The Unkillable Swordsman

Chapter 514: Defeat

"Young chief ..."

The remaining two commanders saw their heads and the dead body of the chief commander, and could not help taking a breath.


"We must unite to fight this human knight!"

"The chieftain's enemies must be reported. No one dares to kill the leader of our Coldblade tribe. But the most important thing for us now is to obey the order of the archbishop and conquer this space channel!"

Several commanders glanced at Baili Qingfeng with dread, and gradually stopped chasing.

The human knight in front of him is obviously not their existence. Once he beheads them like a big leader, no one can resist it!


Seeing that these people were not coming, Baili Qingfeng had to stop the pace of retreat.

Kite flow tactics no longer work?

Isn't this caveman tribe very heroic?

"You don't chase it. Only I killed it. It's just ... Once injured, I'm afraid it will take me half a day to recover. This time, the cycle of opening the space channel will not solve this tribe."

Baili Qingfeng turned around.


Seeing Baili Qingfeng actually turned around to kill him, the Grotto man who had feared his mighty power and would not dare to chase it down easily suddenly turned his eyes outraged: "This mankind is so brave! The first team, the second Team, Third Team! Listen to my orders, form a battle line, and siege this human! What about human knights? Our cold blade tribe has not been killed! Today, my cold blade tribe will take a blood knight flag of a human knight! "

"Roar! Roar! Roar!"

The three elite teams with three hundred cavemen roared and swarmed under the leadership of the little leader.

As for the commander, it was wise to retreat a little bit, mixed into the brigade, responsible for the central dispatch and command.

"Three hundred!"

Baili Qingfeng calculated slightly.

Now he is more or less a master, and there are armors next to him, if there are only three hundred ...

Can kill!

At this point, Baili Qingfeng sprinted and smashed into the cavemen soldiers who were slain by three hundred.

The dominance of the ninth-level dominator made it easy for him to knock the first caveman warrior into the crowd, smashing into the crowd, causing a burst of people to turn over.

The warrior-level cavemen who were once so powerful and physically powerful that Baili Qingfeng was deeply jealous. At this moment, it has become worthless. After breaking the limit of the second human body, even a small commander-level caveman is pure His strength is inferior to his half chip.

Baili Qingfeng hardly dodged, and rammed through the siege of three hundred cavemen warriors. No matter whether it is an ordinary caveman or a caveman warrior, no one can be called his one enemy, and three hundred blood spattered. Grotto warriors diminish at a rate that is visible to the naked eye.

The advantages brought by the comprehensive crushing of this attribute make this battle not so much a battle as a unilateral slaughter!

"Siege him! Siege him to me! Even a human knight cannot last in the fierce battle. When he runs out of energy, he will surely die!"

The leader of the cave drank and gathered a group of cavemen soldiers to surround Baili Qingfeng with no way out.

The cave people themselves belong to a brave and warlike race. The regular army is strictly trained and prohibited. Even if soldiers are constantly killed by Baili Qingfeng, they still go on and on.

Even if their attack couldn't break even the shining gold armor of Baili Qingfeng, they still fought for his life and wanted to cut a knife or cut an axe on him.

Blood, fire, screams, roars ...

During the fierce confrontation, the Grotto soldiers who fell into the hands of Baili Qingfeng continued to grow, more and more, from fifty at the beginning, to gradually over one hundred, and then to more than half damage, as a last resort, the leader once again Pulled the two teams back and put them in the siege of Baili Qingfeng.

But even so, Baili Qingfeng still did not have the slightest sense of fatigue and weakness. During the killing and fighting, more and more cavemen soldiers fell, and the corpses almost covered the battlefield that stretched for thousands of meters.

"Leader, this human knight is definitely the most pinnacle of the knights ... even not far from the realm of big knights, our Coldblade tribe continues to die with him, the loss is too great, or go to the knights of Blood Wolf Adults ask for support. "

A little commander saw the grotto warrior as if he had been killed, a little bitter.

"Retreat? Where is it going? Tianmaoshan battlefield? There is also a giant meat grinder! In these years, tens of thousands of heroic warriors buried in that battlefield by our tribe who believe in the blood temple, even our cold blade tribe Thousands of people were lost in that battlefield, and the hope was placed on the Tianyu Mountain battlefield. Our entire Hanblade Department will be lightened. Taking down this space passage is the only opportunity for our Hanblade tribe to get rid of the Tianyushan battlefield ... "

This commander-level caveman looked at the human knight who was almost drowned by the cavemen's warriors. His eyes were full of cold light: "Humans have limited physical strength and cannot be compared with our cavemen, even if the knights have been fighting for a long time We have killed two human knights in a similar way. Right now he has been fighting **** for ten minutes, and he ca n’t hold on for long. As long as we continue, the final winner must be our cold blade tribe! "

"This human knight seems to have enough power. To kill him does not know how many heroic warriors need to be sacrificed. Moreover, you can guarantee that this human knight is the only knight opposite the space channel !?"

