The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 995 Interrogation

"Aren't you a handsome guy?" The engineer smiled indifferently, since the other party is not a beautiful woman anyway, so just ignore him.

"Let me introduce myself, I am a captain from a certain awesome department." The engineer boasted brazenly, "And my nickname is, No1 in the interrogation world... As the name suggests, I am a master interrogator! "

Kaziaji glanced at the engineer like an idiot, but remained silent.

"Don't believe it?" The engineer had a feeling of being insulted. Damn, he was despised by Dongtu's smashing. If this is said, he will definitely be laughed to death!

At that moment, the engineer slowly walked to the hospital bed, but his face was full of weird smiles.

"You...what do you want to do... Shi Ke can't be humiliated!" Seeing this weird smile, Kari Aji felt a little cold in his heart for no reason.

"You humiliate your sister!" The engineer said with a smile, and then stretched out his finger and flicked on his foot bone.

"Ah!" Kari Aji screamed, but he suppressed it immediately. After all, he is a murderous maniac carefully trained by Dongtu. His skills are not worth mentioning, but his mind is much stronger than ordinary people. When facing a bloody scene, his brows won't frown at all.

Outside the door, a nurse heard the patient screaming in pain and hurried over. When he opened the door, he saw the engineer standing beside the hospital bed, pointing his finger at the patient's foot bone.

The little nurse was stunned, and then she was very angry: "You man, the patient just had an operation, why did you touch his wound casually?" Unexpectedly, he didn't have an operation at all, but just wound it with a bandage a few times indiscriminately.

The engineer looked back and saw that this was an ugly little nurse with pockmarks all over her face. She was already a little depressed. Damn it, I'm interrogating a prisoner. Do you need to rant? Do you think you are beautiful?

The engineer always judged women by their appearance, so he waved his hands impatiently and said, "This is none of your business, go out, don't come in no matter what sounds you hear."

"Get out? The one who should go out is you, okay?" The little nurse came over aggressively with her hands on her hips, "Do you believe me..."

The little nurse's face turned pale with fright, and she didn't care to take a step forward, because there was already an extra dagger in the engineer's hand, a shining dagger.

"Go out and close the door, or don't blame me for digging out the acne on your face!" Said the engineer in a vicious voice,

He gestured at the dagger in his hand.

"Ah..." The little nurse turned pale with fright, turned around and ran away from the ward without saying a word.

Of course, this woman who was blind to the nurse uniform on her body went out to mutter or call the police. Opened the gauze on the calf that was already stained red with blood, but saw that there were bone fragments on the wound, and couldn't help but secretly stunned in his heart, Li Shao's foot was trampled so hard.

Kari Aji's face was distorted by the pain, and he gritted his teeth tightly, but didn't make a sound.

"Do you want to die, or do you want to live?" the engineer asked with a smile.

Kari Aji was trembling with pain, but he gritted his teeth and refused to speak! As one of the leaders of Dongtu, he still has some patience!

"Trust me, you will definitely say it in the end." The engineer smiled, "Don't worry, I won't rub salt on your wounds, that's not a gentleman's behavior, I... at most, I will be on other places on your body. Get some wounds."

"...%...#..." Kari Aji uttered a sentence in Western Region language viciously, which was a very vicious curse.

The engineer was not proficient in Western Region language, but he could still understand it to some extent, so the smile on his face became even hotter, and at the same time, he stabbed the knife in his hand, and directly inserted it into the broken leg of Kari Aji... ...This guy completely forgot what he just said.

"Ah!" A ghostly howl came from the ward. The little nurse outside the ward who probably knew the identity of the engineer turned pale with fright. After escaping from the ward, she suddenly found that there was a policeman here, and hurried to ask for help, but the police said that the man inside was their leader, and the person lying on the hospital bed was a vicious guy, and their leader was going to be interrogated Something comes out.

Li Zedao and Nanji, who came to the front, also heard the scream, and Li Zedao was stunned and muttered: "This scream...can't it be a popping chrysanthemum?"

Nanji gave him a blank look, but said for the first time: "Almost!" She still knows a little about some interrogation methods of engineers. And the engineer didn't brag. In the Shenlong organization, he was indeed a master interrogator, and there was no mouth he couldn't pry open.

