The Unkillable Swordsman

Chapter 851: High Legend

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The monster Zun Heiqi, who was following the rushing body, suddenly stopped, and the heel of the sudden stop rubbed against the ground, plowing two ditches more than ten meters long.

"How ... how could ..."

Hei Qi watched as she rushed forward at an extremely fast speed, but was shot and killed at a faster speed. Sara, who fell suddenly, had an incredible expression on her face.

Sara is a high-level legend on the same level as him!

Compared with ordinary legends, the power, speed, and physical fitness of high-end legends have not significantly increased, but they have condensed their own core of will. Not only has the resistance to refining mystic skills been greatly improved, but the spirit, the flesh, and the mind combine For one, the control and utilization of one's own power has almost reached the level of at will.

If we say that the unity of spirit and spirit is only for the practitioners to direct their own strength like an arm, then the core of their will is 10%, and their strength has almost become an extension of the thinking. fast.

This is the biggest difference between high-level legends and ordinary legends.

The same is also true of the power of high-level legends when facing ordinary legends.

But now, the reaction speed and the speed of power transfer are supposed to be as fast as the thinking of Sarah. In the face of Baili Qingfeng's sword gas shooting, he was not carried down, and was shot directly on the spot. There is only one explanation for this scene. ...

The sword qi of Baili Qingfeng was almost beyond Sara's extreme response!

"This ... what is this sword art !?"

When Mozun Heiqi's face turned pale, he pulled away and flew away, and the power of the field was fully excited.

Even his realm rotates like a compass under the operation of the secret method. Any dusty substance entering the realm will be worn away by the continuous flow of the internal power of the realm, even if it is not worn away, the touch between the two, The shock wave will also form a feedback, thus giving him the opportunity to respond.

"So strong sword spirit!"

As Mozun Hei Qifei retreated, Baili Qingfeng was also a bit stunned.

He foresaw that the difference in the size of the two worlds would cause some changes and impacts on his star assassination, but he did not expect that the impact would be so large. The sword assimilated by the star assassination was at least twice as fast as the barren world. !!

Speed ​​in seconds ...

I'm afraid it has reached six times the speed of sound!

In addition, Sara rushed towards him at full speed, and the distance between the two was less than a hundred meters. In this case, a dignified high-level legend was killed directly in the face.


Baili Qingfeng said heartily.

At present, he can only use a little bit of the power of the stars to exert such amazing swordsmanship. He dare not imagine that when one day he truly cultivates in the realm of stars, he can pry the magnetic field of the stars with his own magnetic field. To the point.

But now is not the time to consider these things.

Seeing that Mozun Heiqi flew back at full speed, Baili Qingfeng's face changed: "No! He wants to return to Titan City and it is against Xiaozhu!"

Xiao Zhu took him to Titan City. If she missed a bit, he would never forgive himself for life!

"What's up for me!"

Baili Qingfeng drank in a low voice, the heaven and the human flow, and the air resistance was weakened to the extreme by him. Under such special circumstances in the world, the speed at which he broke out at full speed reached 200 meters per second!

There was an eruption at his feet, and when the stone debris was flying, his entire body had broken the air like a shell, quickly closing the distance between Hei Qi!

"Damn! I should have thought that this kid could take out the treasure of the true essence of God, where could he go easily? As long as he showed extraordinary speed and physical strength, I should have been alert and not take him as a half step. The legend looks ... "

Feeling the shape of Baili Qingfeng's killing, Hei Qi gradually sank with a heart: "More than an hour of mountain pursuit has consumed my physical energy greatly. If I continue to escape, it will affect my combat power ... It will grow bigger and bigger until you lose the chance to fight him head on ... "

After reading this, a bit of fierceness flashed in Hei Qi's eyes!

The three sages and six saints are the most famous figures in the legendary power of the younger generation in the north.

Mozun Heiqi, nicknamed Mozun, is because he acts unscrupulously and is insidious and fierce, which is not only to his enemies, but also to himself.

In his mind, the sword qi that appeared when Baili Qingfeng shot Sarah instantly ...

The speed of those swords is really incredible, but the power ...

It's not as amazing as expected.


The power of the Heiqi field violently oscillated, and the power of life in the body came out through the body inspired by some mystery, condensing red flames to diffuse the whole body. Most of these flames focused on the two key points of the skull and heart. And he himself yelled when these blood flames shone, his body twisted, and he ran forward swiftly, turning suddenly into turning and killing!


When a sword emerges, the void seems to have a terrifying ghost that growls suddenly. The high-level legend condenses the special abilities of the core of the will, making this ghost seem to become a substance, in conjunction with the fierce fierceness that erupts in sword art, causing a strong spirit. Shock.

