The Underworld Detective

Chapter 632: Black and white game

Biquge, update the latest chapter of the criminal hunter as soon as possible!

Early the next morning, we got up early and arrived at the city bureau. Huang Xiaotao sent over forty police officers. Each of them took a wireless signal receiver and set off in different directions. Everyone's mobile phone had a map program written by his wife. The places you look for will change color so you don't run over a place repeatedly.

We waited anxiously. At about 10 am, a police officer called and said that when passing through an abandoned house, the receiver responded and he found the room.

Huang Xiaotao said on the phone: "Report your position!"

"The location is near Qiaoqiao Road and Dongcheng Avenue ... but you don't have to go there yourself, there is only a wooden box in the house."

"Bring it back!"

After hanging up the phone, Huang Xiaotao notified everyone to close the team. One hour later, the box was brought back. Huang Xiaotao was going to find an explosion-proof expert to deal with it. I waved my hand: "There is no time."

I put my ears on the box and kept tapping on the side of the box with my hands. The internal echo gave me a rough idea of ​​what was inside. I said, "It's a laptop."

I found a tool to pry the box open, and it turned out to be a Lenovo laptop computer. Many police officers were convinced by my "sacred skills" and made a sound of exclamation.

I opened this notebook, and after booting up, a video jumped out automatically on the desktop. On the blurred picture is a huge glass jar filled with liquid. A man is immersed in it, wearing a breathing mask on his face, and connected to an oxygen generator at the other end.

The time in the lower right corner of the screen is the same as the current time, indicating that this is a 'live broadcast'.

"What trick is he trying to play!" Huang Xiaotao frowned.

"Hello everyone!" An unrecognizable electronic synthesizer came from the video: "Who am I? I think everyone knows it. I have always thought that human life is valuable and the value is not equal, but in everyone It seems that human life is priceless and of equal value ... "

"Well old monster." Huang Xiaotao scolded in disgust.

That weird voice continued: "I will use a test to prove how vain your views are! As you can see, this man who was soaked in a jar is a worthless and worthless stray Han, one minute later, the ventilator that sustains his life will stop working, unless you are willing to save him. There is a bank account on this computer, you can make money in it, and the amount of money will determine whether the tramp can How long to live, but I remind you that the price of each breath is 10,000 yuan, and see how long your belief can be sustained, ha ha ha ha ... "

In a frantic burst of laughter, the audio was over and everyone was shocked. Everyone looked at each other. A police officer asked: "Sergeant Huang, do you really want to save this person?"

"Of course we need to save! Go to Officer Nie and Captain Zheng, search all over the city, and find a way to find this person. Let's find a way to maintain his life."

With an order, everyone broke up. Huang Xiaotao sat in front of the computer, and there was a document on the desktop, which contained a bank account number, and software for logging in to online banking. Huang Xiaotao quickly entered his silver account number, and hit One hundred thousand yuan goes in.

The old man said, "Isn't this deceptive?"

Huang Xiaotao said: "I would rather have it! But this is all my pocket money, I'll ask my dad to find a way!"

Huang Xiaotao stood up and called, and at this time a number-"10" appeared on the ventilator. With each breath of the tramp, the number was reduced once. When it became 0, he suddenly couldn't breathe.

"Dad, I beg you, there is really a hundred thousand urgent situation!" Huang Xiaotao still begged her father.

"It's too late!" I quickly sat in front of the computer, quickly entered my account number and password, and hit the only 60,000 yuan in my card.

The tramp breathed another six breaths, and he breathed a few times violently. The thirty thousand yuan was gone for a moment, and the old man whispered, "Oh, ten thousand yuan, take a breath, my God, he will linger for a day, how much will it take Money, don't save it in my opinion, we don't have that ability. "

I said, "If you don't save, you give up!"

"You're stupid, you just jump when you dig a pit? What if this old monster asks for more exaggeration."

I frowned: "Old man, don't point your finger at it, you think about finding the source of the video, save us some money!"

After the old man left, the tramp had already breathed these six breaths. Huang Xiaotao rushed over and made a quick payment. The numbers surprised everyone, 10 million!

She said with a bitter smile: "I didn't explain the reason to my dad, but only said that it was 100,000 urgent help money. My dad was never willing to be the head of injustice, and he should never borrow it again."

I said, "Let's hurry up and analyze the video! See if there are any clues!"

We raced against time, Huang Xiaotao went to contact the technical team, I took the notebook to a conference room, and Sun Bingxin went to find someone. Five minutes later, a large number of policemen were already sitting in the conference room. The content of the video was cast on the white screen with a projector. The technical team recorded the video completely, and everyone desperately analyzed it.

There is too little information in the video. Although there are some reflections on the glass, the picture is too blurry to see at all. We discussed for a long time without gain, and everyone was frustrated.

The old man moved his equipment here and connected it to his laptop. He was busy for a long time and told us: "It's okay, I used a foreign proxy server, four transcodings, I can't check the source at all!"

Sun Bingxin asked: "Is it possible that this person is not in this city at all?"

Huang Xiaotao said: "At present, even if we suspect that King Jing is playing with us, we cannot give up. This is a life, and he must not be buried in our hands."

The old man said with a bitter face: "Oh, obediently, he's taken out more than six million, what can I do when I run out of money?"

I said, "Everybody's centurion black gold card can be overdrawn by one million. Sun Bingxin, you take a credit card to cash out, and it is stored in Huang Xiaotao's bank card." Then, I took out my centurion black gold. card.

The old man shouted, "Fuck, you tease me? We don't want to pay the money overdrawn from the bank by ourselves, for an unknown tramp, tell me to work more in the next few years! I don't do it! I have to breathe a day More than 20,000 times, will we all go to the roof after saving him? "

I was not surprised by the reaction of the old man. I didn't want to engage in any moral kidnapping. I said, "Let's be voluntary!"

A police officer said: "This money cannot be fully borne by your task force, so let's donate together!"

As soon as this statement was made, many people showed a embarrassed look. The police were not rich, and their salaries were usually a few thousand yuan. Many people were burdened with family expenses and took 10,000 yuan to buy a homeless breath. It's too expensive.

This is the purpose of Lord Jing. He wants us to fight for ourselves. Saving a tramp can drain all of our funds. If we don't save our police, we will completely collapse.

Ginger is old and spicy, and King Jing's mind is really deep.

I emphasize again: "Everyone volunteers, they can pay as much as they can, and they are never forced if they can't."

An old policeman stood up and said, "Consultant Song, Officer Huang, can I say something unpleasant, right now we take all our money to save the life of a homeless man, which will make us lose our chances, we should not So passive. "

Many people agreed, and I said, "No, we must win this game! We have the initiative!"

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