The Underworld Detective

Chapter 521: Who is the killer?

Biquge, update the latest chapter of the criminal hunter as soon as possible!

"You lied? What do you mean?" I asked.

Shen Lijuan frowned and said, "When I looked at this photo, I thought it should be him, so I said yes, but then suddenly realized that it seemed not."

"Is it true or not?" I frowned.

She looked distressed: "I don't know!"

Huang Xiaotao couldn't help but stand up with excitement: "You obviously looked at him so many eyes ..." I busy motioned to her not to interrupt.

Shen Lijuan lowered her head and said, "I'm sorry."

I asked her what happened after that, she went on to say that after spending a few days in the guest house, my grandfather would take her home and told her not to tell outsiders what happened in the past few days, otherwise her life would not be peaceful !!

For her, that matter would naturally not be mentioned to anyone. My grandfather took her to the hospital for an examination. At that time, in the 1990s, a middle-aged man in his 50s took a little girl to do that. Inspections naturally attracted a lot of scorn and doubt, but my grandpa didn't care.

Fortunately, she was not pregnant and had no sexually transmitted diseases.

My grandfather sent her home and made up a lie that Shen Lijuan was abducted by the bad guy. Shen Lijuan reluctantly resigned to the kind-hearted uncle because he didn't look down on her eyes. In addition, she had a very harsh family.

Later, at home, she suffered discrimination and accusations from her family for a while. The family looked at her differently, as if it was her fault that she was kidnapped and raped! Whenever her father was drunk, she said in a whispered way, "The broken shoes that no one wants" and "I don't know what I love," and she heard her heart twisted.

The incident itself, and the attitude of the family afterwards, caused a huge psychological shadow to her, and she could no longer go to school, so she dropped out of school.

The next year, her father was killed after drunk driving and her mother remarried. Her father was a yin and yang man. Shen Lijuan couldn't stay at home, so she ran out to work and had a hard time.

She remembered that my grandpa had called her when she was away and said that she could find him later if she had any difficulties ...

She called my grandpa with a feeling of trying. After hearing about her plight, my grandpa immediately sent her a sum of money, and since then, she has sent money every month for ten years. The money helped her through the most difficult times, and she got out of her predicament and had her own life.

So, to her, my grandpa is like a beacon in her life, her god.

With that said, Shen Lijuan's eyes were wet and asked me, "Yes, is your grandpa okay?"

I lied: "It's fine, now I'm retired at home, listening to the drama and raising flowers every day, and my body has always been tough."

"Then I will rest assured. By the way, I have saved some money in the past two years. Your grandfather helped me with the money. I always wanted to pay him back when I could. I will pay you back first."

I said repeatedly: "No need, in fact, my family is quite rich. You are pregnant now, and you will use the money right away, or keep it! I will tell my grandpa when you go back, he is probably assured. . "

Shen Lijuan smiled and didn't insist anymore. I asked, "Yes, where was your school then? Do you remember where you were kidnapped?"

She asked her husband to fetch a map and showed me that the school she attended was the third middle school in Liangchuan County. The place where the kidnapped was on a path behind the school. The road was straight, the school's back wall was on the left, and the shopping street was on the right. There was a shop selling spicy soup at the intersection. At that time, there was no light in the street. Only the restaurant selling spicy soup was on, so she was impressed. Especially deep.

I said, "Can I get this map?"

"Okay!" Shen Lijuan said indifferently.

I didn't have anything to ask. When I said I was disturbed, I said goodbye to Huang Xiaotao and Sun Bingxin. After coming out, Sun Bingxin laughed and said, "I can't think that Brother Song Yang would tell a good-faith lie."

I said lightly: "I just think it's troublesome."

Huang Xiaotao sighed: "Look at this man, who is kind and unwilling to admit it."

I smiled: "Hungry, find a place for supper!"

When we came to a street full of restaurants, when passing by a food stall, Sun Bingxin couldn't move after seeing the piles of red and spicy crayfish, and had to eat that. We sat down and asked for crayfish, barbecue, edamame, and chilled mung bean soup.

I marked the map and Sun Bingxin asked, "Why can't that aunt remember the appearance of the murderer?"

I explained: "Because the memory is subjective and will be tampered with, it was normal for her to be in a state of extreme fear and not remember the appearance of the killer."

"Then why did she identify Ma Sanyou as the murderer?" Sun Bingxin was puzzled.

"Because Ma Sanyou looks like it!" I couldn't stop talking.

"Looks like it !?" Sun Bingxin and Huang Xiaotao were surprised at the same time.

I took out my phone and turned out a picture of Ma Sanyou when he was young, and said, "Look at this bottom-like face, it's ugly and fierce. In Shen Lijuan's subjective consciousness, the murderer should be this respect! That's why Replacing what you see with your memory is psychologically called memory pollution. Ma Sanyou's ugly face really hurt him. The police and everyone around him thought he was a murderer. "

"You mean, the murderer wasn't him?" Huang Xiaotao said.

"Absolutely not him!" I said with certainty.

"No! What about the evidence found by police officers Xiao and Nie?"

"The two pieces of evidence are like nails. We firmly nailed our thinking to it, and determined that Ma Sanyou was a criminal. We will now set aside these two pieces of evidence and consider them from another angle." After that, I will share Open the map in your hand, and mark the location of each abandoned body one by one, and then mark two points: "This is Ma Sanyou's home, and this is his shop, even if I do n’t use vicious art, I can see it. This is totally inconsistent with the laws of criminal geography. "

Huang Xiaotao said, "Yeah, why don't you use a trick?"

I shook my head with a bitter smile: "It's too long, it may not be so precise, but I will try it once."

Huang Xiaotao asked, "You just can't tell from the geographic area?"

"One more thing, pay attention to Shen Lijuan's narrative. Every time the killer comes to see her after dark, but Ma Sanyou is a self-employed and his time is very free, so the killer should be a person who goes to work or school. , The time is relatively fixed. "

Huang Xiaotao nodded suddenly, and Sun Bingxin asked, "Why didn't the murderer kill Shen Lijuan, did he fall in love with her and couldn't bear to start?"

I shook my head: "No, according to this perverted logic, only a woman who falls in love will be ruthless. From a utilitarian perspective, Shen Lijuan is definitely safer to die than to live. But the murderer did not kill her because there was a A greater disadvantage is stopping him, and he must not kill Shen Lijuan. "

"What?" The two asked together.

With my finger on the map, where Shen Lijuan was abducted, she said decisively: "Because if Shen Lijuan is dead, he will be exposed!"

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