Chapter 163 Donghuang, help me

"Run away, I have tried my best, this is my strongest incarnation!"

A sigh lingered in Feng Qing'an's ears. Feng Qing'an raised his head and watched in surprise as the goddess's body gradually disintegrated before his eyes like a landslide, and finally turned into a wisp of mountain wind and disappeared into the increasingly violent wind and rain. middle.

one strike!

Bailangjiang Shuijun held the magic weapon, and with just one blow, the goddess of Wuling Mountain who had been suppressing him was defeated, and even the red leopard underneath him disappeared.

This goddess is not in person, but has lost some power. Killing a god is not that simple. It must either be crushed by absolute power, or the right time, place and people are indispensable. Otherwise, the majestic mountain god would not be so simple. Fall.

"Nu Luo, I accept your kindness today, and I will definitely repay you in the future!"

The scene that just happened was so fast that Feng Qingan had no time to take action.

Although Feng Qingan felt that he did not need Nvluo's protection, since he had to suffer so much damage and also brought out the hidden backhand of Suicune, then this was a kindness to him, and Feng Qingan would bear it in mind. The heart will never forget.

"It's your turn, Mr. Feng!"

Where Feng Qing'an stood, the clouds and rain within a ten-foot radius quickly dissipated and soon turned into drizzle. However, ten feet away, it was still pouring rain, and at the junction of this particularly strong and weak rain curtain, there was a A young man in red armor holding a golden spur stared at him with a twisted smile.

"No one will come to save you now. As my last mercy, I can allow you to choose a way to die. How about Ling Chi?

I can protect your heart, cut off your flesh and blood piece by piece, and slowly eat you into my stomach bit by bit. I am looking forward to what kind of expression your face will show during this process. . "

Hong Xi, who felt that everything was under control, asked unhurriedly. At this moment, in his eyes, Feng Qing'an was already a lamb waiting to be slaughtered, and he was allowed to flatten and round him without any resistance.

"Isn't this how to eat fish meat? I'm sorry for you, but looking at your body, it's not surprising that you can think of such a method of revenge!"

Not only was there no fear on Feng Qing'an's face, but he said this after pondering for a while.

"you wanna die!"

After hearing this, Hong Xi's handsome face slowly darkened. He did not see the expression he wanted to see on Feng Qing'an's face, fear, panic, and then, kneeling down to beg for mercy.

They are obviously just a weak human race. Even if they have extraordinary power, they still can't resist him. They are like a belly in front of him, but they have this attitude.

"Monster, how dare you harm anyone in the territory under my jurisdiction?"

The golden divine light suddenly burst out, like the sun coming down, illuminating everything. The violent clouds and rain were also dispersed at this moment. A figure whose face was obscured by the divine light and whose face was difficult to see stood quietly in front of Feng Qingan. The faint scent of sandalwood lingers on the tip of the nose.

"The City God of Anqing Prefecture!"

Suicune Hongxi looked at the City God who was standing in front of Feng Qingan. His already gloomy face turned completely gloomy, his facial features were distorted, and fine scales appeared on both sides of his cheeks.

"You bastards, I just want to kill a mortal, why do you stop me again and again, stay aside and pretend you didn't see it? Why do you have to find it for yourself? Not happy!"

"You are fighting with the Wuling Mountain God. I can just sit back and ignore you. But if you want to kill people under my jurisdiction, I can't do it. You evildoer, please retreat quickly!"

The City God of Anqing Prefecture scolded that he was already present before this divine war broke out, but he never showed up. After all, there were no mortals around. If he wanted to fight, let them do it. He only needed to lower himself secretly. Just the intensity of erosion caused by heavy rains to farmland will suffice.

"I don't know whether to live or die, even a mere yin god dares to stop me, Ting Hai, help me kill the enemy!"

Suicune Hongxi called out the name of the divine weapon in her hand. Although it was an order, her tone and demeanor were more like a request.

As the words fell, immeasurable thunder burst out from the halberd in his hand. The dazzling lightning stung Feng Qing'an and felt his own eyeballs ache.

"It's just a hybrid ichthyosaur, how dare you be so rampant!"

Facing the power of thunder erupted from a dragon divine weapon, the Anqing Mansion City God, as a Yin God, showed no fear. A large seal appeared in his palm, and the shadows of mountains, rivers, and cities emerged on the golden seal.

The second divine war broke out. This time, Feng Qingan did not sit back and watch, but quickly communicated with Donghuang and borrowed power from the master of Youhuang Ghost Kingdom.

"Donghuang, help me!"

The Mountain Goddess Nu Luo and Sui Lord Hong Xi just had a confrontation. The reason why he didn't take action was because it was just the first confrontation. Nu Luo suppressed Hong Xi, so Feng Qing'an was happy to watch the show from behind and see the high-level What kind of scene is the battle of kings like?

