“Mr. Miller, Miss Timaria, welcome both.”

Hill took the dish, placed it on the table, and then thanked Miller and the two.

Seriously, Hill couldn’t help but sigh a little at this moment, she just invested at random, and as a result, she caught two deep-sea giant sharks at once?

That’s a lot of luck, right?

“Didn’t you promise Miss Hill? That’s why we came. ”

Miller looked at Hill and said with a smile.

“Then enjoy, our food here, even in the whole of Eulari, is quite famous.”

Hill said with a confident look.

After all, Oraly’s most awarded and popular restaurant is not self-proclaimed.


Miller nodded at Hill and began to enjoy the meal.

In the following time, Miller and others began to enjoy the food.

However, the news that Alphia and Chardo appeared, and then joined the Hestia family, swept the entire Euler 12 Li at once like a hurricane.

But any adventurer who came from the time of Zeus and Hera, will not forget these two names.

After all, no matter which of these two people, they belong to the legendary heroes.

Originally, everyone thought that these two people had completely disappeared into history with the demise of Zeus and Hera’s family, but now you tell him that the other party is not dead?

Even joined the Hestia family?

That’s a bit hard to accept, isn’t it?


Loki dependents.

Among the entire Eulari, if you want to say which family is the most uncomfortable, it may be the Loki family.

If nothing else, in Loki’s opinion, Hestia is her worst class enemy.

Before this, the reason why Luo Gene was a dependent, he could also be more proud in front of Hestia, and it could even be said to be arrogant.

After all, she is one of Eulalie’s double kings, and Hestia? But there is not even a dependent.

As a result, now, Hestia walked in front of her at once, no, this is not to say walking in front, but standing on her head.

“Damn, in this case, the next time I meet Hestia, how can I show off?”

Loki sat in his room with a distressed expression.

“Compared to showing off, Loki, the most important thing now is to consider what kind of impact the appearance of Alphia and Chardo will have on our dependents, even Eulari?”

Finn looked at the distressed Loki, and after rolling his eyes, he also said with a little helplessness.

“Hahahaha, this kind of thing, isn’t it up to you to deal with it.”

Loki laughed, saying it had nothing to do with her.

“But you can also rest assured, Hestia there, I still have a little face, at least I can guarantee that the other party will not attack us, Hestia is not such a god.”

Speaking of this, Loki also patted his chest and made a guarantee.

“That’s enough.”

After hearing Loki’s words, Finn was also relieved.

I think that the god who can be friends with Loki should not be the kind of god who is aggressive.

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Otherwise, Loki, an unusual god, would not be friends with the other party.

What the?

Loki and each other often love and kill each other?

Is that the problem? That is a friendly relationship between friends of God, and those who do not understand it, give me no nonsense.

“However, in this case, it seems that a god meeting will also be held.”

At this moment, Loki’s face also showed a thoughtful expression.

After all, the best way for gods to get along with each other is through the gods.

“Decided, seven days later, hold a divine meeting.”

Loki clapped.

“Yes.” [ Read more novels for free on our website: tinyurl.com/2aa54z8b ]

In this regard, Finn and other three giants also nodded and agreed at the same time, without the slightest opinion.

Although it is said that holding a god meeting requires a lot of costs, but on the contrary, isn’t it also possible to gain a certain amount?

As things stand, these are just monetary contributions, which is really nothing.

“But then we have to redouble our efforts.”

Riveria looked at Finn and the others, and his expression immediately became serious, “With the appearance of Alphia and Chardo, this means that L6 is really nothing, no, it should be said that L7 is nothing, L8 and L9 are the existence at the apex.”

If we don’t want to fall behind and be pressed by each other again, then we must break through the limit, not to mention others, at least all three of us must break through to L7. ”

“L7 is not that easy.”

After hearing this, Grace couldn’t help but sigh.

Otherwise, before this, there would not be only Ota L7 among Eulari.

“There is no doubt that we have enough in terms of accumulation, and what is missing now is great deeds.”

Finn looked at both Riveria and Grace, then at Loki, his eyes becoming firm, “Sorry, Loki, we might have to take a risk.” If it succeeds, then everything goes without saying, but it failed …”

Once the impact fails to attack, 467 naturally needless to say, without them, what kind of situation the Loki clan will become, no one knows.

But even then, that’s not a reason for them to stand still.

When there is only one Ota at the apex of Eulari, they may still have a reason to convince themselves that they don’t have to take risks.

Because of the union of the three of them, even Ota is able to fight.

But now, the so-called L7 is just a bigger ant.

Are there still fewer L7s killed by these two people?

Since it has reached such a point, it is time to break the cauldron and sink the boat, and then break through the limit in one fell swoop.

As for the failure of the breakthrough?

By then, people will already be dead, what is the use of thinking so much?

“You guys… Seriously? ”

Loki no longer smiled casually, but instead looked at Finn and the three seriously, wanting to know if the three were serious.

“Sorry, Loki, please allow us to be willful.”

Riveria also apologized to Loki.

“I think you can try it, at most it is just giving your own life.”

Grace also said with a smile, for death, there is no care at all.

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