The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 997 Research and Development Base

As for Tom, Li Zedao was also very curious about what he wanted him to do for him, and Li Zedao had a feeling that this Tom seemed to be very familiar with him. some ideas of my own.

For example, this time, Tom cheated those guys in Dongtu, and indirectly saved the lives of nearly a hundred people, so even though he took Zhou Qian away, he finally used Zhou Qian to threaten Li Zedao, but Li Zedao saw that hundreds of lives For the sake of it, I think this Tom is quite good, at least what he said is very credible.

A few hours later, except for the three teachers who were shot in the calf, all the other teachers and students were discharged from the hospital one by one. The kind of frightening feeling is not so easy to eliminate.

As for the masked men in black who broke into the classroom, the official explanation is that they were a few daring thieves who stole a certain national treasure and were chased by the police when they had nowhere to go. The classroom intends to take hostages to achieve the purpose of escape.

This kind of explanation can be regarded as seamless, and these teachers and students are all terrified, how can they have the spirit to think about other things?

It's just that the winter camp that was carefully planned and prepared in advance couldn't continue to be held, so that afternoon, the Ministry of Education specially chartered a plane to transport the more than 80 teachers and students from Phoenix City to the school safely. Back to downtown Phoenix, ending the winter camp.

Before leaving, Su Li came to ask Li Zedao about Zhou Qian.

Li Zedao made a little fuss, saying that Zhou Qian had been rescued, but she was a little frightened, so she was still on an IV in the hospital, and Zhou Qian would call you later.

After the plane landed at the Phoenix International Airport, Su Li actually received a call from Zhou Qian. This very righteous little girl was crying on the phone, expressing that she was worried to death and that she was fine...

Of course, what Su Li didn't know was that although the call belonged to Zhou Qian, the caller was Li Zedao.

After using ventriloquism to imitate Zhou Qian's voice, Li Zedao called Su Li on the phone, and immediately called Zhou's mother. Of course, he still imitated Zhou Qian's voice.

Zhou Qian's captivity to the island country is naturally not suitable for Zhou's mother to know, otherwise God knows what troubles will arise, so Li Zedao took the precaution first.

"Mom, that's it, so the winter camp ended early, my classmates and teachers have all returned to Phoenix City, and I'm with brother Zedao..." Li Zedao imitated Zhou Qian's voice with ventriloquist.

Antarctica on the side heard such a voice,

Looking at Li Zedao's face again, I felt goosebumps all over my body.

"It's a good thing you're fine, otherwise your mother and I would have washed my face with tears, and even used a kitchen knife to fight those bastards!" Zhou's mother said viciously, and her tone changed again immediately, "With Xiao Li It's good to be together, even if Mom doesn't believe you, she will believe in Xiao Li, right?"

"..." Li Zedao felt that perhaps Zhou Qian was not her biological daughter.

"Mom, brother Zedao also said that he wants to travel to the island country these two days, let me go with him...Let me tell you, will you let me go?" Li Zedao whispered timidly.

This weak and pitiful voice reached Nanji's ears, so that Nanji not only got goosebumps all over his body, but also his scalp became numb. He turned his face away and didn't look at Li Zedao's photo. He didn't look like a woman no matter what. that face.

"Do you still need to ask? Of course!" Zhou Mu's joy blossomed, "How about I go too?"

"..." Li Zedao was taken aback. Damn it, you also followed that incomplete exposure?

"No, no, your father's injury hasn't healed yet, and I have to take care of him." Mother Zhou said regretfully.

Li Zedao breathed a sigh of relief.

"I'll give Xiao Li a call later and tell him some things so that he can take good care of you." Mother Zhou said cheerfully and hung up the phone.

"Pervert!" Nanji said sullenly after seeing Li Zedao finished the phone call. How disgusting it is for a big man to make such a delicate voice.

Li Zedao was a little speechless, sat down next to Nanji and said, "What can I do, otherwise I won't panic them to death?"

"Pervert!" Nanji said coldly, "From now on, your code name in Shenlong organization will be called pervert."

"..." Li Zedao rubbed his head in Nanji's arms in protest.

Nanji was furious, and punched and kicked to show that the protest was invalid, so Li Zedao had to accept this code name that had nothing to do with his style or appearance at all.

After Nanji answered the phone, he looked back at Li Zedao and said, "Master is looking for us."

"The order from above has come down." Li Zedao said with narrowed eyes.

