The Unkillable Swordsman

Chapter 515: Great victory


Under the siege of the enemy, Baili Qingfeng, who was hardly breathing, suddenly felt that the environment outside was loose.

He lifted his head, and the cavemen who had been slaying him all over did not disperse?

Escaped! ?

Not besieging him?

He was almost unable to support it, and he began to wonder whether he should break out first, pull out the battle lines and fronts of these cavemen, and change the front dead tactics to kite flying tactics. As a result ...

Did they run away?

"The people in the Grotto are really not as good as each other. When I first came in, I praised them for their courage and fearlessness ... How long did it take for them to be revealed?"

Baili Qingfeng held the sword in his hand: "The living force of these cavemen must be eliminated as much as possible, so as to reduce the pressure of the Sixth Army!"

In other words, he strode meteor, hunting down those scattered cavemen soldiers one by one.

He focused on taking care of those in the caves driving chariots.

A chariot has several tons and sells for hundreds of millions. Now he has some negative assets on his body.

There is a balance in the shrimp, waiting for him to check out.

In particular, he went to the star track city and saw the large sums of money of those big families. He even felt that his imagination had been limited by poverty.

When someone eats a favorite food, they directly buy a restaurant!

And what about him?

Obviously likes the star track city, very kind, but can't help it!

This is the gap.

"Take away the chariot, take it all away!"

Feng Mang kept giving orders, but he hid in the center and did not dare to be a soldier.

Coupled with the death of the great commander, he belongs to the new commander, and Baili Qingfeng killed all the cavemen with intimidation. All the cavemen fleeed one by one, and ignored him for half a minute.

Especially after Baili Qingfeng captured ten chariots, he was still hunting and escaping the cave people, which accelerated the defeat.

"Damn ... don't run in the direction of the tribe! Return to Blood Wolf City! Escape to Blood Wolf City! I have made people go to Blood Wolf City for help first. The elite temple knights in Blood Wolf City can definitely stop this human monster!"

Feng Man shouted.

It's just that he didn't shout. For a shout, the sight of Baili Qingfeng, who was hunting down ordinary cavemen, fell on him instantly.

"call out!"

With the figure flying, the distance of less than 300 meters was quickly crossed by the Baili Qingfeng, and the cavemen warriors and cavemen warriors who intercepted them in front of him were not his enemy at all. They were hit by flying.

At the moment of life and death, the forward commander knew that there was no way to avoid it, and shouted to inspire his brave and arduous attempt with Baili Qingfeng.


He wasn't greeted by the sword sword light of Baili Qingfeng, but by the mighty thunderous figure of the innate **** Zuz carrying a mighty thunder.

"Do not!"

In the face of the evil that this great commander could not carry, a flash of despair flashed in Fengmang's eyes: "The archbishop! Go and ask the archbishop! Only the archbishop and the temple knight can fight this human ... this devil ..."


He didn't finish talking, and the thunder rod of the inborn **** Zuz fell down, and then the sword of Baili Qingfeng had passed through his skull ...

Stinger! Draw a sword!

Simply neat!

After all, it's just a commander-level caveman, and Baili Qingfeng doesn't have much feeling to kill.

Jianguang turned back, and Baili Qingfeng soon looked at the other cavemen.

During this period, whenever a caveman commander or a small commander dared to stand up and give unified command, he would immediately be stared at and killed by Baili Qingfeng.

Without the guidance of the leader, the retreat quickly turned into a great escape. One by one, the "heroic" cavemen warriors smashed away, hoping that their parents would have two more legs to avoid the nightmare-like horror!

Among the fleeing troops, Blacktooth also followed the flow.

He was full of panic, but also full of uncertainty about the future.

He saw with his own eyes the horrible path of destruction of this human knight.

First their Ironfang tribe, then the powerful Bloodaxe tribe, now ...

The main force of the Cold Blade Tribe is going to be wiped out?

Especially the growth rate of this human knight!

When destroying their Ironfang tribe, although this human was terrible, it was not so terrible. If he did not rely on magic, he could at best be comparable to the cavemen warriors. Even if it was overestimated, the small leader was the limit.

but now……

The physical strength is not inferior to the Grand Commander, plus the magic he has mastered ...

The general leader is afraid that he is not his opponent!

What the **** is this ...

"Devil, this is definitely the devil devouring soul power! These soul powers have reduced to his nourishment, making him constantly stronger, so that now he has reached the point of great domination! Death is like wind, and killing is like wings! His arrival in this world is to bring Come to destroy, his existence is the nightmare of our cavemen! "

The black teeth shuddered all over him!

The whole soul is shrouded in this unspeakable fear!


Sixth Army Station!

Xiao Lige, Si Kongdao and others waited outside the space passage one by one, with anxiety and anxiety in their expressions and inexplicable expectations.

"Haven't you come out yet?"

"Don't worry, the space channel will be closed for half an hour. I believe the hero of Qingfeng will give us a reply anyway."

