The Undying Mecha Emperor

195 Mental Enslavement

"That crazy old man." Secretary Wang finally said in a voice that was barely a whisper. If my sense of hearing wasn't exceptionally sharp, I might even have missed it.

But I didn't, and her words brought even more questions.

"Justin. Can you secure the Blue Dragon and bring it with you?" Bruce Pang said in a sombre voice that worried me.

"Yes. I cannot guarantee that my cage can resist the Blue Dragon if it wakes up though. In fact, let's just assume that it can't." I replied.

"That's fine. Secure it now and retreat. This mission is over." Bruce Pang said in a voice that brooked no disagreement. And not surprisingly, Secretary Wang remained silent in tacit agreement to his words.

However, as I unleashed my red energy to create a massive cage around the Blue Dragon, Secretary Wang suddenly let out a vehement curse.

"Damn it! The Europeans and the Americans are two minutes away! They have detected your energy signatures! Hide!" She shouted at us.

In a blink of an eye, Bruce Pang's mecha appeared next to me and grabbed me.

"There is no hiding from Golden Mechas, especially not here in this battlefield, and double especially not with this massive Blue Dragon. Our only hope is getting to hostile territory and hope that the enemy hinders them enough to allow us to remain undetected." Bruce Pang said.

"You can't outrun Golden Mechas." Secretary Wang said quietly. "And as you mentioned, especially not with a Blue Dragon in tow."

"It's better than hiding here." Bruce Pang said stubbornly.

"No, I have a better idea." I disagreed and pointed to the direction of the Blue Dragon's chasm. "The Blue Dragon was able to remain undetected from me even when I was mere meters away from its lair. There must be something there that can protect us from being detected by the Golden Mechas. Plus it is also big enough to hide the Blue Dragon."

Bruce Pang was a decisive person.

Upon hearing my words, he did not even pause to say anything in agreement. He simply exploded into action and brought us straight to the chasm.

"I am sending over a scout team to keep up appearances. As usual, fall off the grid and come up only when the white heart disappears." Secretary Wang said.

"Understood." Bruce Pang said tersely even as we sped towards the chasm at an insane speed.

He understood, I didn't. But it wasn't that difficult to understand once you know the tech. Each white mecha in the Federation was equipped with two small ball-shaped devices, one black and one white.

These black and white balls had their "twin" back in the Mecha HQ. The technology allowed the balls to be paired to each other and instantly crumble into pieces if its twin were to be destroyed.

It didn't matter how far away they were separated, the balls would shatter as soon as the other did. Instantly and without releasing a single blip of energy or signal.

It made for the perfect emergency communication tool.

In our situation then, if the white heart in Bruce Pang's mecha were to shatter, it would simply mean that the coast is clear, and we are free to make our way out.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

We reached the chasm in what must be record speed and quickly disappeared into its pitch black darkness quietly.

At that moment, we were hundred meter tall mechas towing a three hundred meter behemoth dragon beast traveling at insane speeds underwater.

It was physically impossible not to make massive waves underwater that would definitely alert the Europeans and Americans of our location.

However, Chronos was an extremely impressive mecha, and the technology he carried with him was somehow able to make our short journey to the entrance of the Blue Dragon lair as quiet and smooth as a ninja leaping from tree to tree.

We barely made a ripple in our mad dash to the chasm, and within seconds, we had successfully made our way deep into it.

The chasm narrowed all the way down to the point where I had to dismantle the cage and pull the Blue Dragon carefully down to avoid scraping his body against the rough side walls.

But how careful can one be when dragging a massive dragon underwater at high speed?

Boom! Boom! Boom!

I winced after each time the dragon's body smashed onto the side of the ever narrowing tunnel.

"At this rate, the golden mechas would definitely hear us." I grumbled to my big bro. "We should slow down!"

"No, I think we are already safe here." Bruce Pang replied calmly as he continued to drag us downwards. "I felt a slight sensation of entering a unique spatial zone a few seconds earlier. We should be completely undetectable here."

"Unique spatial zone?" I asked in surprise. I had not felt anything. "And if so, isn't that all the more reason we should slow down? There is no more need for us to hurry!"

"There is still a great need. We have to get to the Blue Dragon's lair as soon as possible. It should have certain things in its treasure hoard that could help the Ancestor win his battle." Bruce Pang said solemnly.

"Treasure hoard? The Ancestor is in a battle?" I immediately zoomed in on the two key points and asked.

"Its a Blue Dragon. It has a treasure hoard, that's for certain. We need to loot it. And yes, the Ancestor is currently in a battle. He is…" Bruce Pang paused slightly at that moment.

"What? What battle?" I asked him sharply.

Bruce Pang sighed.

"It's a complicated thing to explain, but long story short… The Ancestor had induced the Blue Dragon into the same trance which you went through during your test. But instead of merely examining the Blue Dragon's mind, he is being extremely hostile.

The Ancestor is trying to… mentally enslave the Blue Dragon."

"WHAT THE HELL??" I couldn't help but shout in surprise!

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