But who would have thought that the stimulation in the words made Suijun Hongxi take out a magic weapon and kill Nvluo in just a split second, so fast that Feng Qingan had no time to react.

Now that the City God of Anqing Prefecture has appeared, he can no longer continue to watch the show. God knows how powerful that magic weapon can be. You can tell by looking at Hong Xi's embarrassing look. He has not mastered this magic weapon at all. Before using it, We still need to discuss it with good words.

Donghuang did not respond, but the majestic power flowing from the third soul contract was the best response. Under the influence of this power, Feng Qingan's appearance, temperament, and living People's breath began to change rapidly.

The originally angular, handsome and heroic face lines became softer and more neutral, the body also became tall and slender at this moment, and the slightly thin body also had a hazy feeling, not like a living person. .

The Anqing Prefecture City God, who had already fought with Shui Lord, felt the sudden burst of cold power behind him, and looked back slightly in shock. As a ghost, he could tell at a glance that Feng Qing'an was indeed a human race, but he really didn't know. He borrowed a power that didn't belong to him from somewhere.

"Today's young people..."

Even if this young man suddenly took out some powerful magic weapon from his body, he would not be surprised. But borrowing such a power that does not belong to the world really makes the Anqing Mansion City God, as a ghost and god, not sure how to evaluate it.

"Second Young Master Feng!"

Compared to Fucheng Huang's shock and surprise, Shuijun Hongxi was completely panicked and frightened. He knew very well what level of power Feng Qingan was erupting at this moment. After all, he was also at this level. .

But compared to him who had just stepped into this realm, the borrowed power from Feng Qingan had clearly reached its peak and was about to enter the next more terrifying realm.

"How can this be?!"

Hong Xi found it unbelievable. He also understood at this moment why this human boy remained calm and composed when facing him from beginning to end. Even though he had already taken out the magic weapon Ting Hai given to him by his grandfather, he remained indifferent.

Because from the beginning to the end, this young man who was a blood brother with his father-killing enemy had always been sure to kill him. All his actions were nothing more than a clown in the eyes of the other party.

Suddenly he understood everything, and all kinds of emotions surged into his heart, so much so that the palm of his hand holding the magic weapon became a little fearful and flinching, because in the end, only the last one was left of those emotions, fear!


Must escape!

This despicable human race has been showing weakness to him, clearly trying to lure him into action. This is a trap for him!

Don't stay long!

As soon as the intention to leave emerged in his heart, a magnificent icy sword energy rushed up into the sky. Wherever the sword energy passed, the heavy rain that fell due to Suicune's dancing of the magic weapon was frozen one after another, turning into frost and ice. , falling extremely fast.

"Your Excellency, please give me a helping hand and keep this beast alive. Don't let him escape!"

The golden-scaled dragon soared out from between the young man's robes, and turned into a size of about ten feet. Then it split in the air, turning into streaks of golden light, which clung to the young man's body, and then wrapped his whole body in solid and thick armor. Below, it is airtight and leaks nothing.

In the blink of an eye, the young man wearing dragon armor was like a god descending to earth, holding the Green God Sword, ascending to the sky, and came to the side of the City God. This made the City God, who had some thoughts in his heart, look at him again.

Dragon hunter? !

In this world, there is a group of people who take pleasure in hunting powerful creatures with dragon bloodline. However, these people move very low-key and have no fixed residence. Wherever they appear, dragons will soon be welcomed. A thunderous blow.

Look at the sword in this young man's hand, the robe on his body, and the armor he just put on. None of them belong to the Dragon Clan. Judging from the hostile behavior of the Dragon Clan Sui Lord at this moment, he does look like a dragon. A dragon hunter who is an enemy of the dragon clan.

However, the Anqing Mansion City God knew that the young man in front of him was not a dragon hunter, because he had seen the young man's portrait and knew who he was.

"Feng Qing'an, you really deserve to die!"

Looking at Feng Qing'an, whose face was wrapped in golden armor, Shuijun Hongxi, who was already jealous, felt a surge of anger in his heart. Even the City God could see it, and of course he could also see that the young man had used it. Everything is taken from the Dragon Clan.


At this moment, he seemed to feel the anger in the Suicune's heart. The water flow entangled him, and the lightning burst out among the divine weapons, and there was an unprecedented huge fluctuation.

The water covered the red armor, and the thunder and lightning followed Hong Xi's palm on the euphorbia pole and rushed into his body, making his eyes filled with thunder.

At this moment, Suicune Hongxi no longer had any fear, and all the timid emotions were expelled. At this moment, there was only an ever-increasing fighting spirit, as well as the murderous intention to face the blood relatives of his father's enemy and those who blocked his actions.


