The Unique Guardian Beast Master in Cultivation World

Chapter 162 The Nine King Soldiers of the Wild Sea

Chapter 164 The Nine Kings of the Wild Sea

"Are you so polite?"

Seeing Fucheng Huang walking so far that he couldn't even see his shadow, Feng Qingan thought for a moment and smiled dumbly. He had figured out the reason. The appearance of the magic weapon named Ting Hai had already reflected it.

Even though Suicune Hongxi's father is dead, he still has a certain status in the dragon clan. He can't be killed at will. After killing him, he doesn't have to worry about other dragon clans hunting down the wild dragon species for revenge.

The background and heels are sometimes so fearsome. Even if one has far greater strength than the opponent, he is still timid in a fight and does not even dare to kill, lest he be killed.

In comparison, he didn't have so many scruples. His brother even killed the other party's father. As a younger brother, what if he killed his son? Too much debt does not weigh you down.


There was a buzzing sound of weapons, and as Chi Kiss's vitality began to disappear, the thunder that filled his body and the water that lingered around his huge body also began to recede, all shrinking back to the golden halberd, this gorgeous spear The divine weapon without losing its domineering power rises into the sky and is about to fly away!

"Where else do you want to go? Stay with me!"

Feng Qing'an had quick eyes and quick hands. He grasped this magic weapon with his free palm. He had already been staring at this halberd. In his eyes, this was the most valuable thing in Shui Lord Hongxi's body. How could he let it fly? Walk.

The moment Feng Qing'an held the halberd, dazzling thunder suddenly erupted from the magic weapon and struck the dragon armor on his body. The water flowing around it was like a ferocious snake, impacting. The powerful impact on him made the armor on his body make a dull roar.


A clear dragon roar sounded, and the illusory golden-scaled dragon rose up from Feng Qingan's body, staring at Tinghai Euphorbia, which was still struggling in Feng Qing'an's hand, trying to fly away, and the long and winding dragon body. Following Feng Qing'an's arm, it wrapped around the halberd and gradually blended into it.

In the process of integrating, Feng Qingan clearly felt that the struggle and resistance of the magic weapon in his hand gradually collapsed. From the initial rebelliousness to the final obedience, the transformation became particularly abrupt.


Not long after, a golden-scaled dragon phantom that was much more solid and no longer ethereal flew out of the Tinghai spurge and merged into Feng Qingan's armor again. At this moment, Feng Qing'an felt, The euphorbia in his hand has become part of the Minglong Armor.

The divine weapon that he had been trying to resist just now, trying to fly away, now gave him a feeling of being in harmony with each other, like an arm. He could wave it around at will and exert the power contained in it.


Feng Qing'an stared at the big halberd in his hand, which was neither surrounded by torrents nor bursting with thunder. All the strange phenomena had subsided and returned to its most ordinary appearance, with a thoughtful look in his eyes.

Even if this magic weapon does not burst out with any extraordinary power, it is still gorgeous and dazzling. On the halberd pole, fine gold scales are arranged neatly. Where the halberd handles meet, a purple gold dragon is coiled. On the halberd head, there is a straight blade in the middle, and the blades on both sides are like The thunder is bent, and the outline of the weapon is slightly transparent, as if it is forged from blue gold.

Such a magical weapon has distinct characteristics, and people can recognize it at a glance. It was forged by the Dragon Clan. However, this powerful magical weapon has just lost everything inside, and its spirituality has been swallowed up and replaced.

[Fifth Soul Contract: Minglong]

[Race: Psychic Armor]

[Attributes: spirit, dragon, water, thunder]

[Potential Level: King·Inferior]

[Combat power level: Commander·Medium]

Feng Qingan, as the master, has mastered all the changes in the Minglong Armor. Both its potential and combat power have increased across levels. Not only that, its attributes have also undergone considerable changes.

This is the first time Feng Qing'an has seen such an easy attribute change, but it is not surprising to see that the magic weapon that has been swallowed up by the Minglong Armor has acquired such attributes.

But only this kind of spiritual armor can have this kind of change. Ordinary creatures can't change so easily. When Black Mountain transformed, it was tortured for a whole night.

"Can swallow divine weapons to grow!"

Feng Qingan had not expected that the Minglong Armor could devour the spirituality of divine weapons, but after thinking about it for a while, he could guess some of the reasons.

Such a change was caused by many factors, the biggest of which was his master.

Without his first drop of blood, without him working day and night to water it with soul power and nourish its spirituality, how could he have swallowed up the spirituality of a magic weapon so easily and replaced it.

Of course, another more important factor is that this divine weapon and the Minglong Armor are compatible, they are both from the dragon clan, and the spiritual status of the Minglong Armor is higher than this divine weapon, which is why such a scene happened.

