The Underworld Detective

Chapter 523: Murderer Reappears

Biquge, update the latest chapter of the criminal hunter as soon as possible!

I turned over and pressed Huang Xiaotao underneath. "I don't believe that evil. We are now in the small county in the northwest. Is it possible that the murderer who has been silent for 20 years has started to commit crimes again?"

Huang Xiaotao also turned over, and our position was reversed. She put a finger on my lips: "That's not necessarily true. Some things just can't stand it."

I took out my phone and laid it on the bed: "Look, how quiet it is at the moment, just like a cat who is so good and surely won't disturb the owner!"

Huang Xiaotao poked my forehead with a finger, and said, "Would you like to do the business, it will be nice when Wang Yuanchao comes back."

At this time, the phone rang, and my heart sank. I said no, and took it to answer the call. It turned out to be an uninteresting telecom business salesman.

The guy came up with a sales pitch and I couldn't get in. Huang Xiaotao smirked, and suddenly groaned. The man on the phone groaned and asked, "Sir, are you busy now?"

I lowered my voice and said, "Yes, don't disturb me."

"Okay, disturbed!"

After hanging up, Huang Xiaotao laughed with me. As we were planning to go deeper, a ringtone rang through the room. Huang Xiaotao and I exchanged glances, and then she took her cell phone out of her pocket and put it on her ear.

The room was very quiet. I could hear the voice of a fat police officer there. He said that a female corpse was found in the playground of a school. It was not clear on the phone. I hope we can come.

Huang Xiaotao immediately agreed, the ambiguous atmosphere in the room was swept away, and we instantly switched back to work.

After getting dressed and leaving the hotel, we took a taxi and notified Song Xingchen, Sun Bingxin and Wang Yuanchao on the road. The address sent by the fat police officer was a bit familiar to me. It turned out to be the third middle school in Liangchuan.

Coming to the scene, many police officers have arrived on the playground. Fortunately, today is the weekend and there are no students in the school.

The fat police officer led us into the cordon, and when I saw the slippers on the deceased's feet, I was taken aback because the slippers were exactly the same as those on Shen Lijuan's shoes, and I immediately opened the deceased body covered with a white sheet.

Although it wasn't Shen Lijuan, I took a deep breath!

The deceased was a young girl in her early twenties, with a swollen head on the head and obvious suffocation characteristics. She was naked and had a bright red wound on her chest, neck, and waist, where all the skin was missing.

I slowly lifted the sheet and found that her legs had also been cut off of some flesh, blood oozing between her legs, and a layer of lubricating oil solidified.

I was silent for a minute for the body, and kept saying, impossible, impossible!

This method is exactly the same as the murderer twenty years ago, did he make a comeback again.

"Advisor Song! Adviser Song!"

I suddenly went back to God before realizing that the fat police officer was calling me. He said, "Do you think this is a parody case, or Ma Sanyou?"

I shook my head silently: "Bring me a pair of rubber gloves!"

At this time, Sun Bingxin and they also came. I asked Sun Bingxin to come and help me with the inspection. The deceased was about 23 years old and died about eight hours. The cause of death was strangulation. There was a brown scar on her throat, there were some subcutaneous bleeding points around her, and her throat cartilage was broken.

I listened to the bones, and the lungs contracted, matching the characteristics of suffocation. The spleen and liver of the deceased showed signs of bleeding, and they seemed to have been impacted by external forces. In addition, I heard a noise from the spine interruption, so I asked Sun Bingxin to turn the body over. At this time, we noticed that a large piece of skin was missing in the center of the back of the deceased, shaped like a shoe, and the exposed flesh was stained with some noise. Grass and dust.

I touched my finger and found a fracture of the spine with bone fractures. I judged that the murderer stepped on the back of the deceased from behind, and then struck the deceased's neck with a weapon such as a nylon rope. This kind of murderous action The deceased could hardly resist and could not scratch the killer.

I listened to this piece carefully with the bones and found that apart from the bone fracture, the seventh spine showed signs of dislocation. I groaned: "There are two points of focus."

"What does this mean?" Sun Bingxin asked.

I replied, "It shows that the killer paused while he was murdering."

Sun Bingxin pointed at the edge of the missing skin and asked, "Would you like to check whether it was peeled before birth or after death?"

I shook my head: "No, it must be after death, the habit of this murderer is to cut off all the traces of his skin." I stroked the edge of the wound and said, "The cut surface is neat and neat, and formed in one go. From the perspective of inclination ... …left handed?"

I opened my eyes in shock and Sun Bingxin asked, "Brother Song Yang, what's wrong with you?"

Huang Xiaotao said: "The killer on the file is a right-hander, I seem to remember!"

I said, "Yes, all nine cases were done by right-handers, strange."

Sun Bing said, "It seems to be a mimic again. I don't understand why these people worship criminals."

I waved my hand: "Don't rush to conclusions, let's look elsewhere."

The question of dominant hand is crucial, but I have a vague idea that after 20 years, the killer can completely change his dominant hand.

My mood at this moment is very contradictory. I want to be that person and I don't want to. I want to bring him to justice, but if it is him, it means that the concessions made by my grandfather were meaningless!

More importantly, if he is arrested, the dark history of my grandpa's dealings with criminals will be made public.

I shook these thoughts away and went to post-mortem.

I observed the edge of the wound with the pupil of the hole, judging from the shape of the flap of the incision texture and the clamping fork, it should be a wide-backed dagger over one foot long.

Before turning the body over, I asked Sun Bingxin to extract the pebbles, sand and grass stems from the back. This was a basis for judging whether it was a murder site or a corpse dumping site, and asked her to take some blood samples.

I stared at the deceased's face for a moment, and at the moment of her death, her face was frozen with extreme terror and despair. I took her hand and found that there was some soil in her fingernails, which seemed to be caused by strenuous struggle.

The scene emerged from my mind, like a predator, a veteran murderer approached silently from the back, and suddenly wrapped the rope around the deceased's neck, stepping on her back hard, and put her on the ground. Hold it tightly until the suffocated.

That scene made me shudder. Murder is an extremely anti-social and anti-instinct behavior. Besides, unlike other skills, it can be rehearsed and tempered repeatedly.

A murderer who can be so skilled and calm can never be the first time to commit a crime!

Huang Xiaotao suddenly pointed me at the deceased's ear and let me see. I glanced at it. It turned out that the deceased's earring was missing one, and the missing side had obvious signs of being scratched. .

"Will it be that person?" Huang Xiaotao asked.

I swallowed a spit and didn't know how to answer.

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