"Tiansha strike!"

This shock is faintly similar to the ghost of the flame called by the Holy Spirit of Golem!

However, although the ghost of the flame king summoned by the Holy Spirit of Golem is powerful and mighty, it has no agility, and the deterrence is not as good as this demon, replaced by other opponents, even if it is a legendary life, I am afraid under the impact of this evil There will be momentary lag.

Unfortunately, Baili Qingfeng's will resistance ... cannot be measured by common sense.

Either the Phantom of the Flame Lord of the Flames, or the Phantom of the Demon inspired by Demon Heiqi, practiced the Holy Spirit Immortal Method on Baili Qingfeng in that year, more than once, the immortal emperor carried the mighty divine power to bomb the spiritual world, and the immunity was far away. Very comparable.

This kind of spirit shocks him like a breeze. Compared with the immortal emperor, he has a flavor-like comfort.

It was as if the blacksmith who was still by the stove every day in summer suddenly took the stove away. Even if the weather outside was hot and unstoppable, it was rare for him.

He almost ignored the scour of this fierce force, and at the moment he noticed Hei Qi's counterattack, he had already entered the half-step starry realm, and at the same time--sword!

"Hmm! Hmm! Hmm!"

Jianqi burst!


The sword energy that is so fast is almost beyond the limit of visual insight!

But Hei Qi was not Sarah. Sarah was caught off guard and was shot and killed instantly. But Hei Qi was not only fully prepared, but she also pushed the power of the field to the extreme!

The dozens of sword qi whistling into the realm of the moment have been noticed.

Although the process of Jianqi shooting is less than half a second, it is enough to respond to the high-end legend that gathers the core of the will and moves freely.


The statue contains a roar of endless fiendish shadows, and a few of the dozen sword swords were scattered on the spot.

At the same time, his body twisted extremely, and most of the remaining sword qi was missed by him. Only four sword qi passed through his waist, chest, shoulders, and thighs, taking away a cluster of blood. Light!

The pain of being penetrated through the body completely inspired Hei Qi's fierceness. Seeing that the two were close to each other, the sword cricket contained in his one-day attack broke out in full, carrying the devastated Baili Qingfeng down



The Baili Qingfeng, who had just retreated from the half-step star state, had no time to escape into the realm of heaven and humanity, and the sharp swordhead had hit his body like Taishan's peak. For a time, the dark red light and the golden light burst out at the same time. Mixed with the terrible sword gas formed by the sword's shot, all the trees, flowers, mountains and rocks within a 100-meter radius are torn apart.

The projectile shock wave even plowed a large pit over 30 meters in diameter on the ground. Wood chips, stone chips, and grass chips were drawn into the void and slapped madly.

And the middle sword of the Baili Qingfeng was shot and killed by this sword, the Stormtear Warframe of the fine blood **** steel was shattered on the spot, and the sharp sword was almost able to suppress the splendid flash that broke out in time. Jin Guang pierced his body on the spot!

But even if the layer of golden fluorescent defense on his body was timely, the impact of the sword's eruption still caused him to be blown out like a shell, hitting three big trees on the spot, and smashing into the ground unabated. Plough a ditch more than ten meters long.

"The Assassination is actually ... blocked !?"

Among the dust, Baili Qingfeng shook his mind.

The star assassination technique he exhibited in the Second World is stronger than in the barren realm. It should be called the super star assassination technique, but this star assassination technique, which can be called extraordinary performance, has never obtained the high rank of Hei Qi. Legendary, the opponent even retaliated counterattack, pierced his Stormbreaker armor with a sword, and nearly broke his defense and left a wound on him ...

High Legend ...

So scary!

"You must fight back, or ... you will die!"

The spirit of Baili Qingfeng is agitated, and the four spirits that have not yet grown to the extreme are excited at the same time and blast into the universal cells!

Disintegration of the golden demon! open!


Almost at the same time ~ ~ Mozun Heiqi was screaming again and again, and he was carrying crazy murderous power all over his body.

Kill him while he is ill!

He Mozun Heiqi can climb to the position of three saints as a noble, relying on this fierce energy, even if thighs, waists, chests, and shoulders are punctured by sword air, what? ?

As long as he can kill Baili Qingfeng, he Heiqi will still be the invincible demon!


Carrying this invincible belief, the momentum of his high-level legend belongs to the mighty, crushing down, and the ghost of the demon manifested by the will in the void is roaring and holding a sword. Out, the Baili Qingfeng and the land within a few tens of meters are all shrouded, it seems that this area will be completely bombed!

"Imaginary Demon Sword!"

Wonderful book house

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