be punished.

However, I don't know what kind of * among them, and whether there are any sequelae, so Liang Changsheng hurriedly contacted the hospital and asked them to rush to the school as quickly as possible, and sent the teachers and students who had fallen into a coma to the hospital one by one. After receiving observation and treatment, they soon realized that they had been hit by a common disease, and their bodies could recover after taking an IV and resting.

As for the five Dongtu members, except for Kari Aji and Lati who had a broken leg and were sent to the hospital, the other three were brought under control.

Of course, after arriving at the hospital, under Anji's behest, the hospital didn't do any surgery for these two guys, they just bandaged them randomly, as long as they don't die!

And after the engineers used some interrogation methods, the three Dongtu members who were taken away also confessed some things. Jihad, and there was indeed a foreigner named Tom who took away a girl, but only the leader Kari Aji knew about Tom's identity.


In a certain ward, Su Li was lying in Li Zedao's arms, crying very sad and helpless: "Handsome scared...Where is Qianqian...Do you know that Qianqian was taken away... ...Have you been rescued..."

This normally carefree, lively and cheerful little girl was really frightened, so after seeing Li Zedao suddenly, she threw herself into his arms as if she had found a backbone, crying endlessly.

On the side, Nanji was expressionless, but the corners of his mouth curled up indistinctly, but he was thinking about the relationship between the two of them in his heart.

Could it be that this guy exudes a domineering aura again, conquering a young kid who is just in love? The bastard! Don't know if there are no rooms in the villa?

Li Zedao smiled wryly. Since he knew Su Li, Zhou Qian’s good friend, he took advantage of the time when the engineer took out something from that Kari Aji’s mouth and came to visit him. The reaction was so intense.


At the same time, in another ward, the engineer smiled and looked at Kari Aji, who had already woken up, and said, "Are you from Kari Aji?"

Kariage glanced viciously at the engineer with blood-red eyes, but said nothing.

The severe pain in the calf kept stimulating his nerves, so that his pale face was a little distorted, but even so, Kari Aji stayed silent, and he was considered a tough guy.

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