The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 996 Tom's Phone

Or, that Tom didn't know the relationship between Zhou Qian and him at all, and he didn't want to threaten him with Zhou Qian. The reason why he took Zhou Qian away was only because Zhou Qian was so delicate and delicious that people pitied him?

If that's the case, that's too bad!

Li Zedao was really anxious, but full of powerlessness.

Waiting for a call from one's boyfriend and girlfriend is a tormenting thing, but waiting for a call from the kidnapper who kidnapped one's girlfriend will make life worse than death.

How much Li Zedao hoped that the other party's call would come quickly, so he glanced at the phone from time to time, and even checked to see if the arrears had been shut down, otherwise why wouldn't the call come in?

Seeing Li Zedao standing in front of the window without saying a word, glancing at the phone from time to time, Nanji walked over to him, grabbed his hand, and said in a soft voice, "It will be fine." of."

Li Zedao glanced at Nanji and said with a smile, "I still like you who are violent."

"Get out!" Nan Ji said in a depressed voice, throwing off Li Zedao's hand, his face had returned to its usual indifference.

"Haha, just kidding." Li Zedao put his shameless hands on her shoulders, and continued to look out of the window and said, "That Kari Aji confessed that the leader of Dongtu, Aishan, is now in the island country, even Dongtu also plans to move their 'base' to the island country?"

"There are problems left over from history, so now we don't have much to deal with the island country, which is a small country. It's no secret that some political forces in the island country secretly support those forces that oppose China, so what Kari Aji said is most likely true. Yes." Nanji frowned and said, "I think the higher-ups will let us sneak into the island country secretly and kill Aishan soon, right?"

Li Zedao nodded and was about to say something when the phone he was holding rang suddenly

Li Zedao and Nanji looked at each other, and quickly looked at the caller number. This is an extremely unfamiliar number, which belongs to the public phone number on the street, and has also located the specific location of the phone. It is not far from the hospital where Li Zedao is located. not too far.

This call is very likely to be from Tom, and he may even be hiding near the hospital, monitoring Li Zedao's every move. Li Zedao breathed a sigh of relief, and picked it up.

"Hello, who are you looking for?" Li Zedao said calmly.

"The apprentice of the Hand of God, Li Zedao?" A man's playful voice came from the other end of the phone.

The voice of the other party was the same as that of the person who called the police that Li Zedao heard before, so Li Zedao is now 100% sure that the guy on the other end of the phone is one of the three diamond bodyguards of the Black Eagle that Kari Aji mentioned Tom is gone.

"I know that your phone is more advanced and can locate the location of my call. Welcome to find me."

"..." Li Zedao immediately dismissed the idea of ​​asking the engineers to locate this position.

"I am, you are... Tom?" Li Zedao asked.

"Oh, I'm Tom. It seems that the damn guy Kaziaji confessed me." Tom laughed.

"What do you want to do?" Li Zedao's tone became a bit serious, "I hope that the girl you took away is unharmed, otherwise, I will kill you!"

"Oh, no! No! Mr. Li Zedao, you are too unaware of being a family member of the victim." Tom said cheerfully, not taking the other party's threat at all, "And you insulted my character, I am a gentleman who has received a good education from the nobility, how could I hurt that poor little girl? Don't worry, she is sleeping beautifully now..."

Li Zedao's heart relaxed again. He knew that the other party didn't need to lie to him. In other words, Zhou Qian's current situation was very safe and she had not been violated.

Li Zedao knows Zhou Qian's temperament very clearly. Although she looks so fragile, she actually has the taste of a chaste and strong woman in her bones. Otherwise, she would not feel that she is not pure or clean because her breasts were touched before. Choose to commit suicide by cutting your wrists!

If she was violated, this girl might not just commit suicide by cutting her wrists, right? Even if he fails to commit suicide, he will live in complete darkness for the rest of his life.

"But..." Tom's tone changed.

"Mara coins!" Li Zedao's heart twitched violently again, wishing to appear in front of this damn guy immediately, and then use the set of interrogation methods learned from the engineer on him one by one!

"Dear Lee, do you know why it took me so long to call you?"

Li Zedao's heart twitched suddenly, and he already had a very bad feeling.

"Because I have to spend a little time to send that little girl out." Tom said with a smile, "Now she is already on a cargo ship, and in a few hours, she will arrive at the island country."

"What on earth are you trying to do?" Li Zedao roared in a low voice, his face had become very ugly. He didn't expect that Tom didn't contact him in time after taking Zhou Qian away, so that he secretly brought Zhou Qian to the island country. What exactly did he want to do?

