The Undying Mecha Emperor

196 Driving the Blue Dragon

"He can do such a thing?? Doesn't that mean that if he wanted to, he could enslave me during that test?" I sputtered in shock.

"If he wanted to, he could kill you in a billion different ways and enslave you in a thousand different methods even without having to put you into that trance." My big bro said with a thin smile.

I blinked a few times at his words.

Of course it didn't make me feel much better. But it did reveal to me a little bit the extent of the old man's power.

Not that I needed the extra revelation though.

He was at that moment trying to enslave a full grown Blue Dragon, damn it. As a human being, double damn it.

He was an incomparable existence!

"So how can we help him win the battle? It would be great if we can have a tame Blue Dragon on our side." I finally said after a few seconds of silence. All the while, we were speeding down deep into the Blue Dragon's lair.

By my estimation, the lair was an incredible ten kilometers under the ocean bed!

"We need to weaken the Blue Dragon's mind and strengthen the Ancestor's. To do that, we need to find a bunch of mental poison and drug the Blue Dragon, while also find some to boost the Ancestor's." My big bro said.

"And you are sure that you will find them in the Blue Dragon's lair? Won't they be completely soggy after spending years underwater?" I asked doubtfully.

"Soggy…? Ha! You are so strong that I forget that you're just a dumb ten year old." My big bro barked out a laugh.

He started to slow down at that point. We have reached an underwater cavern of sorts.

"Lights." Bruce Pang said.

With a single thought, I created a hundred powerful omni directional light sources and spread them everywhere.

However, to my surprise, the hundred powerful light sources failed to illuminate the entire cavern!

"Holy smokes, this cavern is seriously massive." I exclaimed as I created a thousand more light sources and spread them out even further away, right at the edges of my initial hundred light source's range.

But still, I failed to illuminate the sides of the cavern.

It was more than five kilometers deep!

I refused to be defeated by the sheer size of a mere cavern, and I immediately created the brightest, most powerful sources of light the world had ever seen and sent a full ten thousand of them surging deep into the damned cave.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

And finally, my efforts bore fruit.

Our mecha visual sensors finally caught sight of the cavern walls, twenty five freaking kilometers deep.

"There!" I cried out triumphantly to my big bro. "How do you like this brightly lit room? You're welcome."

However, he ignored me completely.

He was slowly scanning the entirety of the cavern, presumably looking for the treasure trove that he knew must be hidden somewhere within.

I decided to lend him a hand and quickly unleashed my resonance in all directions as well, while I slowly drifted forward into the bright but completely still body of water.

I figured that if it was a treasure trove, it wouldn't be a strange thing if there was a machine of sorts, right? Or maybe I could even detect his biomech parts.


My resonance spread out far and wide, covering the entire cave… and found nothing!

"Huh? There are no machines here in this damned lair? What sort of stupid treasure trove has no machines at all?" I muttered, feeling rather disgruntled.

"Lair?" Bruce Pang finally responded in an amused voice. "You think a peak existence like a Blue Dragon would be content to make this… hole, its lair?"

"This is not its lair?" I asked in confusion. "The water is still in this place. This is the end of the "road" here. There is nothing beyond this place!"

"Exactly. And the question is, where is the entrance?" Bruce Pang said.

"Ahh… So this is an antechamber. The waiting room into its lair." I finally understood the situation.

Or so, I thought.

"No, this is not a waiting room." Bruce Pang said calmly. "This is a killing room. The empty space before a fortress' walls. A place for enemies seeking to attack its lair to die."

I could only gulp nervously with his revelation, and slowly make my way back towards the entrance.

For a few long minutes, we merely hovered there near the entrance, trying our best to detect the gate at least.

But it was for naught.

There was nothing in front of us, just a massive body of empty, still and lifeless water.

There were no plants, no life forms there.

Finally, Bruce Pang sighed.

"I guess we have no other method except for…" He glanced at the unconscious Blue Dragon where the Ancestor was still hidden somewhere within its body.

We didn't have time to physically confirm the Ancestor's body. But Bruce Pang had ascertained earlier that he was there somewhere, so he was content with it.

"Except for what?" I asked to urge him to tell me his plan.

"Except for you to lead the way with the Blue Dragon's body. The entrance might be biologically programmed to only open in the presence of its owner's body. However…"

I sighed deeply and braced myself for the catch that would probably place me in some sort of extreme danger.

"The biological defenses might detect that the Blur Dragon is unconscious and react accordingly to save him." My big bro said solemnly.

"Biological defenses? I don't like the sound of that. And it can detect the Blue Dragon's mental state? Are you sure?" I asked rather doubtfully.

"No, I am not sure. Do you want to risk it?" He asked me seriously.

It was the first time my big bro actually asked me a question as an equal and sought my opinion.

Of course I told him my most honest thoughts about the situation..

"Hell no. Let's not risk anything. Let's just throw the damned lizard forward and wait here. If the entrance opens up, we go after it. If the defenses react, then we react too." I answered.

"And risk the Ancestor's life?" Bruce Pang rolled his eyes at me.

"He is hidden somewhere within the Blue Dragon, we won't be risking his life in the slightest." I said and stuck to my guns obstinately. "In fact, he should be much safer compared to us if everything goes south. I mean, the "biological defenses" you mentioned probably won't attack their own master, right?"

"Yeah? Okay, in that case let's hide ourselves within the Blue Dragon's body as well. If it is as you say and it is much safer being found in the Blue Dragon than outside of it, then it should be the best way forward." Bruce Pang said and nodded at my words appreciatively.

I gaped at him in surprise at his sly maneuvering of the conversation.

"Sneaky bastard!" I verbalized my thoughts without holding anything back.

"Let's go. I will leave Chronos behind. Give me an exosuit as well and let's make our way to the Ancestor. Once we're there, you can drive the Blue Dragon forward." Bruce Pang said.

What else could I do?

Within moments, I was driving the damned Blue Dragon forward.

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