"Should we go in and have a look? We have three Gods of War, ten war generals, and a Grand Master. Even if there is really any danger in it, we can react to retreat in time?"

The senior leaders of the group army gathered to discuss.

Si Kongdao looked at the crowd and said for a moment, "We must have confidence in the hero of Qing Feng. The hero of Qing Feng is a ninth-level master and he wears a set of shining gold armor. Even if he meets the chief of the cavemen, The enemy can also withdraw from the whole body, so let's wait, and at the same time, let the soldiers recharge. At the moment, the hero of Qing Feng has not brought news of safety, and we cannot relax our vigilance for a moment. "

When Si Kongdao said this, it was hard for others to say anything.

Everyone has their own responsibilities, and standing in their own position should be responsible for their own duties.

While everyone was anxiously waiting, a layer of ripples flashed outside the space channel, and a figure suddenly appeared.

Seeing that figure, Xiao Lige shouted the first and couldn't help shouting: "It's Qingfeng Sovereign, it's our heroic heroic Baili Qingfeng!"

"Here comes, he comes, he came with Chen Jin!"

The faces of other Gods of War and Generals were also full of excitement.

"The hero of Qingfeng is calling us!"

Xiao Lige saw Baili Qingfeng gesturing with him and strode forward as soon as possible.

"The opposite side is already safe, the enemy has been defeated, summon the elite who can withstand the gravity of the Second World, go to clean the battlefield, and move all the Chenjin back. It cannot be wasted. I will continue to chase those defeated cavemen and see if they can The threat of people in the cave opposite this space passage cannot be completely resolved. "

Baili Qingfeng also explained such a sentence, and then re-entered the space channel.

"It's safe !?"

"The enemy has been defeated !? The hero of the Qing Feng defeated the cavemen !?"

"It looks like there weren't many cave people sent over this time."

All the generals and gods of war were relieved one by one, and they all relaxed after getting the accurate information of Baili Qingfeng.

"Okay, it's not too late, we're going to pack up the loot right away, and the space channel is about to close."

Xiao Lige said, walking towards the space channel for the first time.

The Sixth Army has been guarding this space channel for several years. It has never known what the space channel is like. They can only rely on advanced military equipment to defend against the attacks of the cavemen.

And these military equipments need to form a system and a complete supply line in order to exert combat effectiveness.

The space channel can only be opened once a month, and it has been opened for only a few hours. I want to establish a production system in another world ...

too difficult!

This is why few countries can rely on military forces to carry out raids in the Second World.

Under the convening of the generals and gods of war, the elite soldiers were quickly selected and entered the space passage in three batches.

As soon as they arrived in the Second World, the crowd immediately felt a strong **** breath.

"this is……"

Xiao Lige strode forward and looked at the bodies of at least two or three hundred cavemen within a kilometer's radius, widening his eyes suddenly.

"Oh my gosh! This ... how many cavemen are there !?"

A **** of war who followed him couldn't help but exclaim.

"The people in the caves who died here are afraid that there are two or three hundred people. The regular soldiers in the caves have a high morale. They will defeat only after half of the damage. More than five hundred! "

Another God of War speculated, and when he calculated this result, the pupil narrowed sharply: "Five Hundred Cavemen Warrior !? The hero of Qing Feng was fighting against the Hundred Cavemen Warrior with one person !? Also killed two or three hundred people !? "

"A lot of chariots! Ten, here are ten chariots! This is more than twenty tons of Chenjin!"

"Xiao Lige's guard, general commander, general Dou Kui, come and see!"

At this time, a war general suddenly exclaimed: "This style of armor ... this ... shouldn't it be what I imagine !?"

After hearing his exclamation, Xiao Lige and the two Gods of War ran over quickly. When they saw the corpse of the burrowing man and the armor on him, the three seemed to think of something, their faces couldn't bear it. Lived in shock.

"Large commander-level armor! I have read the relevant literature, and you have read it correctly. This is a high commander-level armor!"

"Heroes of Fengfeng ... the team has begun a big command !?"

The three looked at each other ~ ~ and saw the shock and incredibleness in each other's eyes at the same time.

After a while, Si Ming took a deep breath: "After all, the Qingfeng hero is the ninth-level master, and it is not a strange thing to be the leader."

"That's it, but ... look at the battlefield ..."

Dou Kui said, pointing to the small flying axe scattered around the ground, and the dozen or so corpses that were almost stacked in a straight line, his voice trembled: "The Qingfeng hero clearly tore the encirclement of the enemy directly. Under the sniper of the cavemen warriors, this cavemen leader was killed violently! This nature ... is not as simple as killing a ninth-level leader, this is among the thousands of armies, beheading the enemy under the sword ! "


(Push a big brother's new work "Escape Author Wang", my really immortal author's first love is as bright as a summer flower new work, the other world big devil who ran out of the novel asked the protagonist to modify the attributes, as a result loved and justice Taming stories.)

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