Holding a divine weapon, the dragon-horned young man charged towards Feng Qing'an with boundless thunder and rapids swirling around his body. A violent aura that shattered his body into pieces and showed no signs of fear struck all directions.

"Feng Qing'an, this is the enemy who needs you to borrow power from me? He is actually a waste like this that can't even control weapons and is controlled in reverse. In this case, these are enough for you to kill him!"

A cold and indifferent voice sounded in Feng Qing'an's heart, and at this moment, the steady flow of power from the third soul contract stopped abruptly.

The Lord Youhuang believed that the power she had lent to Feng Qingan was enough to deal with her opponents who had become slaves, and any more would be a waste.

"I see!"

Feng Qing'an responded depressingly, swinging his sword to split the thunderbolts that shot towards him. He didn't know that this guy could be so useless that he couldn't even control the weapon in his hand.

"Master Feng, in this evil state, you don't have to worry about him running away!"

At the same time, Fucheng Huang, who used the golden seal in his hand to calmly use his magical powers to withstand the attacks of thunder and wind and rain, also responded,

"Young master, you can do whatever you want, just kill him!"

"Be careful with his slashes!"

Feng Qing'an said something nonsense that didn't need to be reminded at all, and then calmly flashed a sharp edge that passed in front of him. He saw this sharp edge splitting an unknown ravine on the ground that stretched for dozens of miles. When he turned around, he saw a ravine. sword.

The bright red dragon's blood floated from the sky, but at this moment, Bailangjiang Shuijun had turned into a killing weapon that knew no pain, no fatigue, no fear, and he roared and attacked Feng Qing'an.

Seeing the torrent lingering around him, lightning and thunder were bursting out from every part of his body. Behind him, there was a tens of feet of Chi Kiss Dharma appearing. The young man, who looked extremely fierce and terrifying in terms of aura, was already possessed by the wind that had the same power as him. In Qing'an's eyes, there was almost no threat.

The biggest threat to this Shui Lord is the golden halberd in his hand. Both Feng Qingan and the Anqing Mansion City God know the consequences of being hit by it.

However, such a terrifying power must be able to hit the target to be useful. Feng Qingan's body shape has not changed much, while Fucheng Huang has maintained the size of an ordinary human since he appeared on the scene, and has not manifested the characteristics that a ghost and god should have. The majestic Dharma.

One can only imagine how many threats Suicune can still face, having been deprived of his sanity by the weapons in his hands and only left with the desire to fight.

This guy was originally a pampered playboy. If he were a warrior who had experienced hundreds of battles and lost his fear of battle, he might be even more terrifying, because the instinct to kill has been imprinted on every part of his body.

But this guy is just hacking and slashing randomly now. Even Feng Qing'an can predict his blows. The fate of this Suicune was already doomed the moment his rationality was forcibly suppressed by the magic weapon in his hand. .

"Master Feng, after a while, this beast will be unable to wield weapons and will show its original shape. Please use the sword in your hand to stab its reverse scales and penetrate the dragon's heart. This beast can be killed!"

After more than ten rounds of fighting, the Anqing Mansion City God suddenly said.

"Chiki also has reverse scales?"

"Of course!"

After a while, Sui Lord Hongxi, who was waving the magic weapon wantonly, was just as Fucheng Huang said, and could no longer maintain the magic power of transformation. UU Kanshu The true form of the fish dragon suddenly appeared, and then Feng Qingan discovered A big question.

"Where is this reverse scale?"

Fucheng Huang was silent for a moment, and then gave Feng Qinganxiu a hand on the spot. The rapids surrounding the fish dragon's body, as well as the lightning bursting from its body, seemed to not exist. Under its belly, a faint golden divine power turned into The cross, among the red scales, is not to mention how conspicuous it is.

"Thank you, Mr. Fu!"

Fiery flames burst out from behind and under his feet. Feng Qingan's figure disappeared instantly. When he reappeared, he had already appeared under the belly of the fish dragon. The Green Divine Sword in his hand penetrated the mark of Fucheng God. The sword energy exploded and appeared on the fish dragon. Raging in the belly of the dragon.

"It's done!"

Feng Qing'an felt the vitality falling rapidly from Chi Kiss. ​​He was about to turn back to look for Fucheng Huang and thank him again, but there were no ghosts and gods anywhere, and there was only a lingering sound in his ears,

"Master Feng, please take this corpse and the divine weapon for yourself. This battle is the result of the master alone and has nothing to do with this mansion!"

Today is better than yesterday. I originally planned to go out, but there was no sound until 10 o'clock. But when it was almost 11 o'clock, the electric drill suddenly started again.

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