"Pfft..." Li Zedao sprayed directly, and then said resolutely, "For me who just joined the organization and doesn't know how to interrogate, this is a good opportunity to learn on the spot..."


In the ward, the engineer said cheerfully, "Two things, first, answer my questions obediently, and second, don't scold me anymore...Damn it, I hate people scolding me."

Kari Aji's eyes burst out with resentment, but he was still struggling, gritted his teeth and sweated profusely, and said in a vicious voice: "...%...#..."

Just don't answer any of your questions, and continue to scold you!

"Very good, you have successfully angered me." Said the engineer, with a smile on his face without any angry look, but it was like a magic trick, and he had already found a rope from his body.

Although Kari Aji was stubborn, but seeing this guy pull out the rope, he didn't know how to torture himself, so he felt a little uneasy.

But the engineer simply turned Kari Aji's body over and let him lie on the hospital bed. After being shot, his body has not yet recovered, and he was seriously injured, Kari Aji has long lost the ability to resist, and now he can only let the engineers toss around like a dead fish.

The engineer simply tied him to the bed, making him unable to move. The next second, he simply tore off his pants, revealing the tattooed butt in an instant.

"You...what are you going to do..." Kari Aji was a little terrified. Could it be that this guy is so perverted that he likes the back of a man!

Scholars can be killed, but not humiliated, let alone sunned!

"Guess!" The engineer had an extremely evil smile on his face, stretched out his hand, and pulled out the knife stuck in Kaziaji's leg.

"Ah..." Kari Aji screamed again, and the tightly bound body twitched violently.

"Did you see this knife?" The engineer said with a smile, "Next, I will stab this knife into your place little by little." The bloody knife tip scratched Karhi Aji's buttocks twice.

Kari Aji's body trembled even more violently, that distorted face was no longer pale, but livid, frightened out of his wits.

What would happen if that really made him stick a knife through that thing?

"Don't worry, I've done this kind of thing many times, so I can guarantee 100% that it won't kill you." The engineer smiled even more wickedly, and then pointed the tip of the knife at the hole.

"No... I said... what do you want to ask... I said..." Seeing that the other party was not disgusted at all, Kari Aji came to the truth directly, and collapsed immediately.

"Damn it, keep going!" The engineer scolded angrily, then pulled off the quilt, put it on him, covered his buttocks, looked at the door and said, "Brother Li, you You can come in, now no matter what you want to ask, this grandson will answer you."

The engineer had known for a long time that Li Zedao was outside, and opened a gap to peek inside.

Li Zedao pushed open the door and walked in with a bit of aversion. He gave the engineer a thumbs up and said, "I admire, admire!"

The engineer looked embarrassed: "I'm ashamed...Actually, if he still doesn't recruit, I have something more ruthless, that is to find a funnel, poke it in, and then pour boiling water into it... Oh, and gasoline is also the same. It's ok, and then I'm lighting a fire... tsk tsk..."

"..." Li Zedao looked cold.

"Shut up!" Nanji, who walked in, said with cold eyes, quickly playing with a knife in his hand.

The engineer was taken aback, smiled apologetically and shut up obediently.

Kari Aji on the bed was so frightened that his face turned greener, and he shouted: "I said...I said..."

Before Li Zedao started to ask, Kari Aji told all the things he knew like a bamboo tube pouring beans. For example, Aishan, the leader of Dongtu, is now in the island country. For example, this time they are talking to Black Hawk Security Tom, the company's diamond bodyguard, worked together. Who would have thought that after Tom took the girl away, they would faint one after another. Although he and Lati didn't faint, they didn't have any strength in their bodies...

"Black Eagle Diamond bodyguard... Tom..." Li Zedao's heart was already full of violence. If he suspected that Zhou Qian might be taken away by the other party because of himself, now he is basically sure.

After all, Li Zedao and Heiying had an unresolved hatred. Heiying had come to make trouble several times, and Li Zedao was not polite and killed all those who came to make trouble, including the two diamond bodyguards.

It's just that Li Zedao couldn't figure out why that Tom wanted to cheat Dongtu and these guys. Not only did he secretly use * to make them incapable of killing those teachers and students, but he also called the police in the end. You know, Dongtu and Black Eagle can be counted as Ally, this Tom's approach is really incredible.

There is another thing that Li Zedao can't understand, that is, it has been a few hours, if Tom's ultimate goal is himself, why doesn't he contact him?

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