"Dragon Clan Divine Weapon!"

There is a bright light shining in Feng Qing'an's eyes. His soul power can increase his potential slowly and orderly, regardless of race or object. The shortcomings are also obvious. At low levels, the effect is obvious. Once it reaches a higher level At the same level, it takes time and effort to see changes.

However, in this world, there is no shortage of rare objects and treasures that can defy the heavens and change the fate of all living things. However, there are only a few people who can get the opportunity to be reborn. However, most of those who have such an opportunity do not need it. Or it just doesn't work.

The Minglong Armor suitable for him can greatly increase his potential and combat power in a short period of time. The opportunity for rapid advancement could not be more obvious now.

But in this case, we have to take advantage of the dragon clan. After all, magic weapons like Ting Hai are not something that any dragon species can possess. They have no heel or background. They even have to worry about training resources and can’t even find a suitable weapon. If not, how can we get the magic weapon?

“I’ll just have to play it by ear in the future!”

Feng Qing'an calmed down. Minglongjia was obviously not interested in the dragon robe and the Green Divine Sword on his body, otherwise he would have swallowed them long ago. Obviously, this guy was quite picky and looked down upon the things left behind by the transformation of a certain mountain god.

At this time, the young man looked at Bailangjiang Shuijun, who had been pierced by Ni Lin with his sword and penetrated his heart and lungs. Even though the strong vitality in his body was drained like a landslide, he was still alive and even maintained a clear mind. Without the influence of the magic weapon, he regained his sanity.

He was even able to control the water vapor that filled the sky to make his huge body fall slowly, preventing himself from falling into the mud and ending up in an extremely embarrassed posture.

"Master Feng, I have despised you, and you deserve to suffer this disaster today!"

As he lay dying, extremely strong and complex emotions emerged in Hong Xi's huge dragon eyes, but his reason also told him that there was no way the young man in front of him would let him go, and begging for mercy would only cause him to lose his last dignity and dignity. Useless.

"Don't you think it's too late for you to say this now, Suicune?"

Feng Qingan stepped on Suicune, who used the last of his strength not to fall and to maintain his dignity. He even leisurely looked at the texture structure of the dragon scales under his feet, thinking about its future use.

This is a powerful creature that can be rated as a king in the beast master's system. Although his movements are very awkward, even Feng Qing'an can't bear to look at him, but his background is too good.

Nuluo fought with it and suppressed it throughout the whole process, but in the end she was defeated by the magic weapon and lost her incarnation.

In the process of suppressing him, the girl caused minimal damage to this guy. It's just some fine scales with a few handfuls of dragon's blood shed. It looks good, but look at this guy's physique. It's just a scraping.

Now he stabbed Chi Qi's heart with a sword, pierced Ni Lin, and even poured all the power Donghuang gave him into his body, wreaking havoc in his internal organs. This guy still has some vitality left, but it's on one's last legs.

Feng Qing'an was well aware of his own strength. If Donghuang hadn't given him support, he would have turned around and left without saying a word when he met the king who was so malicious to him. He would never have been carefree and interested in fishing.

Donghuang can crush and kill other ghost kings with a sweeping force, but that doesn't mean he can also do it. What state is Donghuang in? He has almost exceeded the limit and has been promoted to a higher level. An ordinary king is in her In front of him, there is naturally a king.

But as for him, according to the standards of the beast master system, he has only condensed the seven soul contracts. He is preparing to condense the eighth soul contract, which can be regarded as stepping into the realm of the beast master. However, the target is the lord level, which is still a big step away from the king. Woolen cloth.

Moreover, he, the Heavenly Beast Lord, has not been recognized by the system yet. The requirement is to condense ten soul contracts, and only those creatures with contract potential or combat power above the lord level are qualified and can obtain the secret method of the Heavenly Beast Lord, "Heshen". Technique".

If Donghuang could follow him, one sword would be enough for Suijun, a mere dragon species. However, Donghuang has his own foundation as a king in the Netherworld, and he cannot come at will. He can only lend it to him through the soul contract as a medium. strength.

There is no doubt about the strength of Donghuang. Even if he uses Qing Shen to slash out a sword energy, he can easily cut off the limbs of the big demon and cut off the mountain.

Precisely because of this, Feng Qing'an could not take on too much, and could only obtain an insignificant part compared to the leader of Youhuang Kingdom. If there was any more, he would not be considered a human being. Donghuang is an innate Yin spirit, and her power does not belong to the human world.

If he had a choice, Feng Qing'an would avoid borrowing Donghuang's power. The bitter cold feeling all over his body was not pleasant. This was a power that was not compatible with, or even repugnant to, him as a human being.

The moment Donghuang's power faded, the power of the flaming sun filled his whole body. The warmth of his blood, which was almost freezing, made his whole body burst into heat again.

