The Underworld Detective

Chapter 522: Deal of the year

Biquge, update the latest chapter of the criminal hunter as soon as possible!

Huang Xiaotao thought about it and said, "You mean, the killer lives near the school?"

I nodded: "It seems you understand what I mean! The seventh victim was killed alone, and the two were killed at the same time, the nature is completely different. If killed alone, then she can be abducted anywhere, but if two When people are killed at the same time, it is equivalent to telling the police that the killer must have come to that road. The killer may be someone who lives nearby or must pass this road every day. "

Sun Bingxin asked, "Why didn't he kidnap one alone?"

"I think it should be an accident that Shen Lijuan went home with the seventh victim, disrupting the murderer's original plan. The murderer had to kidnap the two together," I replied.

Huang Xiaotao said, "Do you think the killer has a car?"

This is a very critical issue. If you do n’t have a car, the killer accidentally lives nearby, and you can carry the two girls back on foot.

Sun Bingxin interjected at this moment: "You forgot, didn't she say she was taken into a car later?"

I shook my head: "The car may not be the killer. Ask Shen Lijuan for this detail later!"

Sun Bingxin laughed: "They have a big belly, so you are so embarrassed to find her frequently to expose the scars of that year?"

I also laughed: "It's a bit embarrassing, let's analyze it again, put together the questions you want to ask, and find her again."

At this time, the dishes we ordered were delivered, and the three of them ate something. Huang Xiaotao asked: "Why did the murderer give Shen Lijuan to your grandfather? Don't you think it's strange?"

Sun Bingxin also said, "Yeah, yeah, does your grandpa really know the killer, but conceals it intentionally."

I groaned, "The answer is four words ... Jiangbei Residual Sword!"

"What !?" the two were surprised.

I explained: "According to Shen Lijuan's description, she was sent to a car, pushed to the ground, and picked up by my grandfather. I thought it was an intermediary who had some kind of deal with my grandpa. Grandpa is not a casual person. He can force him to violate his own bottom line. Accepting such a condition, all I can think of is Jiangbei Remnant Sword. "

"What deal would it be?" Sun Bingxin asked, looking at me without blinking.

"I guess it was my grandpa who stopped investigating and noticed that there was no murder after Shen Lijuan was rescued. Twenty years of calm and calm. Was the murderer found out by his own conscience? No, there must be a strong external force to stop him ! "

"This is ... this kind of transaction!" Huang Xiaotao looked surprised.

I said indefinitely: "If replaced with me, the killer will stop the crime forever and release a surviving victim, and I will also agree. The life is too big, my grandfather often hangs on his lips, and also deeply Earth penetrated my mind, and saving a good person is more important to him than punishing a bad person. "

After a long silence, everyone on the table didn't move the food. Sun Bingxin asked, "What's up with the three friends?"

"Ma Sanyou ..." I groaned: "If the organization really intervenes and according to their behavior style, while baptizing a criminal, they will concoct a scapegoat. Ma Sanyou may be the scapegoat. He looks like Ugly and fierce, the woman is very bad, is a good 'candidate', did you notice it? Nie Yalong said that the experts before the two key clues did not find out, my grandfather and Sun Tiger have cooperated for more than ten years, Whether it is technology or experience that far exceeds me, will he not find such obvious doubts on the soles of the shoes? There is only one answer, and the two so-called key evidences were fabricated by the organization, and they were extremely ingenious, as if it were true The same. "

Huang Xiaotao snapped his fingers and said, "I see! Your grandfather was riding a tiger. He was the only person who knew Ma Sanyou was not guilty, but he couldn't tell anyone. He didn't want to see Ma Sanyou sentenced to death. When everyone believed that Ma Sanyou was a suspect, he could do nothing but burn the exhibit room. "

I nodded, thinking of the dilemma in front of my grandfather, and I couldn't help passing a trace of sadness.

In my eyes, he is a strong, fearless, and upright person, but he is also weak, helpless, and insecure in the face of the organization! In order to protect an innocent girl, only at the expense of her innocence.

Although Ma Sanyou was saved, the suspicions he carried dragged the whole family into a deep and treacherous situation. If my grandfather knew it, he would be sad.

After thinking about all this, my eyes suddenly became a little bit sour. I held back my tears and laughed, "This lobster is really spicy. I won't eat it."

The two looked at me with strange eyes, Huang Xiaotao suddenly smiled: "Yeah, it's too spicy, take it back to Wang Yuanchao to eat, it's not early, go back to rest!"

That night I couldn't sleep, but my heart's unhappiness was relieved, and I was really happy.

The next morning, I slept until nine o'clock, opened my eyes and saw Huang Xiaotao's smiling face, and the room was full of warm sunlight. I looked up in surprise, Huang Xiaotao said, "Don't watch, I drove Wang Yuanchao out."

I laughed and said, "Frighten me, I thought the hotel had this special service!"

Huang Xiaotao shoved my cold iced hand into the quilt and made me jump up. She said with a wink, "Xiansen, do you need any special service?"

My thief, which had been suppressed for several days, moved stupidly again. I kissed Huang Xiaotao's lips and she frowned and said, "Go brush your teeth first!"

There was a flush on my face, and I jumped up and brushed my teeth to wash my face. After tossing back, looking at the neatly dressed Huang Xiaotao who was standing beside the bed, and a little at a loss, Huang Xiaotao whispered: "Idiot, don't you hurry up?"


I reached out to unbutton her coat, my heart beating. After taking off my coat, I tried to hug her. I didn't expect her body was lighter than I thought, and I hugged it in the pose of a princess.

Huang Xiaotao screamed, and screamed at my chest with a smile: "Hate!"

"I'm welcome."

"Who is polite to you!"

I put her on the bed, holding her scented body, and it felt so pragmatic and sweet. I couldn't help but kissed her lip again and said, "Open your eyes every morning to see you His face must be very happy and happy! "

Huang Xiaotao laughed: "Unexpectedly, you will say such sweet things."

I held my head and said, "No, sincerely!"

At this moment, the love of Huang Xiaotao in my heart is too much to describe in words. The two of us just stared at each other quietly. Those who have experienced love will experience this kind of tenderness. She is the world in my eyes. The most perfect existence on earth is like God's artwork, so quietly admiring it is already very satisfying.

Huang Xiaotao's cheeks are as red as a peach blossom in April. She put a small hand on my chest and whispered: "Although my sister is drunk when you hear your love words, but if you don't hurry up, this time is precious. The opportunity may slip away again! "

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