But Tom ignored Li Zedao's roar, but said to himself: "Island is a good place, the pornography industry in that place is very developed, if that weak little girl is allowed to make that film, she will surely Is it a big deal?"

"Tell me your purpose." Li Zedao's face was livid, and his expression looked horrifying. Although he didn't know the ultimate purpose of this Tom, Li Zedao probably guessed that this Tom most likely wanted to go to the island country and help him with something, right?

Nanji on the side also heard the content of the conversation coming from the receiver, his little face turned cold all of a sudden, and his hand was tightly holding a dagger that appeared in his hand at an unknown time, and there was a choice in his eyes. The fierce light that devours people.

Sure enough, Tom said with a smile: "The guy with a sick head in Aishan is in the island country now, so I think you and the elites organized by Shenlong will definitely go to the island country in the next few days, right? When you go to the island country to find Ai At the same time, do me a small favor by the way, then I will also get someone to help protect that little girl, so that she will not be hungry or cold, and I will not let those scouts who shoot that kind of film Find her."

"What's the matter?" Li Zedao asked.

"Oh, how can I help you specifically? After you arrive in the island country, I will naturally contact you and explain the situation to you." Tom laughed.

"Why should I trust you?" Li Zedao asked.

"Oh, dear Mr. Li Zedao, all you can do now is to believe, isn't it?" Tom said with a smile, as if he was convinced of you, "Of course, you can also choose not to believe, but I think Li You must be a fan of 'human performance art'? Then, I swear in the name of the Lord, one day in the future, you will definitely see a Chinese girl named Zhou Qian become the heroine of the film , not just creampie*group P or something, even the male lead may be a dog...Thinking about it makes people look forward to it."

"..." Li Zedao's face was gloomy, as if he could squeeze out a few catties of water.

"Mr. Li Zedao, as a fellow man, you are also looking forward to it, right?" Tom said cheerfully, as if he was afraid that the world would not be chaotic.

Comrade, fuck you! Li Zedao cursed viciously in his heart, but as the other party said, all Li Zedao can do is believe.

"Okay, dear Mr. Li Zedao, happy cooperation." Tom said, "Then, goodbye."


"Oh, Li, do you have any questions?" Tom said enthusiastically, "As a partner, I don't mind helping you solve your doubts."

Li Zedao took a deep breath and said, "Isn't your Black Hawk security company a cooperative relationship with Dongtu? Why did you cheat Aishan?"

"Oh, Mr. Li, you asked a good question." Tom laughed, "Black Hawk and Dongtu did cooperate, the main reason is that that fellow Aishan is afraid of death, and his subordinates are all bullying and fearful, so I spent a lot of money to seek protection from our Black Hawk, but at this time yesterday, I resigned and I am no longer a member of Black Hawk, so I don’t need to pay attention to the cooperative relationship between Black Hawk and Dongtu, and I am a very A kind gentleman, he couldn't bear to see those innocent teachers and students being killed by Dongtu people, so he rescued them... Oh, don't thank me."

"...Mr. Tom, I will leave for the island country in two days. I hope you can keep your promise and take good care of that girl." Li Zedao said after taking a deep breath.

"Li, I am very contractual." Tom said with a smile, "Dear partner, goodbye."

After speaking, Tom hung up the phone.

"Do you believe what he said?" Nan Ji asked with a strange expression on his face.

"You know, I can only believe it." Li Zedao looked at Nanji and smiled wryly.

Antarctica is speechless. Things have developed to this point, and all they can do is believe.

"Besides, he didn't allow Kari Aji and the others to massacre those teachers and students. Instead, he rescued them, so his words are more or less credible." Li Zedao pondered for a while and said, "I just don't know that he wants me to help What's the matter with him?"

"Anyway, it's definitely not a simple matter." Nanji's expression was dignified and worried.

That's right, if it's simple and there's no danger, as Black Hawk's diamond bodyguard, he can do it by himself.

"Forget it, no matter how much it is, I have to go to the island country sooner or later anyway." Li Zedao's eyes flickered with an inexplicable glint, "Now we just leave a few days earlier."

Originally, Li Zedao planned to go to the island country to seek revenge from Yoshitake Ito! The tragic death of his father in his arms has become Li Zedao's nightmare. Li Zedao can't repay grievances with virtue, so the only way he can feel better is to kill his enemies, right?

In addition, Li Zedao also wants to "visit" Nisso's future helmsman Katsuta Taro. It will be a disaster to let that guy live comfortably. Who can predict when he will be in a bad mood and send someone to Huaxia to find him or even find him? Zhou Xiaolu or Qin Shaomei's trouble?

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