Just as Li Zedao expected, although Dongtu failed to succeed in the Yanjing Jiaotong University emergency, it also greatly stimulated the nerves of the higher-ups. In addition, the Workers' Gymnasium was almost bombed a few days ago. So the order from above came down directly, asking Li Zedao and Anji to go to the island country in the shortest possible time, and secretly murder Ai Shan who was seeking support from the island country.

"Do you have any questions?" Yanhuang looked at Antarctica, then at Li Zedao.

Seeing that both of them shook their heads, Yanhuang continued: "This mission is still dangerous, plus that Tom from Black Eagle and the girl who was kidnapped..."

Regarding Tom threatening Li Zedao with Zhou Qian's safety, Li Zedao did not hide it from Yanhuang, so Yanhuang already knew about it.

"In short, safety first." Yanhuang looked at Li Zedao and said.

"Yes." Li Zedao nodded with a relaxed expression.

"Besides, this is a personal move and has nothing to do with the country, so all the positions of the two of you will be cancelled... Do you understand?" Yanhuang said again.

"Understood." Li Zedao nodded again, and this kind of thing was expected. In other words, no matter how much trouble Li Zedao and Nanji made in the island country, all of these are personal actions and have nothing to do with Huaxia officials. In this way, even if Li Zedao and Nanji are arrested in the island country, the incident will not escalate to plus disputes.

"Early tomorrow morning, the engineers will take you to the dark group. They will tailor a human skin mask for you two, and then create a brand new identity for you," Yanhuang said.

"Human skin mask?" Li Zedao was stunned for a moment, thinking of the face-changing technique mastered by Yan Luodian. Of course, the skin of the living person's face was peeled off, and then pasted on another A face can be faked, and it is Guan Le who has mastered this face-changing operation.

Yanhuang thought that Li Zedao had doubts about this, and immediately explained: "It's like this, a highly simulated mask was recently invented in the dark group's laboratory, which can make a mask according to each person's face shape with a similarity of 9%. Nineteen's mask has come out, and with this mask, it is also convenient for you to change your identity and sneak into the island country."

"So that's the case." Li Zedao nodded. It seems that the dark group mastered another face-changing technology, and the material was made of silicone, not peeling off the skin of a living person.

Early the next morning, the engineer brought Li Zedao and Nanji to the dark group that was even more mysterious than the Ming group. The reason why the engineer brought them here was because the engineer was also the captain of the first team of the Ming group. Portion is enough. In other words, Li Zedao and Anji, ordinary members of the Ming Group, cannot enter here.

It can also be seen from this, the mystery of the dark place and the detachment of the status.

Under the muttering of the engineer, Li Zedao had a more thorough understanding of some things about the dark group. Compared with the bright group, the dark group had a lot more people, hundreds of people, which can also be imagined. After all, they shoulder the task of protecting the personal safety of the head of state.

Basically, the military must equip a small team of security protection forces for every head of state who visits abroad or visits below. In some special environments, such as visiting some turbulent countries, this protective power will be further strengthened.

Moreover, the members of the dark team are also responsible for researching some weapons and equipment, for example, the simulation mask that Li Zedao and the others are going to get here now was invented by them.

"It's here." After getting out of the car, the engineer pointed to the front and said. He didn't know about it at first, but when Yanhuang told him yesterday, he realized that this seemingly inconspicuous place was actually a base of the secret group.

It is not too far from the power center that Li Zedao had been to before. It looks like an ordinary middle school. There are a few small buildings with peeling walls that look like they have been around for a certain period of time. There is even a sign at the door. The big characters "Longteng Medicine" are slanted on it.

"No mistake?" Li Zedao was stunned. No matter how you look at it, this is the kind of place that manufactures "Dali Pills" and "Dog Skin Cream". In any case, it has nothing to do with the words "Shenlong Organization Secret Group".

Antarctic also stared at the sign in front of him with wide eyes, unable to believe what he saw.

"That's right, it's here." The engineer cleared his throat, pretending that he knew a lot about the secret group, "This is their research and development base, let's go there."

When Li Zedao and the three of them came to the front, a very wretched-looking uncle security guard came out from the security room at the door, with a cigarette dangling from the corner of his mouth, squinting his eyes at the three of them, and said in a vicious voice: "What for?"

Where does this have the slightest military demeanor? The real thing is an old hooligan.

However, Li Zedao narrowed his eyes slightly. He had already caught a hint of danger from this wretched old hooligan. The guards at the gate were so dangerous. It seemed that this place was indeed a base of the secret group.

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