"Haha, Second Young Master Feng, it is indeed too late to say this, but I can foresee that you will soon follow in my footsteps, even more miserable than I am now!"

The dragon's eyes, which had begun to dim, turned, as if he wanted to see what Feng Qing'an who stepped on him looked like now.

"Oh? How can I see it!"

Feng Qing'an asked casually. He could see that cold air was spreading from Chi Qi's belly, gradually freezing his whole body. He didn't have much time.

"Are you very interested in the magic weapon my grandfather gave me? What would you do if I told you that there are eight other similar magic weapons that come from the same source?"


Feng Qingan's eyes narrowed slightly. He was very interested in the grandfather mentioned by this guy.

"I haven't asked yet, where did Suicune's grandfather rule the waters?"

"It's okay to tell you that my grandfather is one of the overseas dragon kings, the Xuanhai Dragon King!"

Hong Xi's body had slowly fallen three feet to the ground, but at this height, he tried his best to maintain it and prevent his noble body from touching the dust.

"Is your grandfather a real dragon?"

Feng Qing'an frowned. Among the Dragon Clan, anyone who dares to claim the title of king must be a real dragon. The ordinary Dragon Clan kings are just monster kings. They never dare to call themselves Dragon Kings, otherwise it would be arrogance.

"Hahaha, are Second Young Master Feng scared? But don't worry, my grandfather is a courageless dragon. I really don't know how he transformed into a real dragon? Even if his own son is killed, he doesn't dare to take revenge!"

When talking about his grandfather, the dying Suicune didn't have any respect in his words, but instead expressed hatred and disdain.

"Can you elaborate?"

Feng Qing'an suddenly became interested and asked enthusiastically.

"There's nothing to say. It was after I was shocked to hear the bad news about my father that I met my Dragon King grandfather for the first time. You don't know how happy I was when I first saw my grandfather.

However, when my grandfather came to see me, he warned me not to have any desire for revenge. He also said that my father was seeking his own death and deserved it. How could such a timid and cowardly dragon deserve to be the Dragon King? "

There was anger in Hong Xi's voice. No one could understand his despair at that time. It was only after that day that he began to be cautious in his words and actions. It was not until recently that he could no longer bear it when he saw his enemy's blood relatives.

"Tsk, then you really are a filial son. Your real dragon grandfather told you not to take revenge, but you attacked me today. Are you so unafraid of death?"

Feng Qing'an couldn't help but marvel. In terms of blood revenge, although this guy's brain circuit was a little crooked, he could still be called filial.

"In the past, when I was a dragon son, I enjoyed all the honors. This was my father's favor. If I can't avenge my father, how can I live in this world?"

"Indeed, so you are going to die soon!"

"Second Young Master Feng, aren't you interested in the other eight magical weapons I mentioned?"

Hongxi said in a weak voice.

"You're clearly trying to trick me, why should I be interested?"

Feng Qingan said disdainfully.

"The Tinghai that my grandfather gave me came from the same source as the other eight divine weapons. They are collectively called the Nine Kings of the Wild Sea. They were left behind after the death of a Dragon King who lived for ten thousand years. When the nine pieces are gathered together, he is the Dragon King. Even the noble ones will salivate!"

Hongxi insisted on revealing the information he had to Feng Qingan, UU Reading www. uukanshu.nnet He has seen the greed of the human race countless times.

"You are so good at bullshitting that even the Dragon King is coveting it. Can your grandfather be willing to give it to you?"

Feng Qing'an sneered and said, although this magic weapon is good, it cannot be a weapon made by a Dragon King. Otherwise, the spiritual power will be like this? It was as if it had just been conceived, and it was as weak as a chicken.

"The Nine Soldiers of the Wild Sea have been around for a long time. Over tens of thousands of years, they have been scattered and reunited. The last time the Nine Soldiers gathered together was eight thousand years ago. There was a man who had the hope of becoming a true dragon. It is held by the Dragon Lord, but it is a pity that the Dragon Lord failed to overcome the catastrophe, and the Nine Kings soldiers were scattered in all directions again, and their spirituality was severely damaged by the catastrophe."

Didn't the level I set clearly? Why do some readers think that the protagonist can now kill a king-level water god with one sword? Whether they are dragons or gods, they are all very powerful racial attributes.

The protagonist can only borrow part of Donghuang's power. He can reach the level of the king at the level of the great demon, that is, at the lord level. The lower kings need to look for the right time and place to find an opportunity to make a move. Higher levels will not Having said that, the battles in the first two chapters were indeed written a bit slowly. I will reflect on this and will not do it next time. However, I must point out that the protagonist cannot defeat Suicune in seconds. If he does, his combat power will collapse.

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