The little leader was dissatisfied.

"You are questioning my order !?"

Commander-level burrow people look terrific.

At this time, another leader suddenly ran over with a cave man: "Front commander, small dog leader, I brought a person, this person is a wise apprentice from the blood axe tribe a month ago. Tooth, saying there is important intelligence reporting. "

A wise man can be transferred directly to a sacrifice after being inherited from the temple. Although the sage apprentice cannot master the power of the Warsong as a sacrifice, he is proficient in all kinds of knowledge, pharmacy, and medicine. .

Coupled with the fact that they are logistical personnel, they will not enter the frontal battlefield, and the survival rate is extremely high.

"Master, I recognize it! I know this human knight who has turned into gray! Although he changed his armor, I can be 100% sure that he is the devil! An endless power, endless energy, I do n’t know The weary devil! He was destroyed by our Ironfang tribe, the bloodaxe tribe died because of him, the tribe's patriarch, and several big leaders from Bloodwolf were all killed by him mercilessly. This is the courage and the sword impossible. Defeated monster! "

Blacktooth looked at Baili Qingfeng, who opened the killing ring in the distance, eyes full of fear.

"The blood axe tribe is destroyed in his hands! Isn't the blood axe tribe destroyed by the tide of death?"

"It's him! The tide of death was brought by him, and if it wasn't for the fact that he killed almost all the elite of our blood axe department, so that all the soldiers of our blood axe tribe would not dare to go out in the tribe, why would we have no prevention? Surrounded by the tide of death? "

Blacktooth's short body shivering in a robe shivered: "He is a devil wandering tirelessly in the wilderness, and every time he appears, he will bring endless death and killing. He originally only lived in remote areas south of Blood Wolf City. Somehow Will pop up here! "

"He killed almost all the elite of the Bloodaxe Horde? He was alone !? How could it be !?"

The sharp leader's eyes showed an incredible color.

The blood axe tribe is a big tribe no less inferior to their Hanblade tribe. During the heyday of the tribe, there were nearly 20,000 people.

"This is a monster who knows no fatigue, no pain, no fear, no death. Even if you pierce his heart, he can still continue to fight with you, even if you send thousands of soldiers to fight against him, he still You can pull your team away by running away. Once you are tired and ca n’t run, he will come back and devour the opened team little by little ... He is the source of doom, yes The beginning of the destruction ... our blood axe tribe and blood wolf city's army has four big commanders and thousands of soldiers killed by this tactic ... "

This caveman warrior had pain and fear on his face.

"Four big commanders !? Thousands of soldiers !?"

Feng Man took a deep breath.

Four big commanders and thousands of soldiers swarmed up, the big knights could be killed by their siege, and the human being in front of him ...

Several leaders looked at each other and saw the fear in each other's eyes.


The Inu Rong leader screamed.

In just this moment, there were more than a dozen heroic cavemen warriors killed under the sword of that human knight. If that human knight is really as endlessly physically as Nu Tao said ...

Their heroic warriors from the Coldblade Tribe doubled again, I'm afraid not enough for this human knight ... not enough for this humanoid devil to kill.

"Damn, why are there such monsters among humans !?"

Two hundred heroic warriors have sacrificed heroically in order to consume the physical strength of this human being.


Baili Qingfeng didn't seem to be able to continue after a bit ~ ~ And he also saw the speed of the opponent, once the opponent broke out, and then leave the battlefield at full speed ...

They can't stop it!

As Blacktooth said, this is a devil that courage and sword cannot defeat!

"Withdraw! Withdraw! Withdraw! Give up on the attack on this space channel!"

The commander shouted: "We retreat to Blood Wolf City two hundred kilometers away! There are two temple knights in Blood Wolf City, and the Archbishop is also sitting in Blood Wolf City. We will send people to the Temple for help while retreating!"


Inu Randa drank the order immediately.

Although the Grotto fighters are not afraid of death, they can still be frightened when they face this human knight who is wrapped in metal armor as if there is no limit. The militia who has been forcibly recruited may already be defeated.

With orders now, all the cavemen fighters retreated quickly and fled in all directions.

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