The Underworld Detective

Chapter 633: Death of the tramp

Biquge, update the latest chapter of the criminal hunter as soon as possible!

The eyes of everyone focused on me. I know that everyone's mood is now confused, swaying, and uneasy. This is what King Jing wants to achieve, so even if it is deception, it is necessary to remove this depressed atmosphere. .

I said, "Is King King only preparing us for such a simple game? No, he definitely has a back player. If we lose the first game, we will lose more and possibly more lives. So we have to To win, you must win, and win at all costs. Don't consider anything else. This is just a case. Solving the case is our best. Take your confidence! "

As soon as this statement came out, the confusion in many people's eyes was dissipated. Huang Xiaotao looked at me and nodded with a smile.

However, the next progress was really not smooth. Seeing that the tramp was about to suffocate, Sun Bingxin ran out to withdraw and has not returned. The total amount of money donated by everyone was only more than 40,000 yuan. I said to the old man: "You usually A lot of money, right? "

"Get off! Don't make my idea!" The old lady called in horror.

"Can I borrow you?"

The old man gritted his teeth and said fiercely: "I'm out of luck, I personally gave 50,000! Alas, this is hard-earned money." He took the notebook, quickly hit 50,000 yuan, and after he finished, With a sad face as if cutting meat.

Huang Xiaotao said: "Lao's spirit is commendable, don't worry, you'll have to recover it after the case is broken."

The old man seemed to see a glimmer of hope: "I must chase it back, otherwise I can only eat soil in the second half of the year."

The money that I put together is only enough for the tramp to hold it for a minute. Seeing that he is about to suffocate, I really feel a deep despair. I want to call Wang Dali to borrow money. I know that as long as I ask him, he wo n’t refuse. But Wang Dali ’s money was all earned by selling sanitary napkins. It was hard-earned money. I actually squandered it like this. Thinking of this, I feel like an unprecedented pit friend.

At this time, Song Xingchen walked in from the outside. I didn't even notice when he went out. He said, "Little master, your Kari has 10 million, hurry up!"

"What?" I couldn't believe my ears.

"It was just your aunt who called you. She said it was a small effort by Wu Song, so you don't have to pay it back."

I was ecstatic for a while, and quickly beat the ten million, the old man said: "Oh, obediently, more than 20 million smashed in. If this tramp can survive, he can brag for a lifetime."

"Don't be damned, try to find clues!" I urged.

A police officer in the technical group suddenly called out, "Consultant Song, I just sharpened the video a bit and found some details."

I quickly said, "Go to the big screen!"

The picture was cast on the large screen, and I saw a sharp-edged object in the reflection of the glass. It was too blurry to distinguish. Everyone frowned and recognized for a long time. Wang Yuanchao suddenly said, "Does it look like an excavator?"

That being said, it really looks like it!

I said quickly: "Yes, it is an excavator ... at 10:43, an excavator passed through the window, indicating that there is a construction site nearby, find it!"

The old man found all the construction sites in the city on the map, cast the map on the big screen, and looked at the densely packed dots. The hope that had just risen became faint again, and we were desperate for a while.

I thought about it, and asked the technical police to rewind the video that was just recorded and play it back quickly.

After watching it twice, we noticed that around 10:27, the water wave trembled violently. The bottom of this glass jar is reinforced with iron bars, which is very stable. The water wave will vibrate to indicate that there is a huge earthquake source around it. What is it?

I called out suddenly: "Blasting! At 10:27, a blast was carried out nearby, after which the excavator went to clean up the scene. Old man, look!"

The old man crackled at the keyboard and waited for more than two minutes, but there was no result. I anxiously said, "Why so slow."

"Fuck, where do you think you'll find it, Baidu will come out as soon as you search? Give me another ten seconds, please ... that's it!"

In the next second, a large number of surveillance video cameras appeared on the curtain. The people present were all shocked. The old man went into the monitoring network of the traffic system and retrieved all the monitoring records near the construction site. He quickly screened, and it turned out that at 10:27, a construction site carried out a directional blasting on an old house near Tongyuan Road and Jinmao Road.

"Go!" Huang Xiaotao shouted, "Everyone immediately rushed over, carpet search!"

We rushed outside and raced towards it in a hurry. Huang Xiaotao contacted Police Officer Nie and Captain Zheng and asked them to concentrate all the police forces searching outside. Hundreds of police officers and dozens of police cars rushed to that location at the same time.

As I was approaching, I heard siren sounds coming from all directions. Sun Bingxin, who was sitting in the back, suddenly said, "Brother Song Yang, I was suddenly a little scared."

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"Will this be a trap, if King Jing put a bomb there, wouldn't we ..."

Sun Bingxin's worry is not unreasonable, but busy is chaotic. At this moment, we are eager to save people and have mobilized almost all living forces. Huang Xiaotao said: "Yes, we cannot swarm to the same place in such a swarm."

She immediately contacted Police Officer Nie and Captain Zheng and asked them to stand by two hundred meters away. The search and rescue task was given to our special case team.

Soon we arrived at the construction site, where the excavator had left clear track marks. I looked in the other direction and saw an old residential building. I said, "From the perspective of reflection, it should be On the ground floor or in the basement. "

"Spread the search!" Huang Xiaotao waved his hand.

Time is tight, we simply do n’t have time to explain to the local residents, knocking on the door one by one, and knocking directly if we ca n’t open it. When we opened the door of a basement, the picture in the video suddenly appeared in front of us, soaking in a large glass jar of people, we were ecstatic.

Huang Xiaotao and I rushed in. The tramp still had seven breaths. I knocked out the glass jar and shouted, "Don't be afraid, let's save you!"

Huang Xiaotao said, "Song Yang, stand up and I will shoot this jar through!"

She held both guns and fired at the bottom of the jar. The bullet left only a shallow white mark on it. Huang Xiaotao frowned, fired two more shots, and finally a crack appeared.

At this moment, the tramp in the water was struggling fiercely, and the water overflowing from above, nourishing a purple electric light.

I dragged Huang Xiaotao away from the charged water on the ground, and the tramp twitched a few times before moving. A white smoke rose on the water. The number on the ventilator stopped at "1" and no longer beat. No more breathing.

We stumbled abnormally, when a footstep came from outside, the police officers rushed in one after another, and I shouted, "Be careful, don't touch the water on the ground, there is high voltage! Go and pull the switch in this area."

"Asshole!" Huang Xiaotao yelled, "We were completely fooled by this old monster."

(PS: Lao Jiu ’s QQ readers group is officially open! Jiu Jiajun 1 group: 191657764, Jiu Jiajun 2 group: 206012957, there are exclusive foreigners, there are horror stories, you are the brothers, in order to celebrate the establishment of groups, today more !)

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