“I see.”

Looking at the determined eyes of Finn and the three people, Loki also knew that even if he wanted to stop it, it was useless.

The other party will not stop because she stops her.

“Since you have all made your decision, then I will not stop you, but I have a request.”

The expression on Loki’s face was unusually serious and serious.

“You say.”

Finn gestured for Loki to be able to speak.

“No matter what, as long as you can survive, you must definitely seize the opportunity to survive, even if you lack arms and legs, you know?”

Loki looked at the eyes of the three people, extremely serious.

She clearly knew that with the strength of three people, unless it was an overwhelming force, it was impossible to resist the force, otherwise, just survive, this could still be done.


Finn’s eyes softened after hearing Loki’s request.

In Loki’s words, his concern for them was still quite obvious.

“Don’t worry, none of us want to die, we will naturally survive.”

Riveria said with a smile.

Although she is more than a hundred years old, in the elven race, she is still a young girl, and naturally she is not willing to die like this.

“If it’s Rivera, even if you’re disabled, I’ll raise you for the rest of your life, I promise.”

Loki leaned over to Rivera’s side with a fawning expression.

“Sorry, if I’m really disabled, then I’ll just go back to the Elven Forest, and I’ll have my own family.”

Riveria looked at Loki’s appearance, and immediately showed a disdainful expression.

What is this guy thinking in his heart, will she not know? So, how is it possible to throw yourself into the net?

“Really let you take care of it, I guess I will be detained in the basement.”

Riveria rolled her eyes at Loki angrily, this guy is not a good bird.


Loki, who was complained about, was not angry, but showed a smile on his face.

Because this kind of thing is indeed what she can do.

“Riviglia, you really look at people.”

Loki sighed, Riveria really understood her.


Hearing Riviglia here, his expression suddenly became hehe.

She knew that Loki didn’t want to be faceless, but she didn’t expect the other party to be so faceless?

“Okay, that’s the end of the joke.”

Loki’s expression suddenly became serious, “That’s what I ask for, and also, prepare me for everything, give me everything you need, don’t care about money.”

Even if you spend all the funds in your family’s account, there is no problem. ”

“Don’t worry, you’re welcome.”

Grace said with a smile.


Looking at the three Finns who left together, Loki’s face suddenly became low.

You know, these three people are her original dependents, and if something really happens to them, she herself feels that she can’t accept it.

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“It seems that you have to ask for help.”

Such a thought flashed in Loki’s heart.

For the sake of these lovely children of her family, she just lost face, so what?

“It doesn’t matter if you kneel on the ground.”

Loki thought viciously.

Freya’s family.

“Otta, how’s it going? Feeling stressed? [ Read more novels for free on our website: tinyurl.com/2aa54z8b ] )

The goddess Freya, who had returned to the Tower of Babel, looked at Ota beside her and asked with a smile.

“I’m slacking.”

Ota said with a serious look.

He’s just an L7, and now he’s actually slack? Stuck to the table? It’s just the biggest joke.

At this time, Horta remembered again the fear of being ruled by the Zeus and Hera tribes.


Otta’s eyes instantly became hot.

He felt like he had a purpose again.


Seeing that Ota was not hit, but perked up, Freya’s face also showed a satisfied expression.

But seriously, even so, Freya felt a trace of pity in her heart.

How did an adventurer of this level go to Hestia? Why can’t you come to her?

It was clear that Hestia had nothing there, and she was Olali’s strongest clan now.

Well, Freya obviously forgot that in front of a strong person of the level of Alphia and Chardo, the rank of dependents really didn’t matter.

What they needed, Hestia really couldn’t give them, but Freya could give it?

Since it can’t be given, what does it matter what dependents you join?

It’s better to join a family that you find pleasing to your eyes.

At least they think that Hestia’s family is good, after all, there are few people, and there is nothing messy.


In the depths of the guild, the great god Ouranos also received news of the reappearance of Alphia and Chardo.

“Joined the Hestia clan?”

Even Ouranos, after learning the news, couldn’t help but be stunned there, and for a while he showed a trace of dazedness.

“What are they doing?”

Ouranos showed doubt, “Could it be that the Hestia clan has what they need?” It’s not right, or are those two new people cultivated by them? ”

Unfortunately, there is no evidence for this series of conjectures, and (Wang Zhao) is just a conjecture.

“However, the appearance of the two of them is also a good thing for Eurali, at least those mice hiding in the gutter must be careful.”

Thinking of Ouranos here, a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, and then he closed his eyes again and continued to suppress the dungeon with divine power.

In short, the entire Eulari was shaken by the appearance of Alphia and Chardo.

People who understand their strength aside, those who don’t know know that they are all L7, and they also know what this means.

Under such circumstances, the Hestia clan suddenly became the strongest dependant of Eulari from an unknown dependent.

“Hestia, this guy, is really lucky.”

Hestia’s friends couldn’t help but sigh and fly at this moment.

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