The Unkillable Swordsman

Chapter 852: Tiandao Zhaozhao

Latest URL: "Magic Demon Sword?"

Baili Qingfeng, who was inspiring the disintegration of the golden heavenly demon, froze.

This sword art ...

Very familiar.

Is there a lightning ion sword next?

Thoughts floated for a moment, but the operation process of the golden demon disintegration was not slow.


In the moment when Hei Qi, a sword that seemed to be cut with the power of the devil, hit Baili Qingfeng's figure, his area seemed to have detonated a bomb, dust, stone debris, flowers and trees, under a burst of golden light. The golden flame that shattered like a sun rose from that position, and the blast that erupted was like a hurricane, spreading wildly in all directions.

"this is……"

Hei Qi's eye pupils shrank!

Baili Qingfeng's powerful power erupted at this moment, even above the ordinary legend!

And the simple power of high-level legends and ordinary legends is not much different. In other words, these powers are even higher-level legends!


"Outbreak Mystery !? Me too!"

The ferocious breath on Hei Qi almost condensed into substance, and with his roar, the **** flame that was already burning on his body became richer, and the ghost image of the demon manifested by the will was like the vanity. In fact, it seems to be a horrifying creature who walked out of the ancient mythology, carrying the infinite fierce evil that destroyed the world, and He Qi's swordsmanship integrated into one and cut off.

The golden brilliance and **** flames collided in the void.

The air over a hundred meters at a time seemed to be compressed to the extreme, and then exploded in the next instant. All the particles and dust in the core position were smashed in the face of this horrible explosion, making any light unable to reflect, causing Strange existence like a black hole.

Crush the vacuum!

This is the smash vacuum in many classic legends!

Although this phenomenon similar to smashing vacuum only lasted for a moment, it may be less than 0.1 second, but the destructive force that can erupt will be destroyed by dozens of meters centered on the Baili Qingfeng, disarming him. The down force bombarded the ground frantically, tearing the ground on the spot into a large pit deeper than two meters and over ten meters in diameter!

Outside of this circular pit, all flowers and trees within a range of nearly 100 meters were wiped out by a force of destruction and destruction. Under the horror pressure of a class 18 hurricane, which does not know how many million pascals, there is no Any substance can survive.


Due to the pulverization of particulate dust, the atmosphere was torn by mad squeezing, and the medium for sound transmission was greatly reduced. It was not until the air wave burst that the dull roar broke out near the edge, and at the same time it was retreated by Zhenfei. There is Hei Qi, a high-ranking legend among the three sages!


Hei Qi, who had fallen from Zhenfei, had just fallen to the ground, his brain was dizzy, and a blood spit could not help but spit out.

He is a wounded person, pierced by four swords. If such injuries are replaced by non-legendary life, it is still a problem whether he can move, and ordinary people directly declare death and send them to the crematorium!

He can take advantage of this kind of injury to pursue, and once again sacrifice one of his strongest killing magic fantasy swords, relying on that fierce to others, to himself!

I just didn't expect this sword ...

Still unable to kill the Baili Qingfeng, he relied on a kind of outbreak mystery and actually blocked his sword move, which was called a lore!

"It's ... a half-step legend !?"

Hei Qi had an urge to curse!

Very few half-step legends that contain the blood of true gods, or chance coincidences that have been used as artifacts to recognize the Lord, can fight beyond the ranks, go against the legend, and look at the past and present. ?

I am afraid that the reincarnation of God cannot do this!


Just as Hei Qi was dizzy and difficult to support, almost half of his body hit the ground and Baili Qingfeng slightly moved his body and came out of the pit.

Suddenly, a heavily damaged armor was like a faded shell, and it fell down, making a sound, and at the same time ...

The upper body of Barry Qingfeng's naked body that was destroyed by the upper body shirt was revealed.

On the body, there is still a layer of dim golden fluorescence, and the diamond corners are clear under the fluorescence, full of sense of power and lines.

This figure ...

It's perfect.

But at the moment, Hei Qi had no intention of admiring Baili Qingfeng's figure at all.

He is not a woman after all.

All his eyes focused on the red marks on the upper body of Baili Qingfeng ...

Yes, red mark!

In addition to these red marks, Baili Qingfeng was not only pierced by his swords and swords, and even a drop of blood did not shed ...

"How ... how is that possible !?"

This scene made Hei Qi's thinking almost lost his thinking ability.

His sword cricket erupted, but even the armor made of fine blood **** steel on Baili Qingfeng was torn and torn, and the horrible lethality was not a half-step legend, even if it was high Legends, and the legendary title of defensive true mystery, will be hit hard in one fell swoop!

But now ...

Playing on this half-step legend named Baili Qingfeng, it was almost unscathed!

Such a subversive scene will almost completely destroy his world of three views!

"How ... how could this be, how could you not be hurt !?"


Baili Qingfeng had a look of fear: "You can almost break my defense, but as long as my defense is broken and faced with injury, I can only rely on the flesh and blood to resist, once I can't carry it, wait for me Yes, there will only be a dead end ... "

"Really ... really incarnate !?"

Hei Qi looked at Baili Qingfeng's intact body ...

Feeling his hands and feet cold, an inexpressible fear rose from the bottom of his heart, making him stiff.

God body!

This horrible body made him think of the true God!

Except for the body of the true god, he couldn't figure out what kind of physique can be powerful enough to regard the high-level legend as an attack on nothing!

Even if he wears a set of fine gold armor, it is not a reason why he can be intact under such attacks!

"I can't let you do anything more!"

Baili Qingfeng realized the power of his opponent, the remaining universal cells in the body were detonated again, and the golden streamer boiled again from his body, like a golden flame, rolling up a hurricane and heading into the clouds.


Along with Baili Qingfeng's footfall on the ground, his body broke through the void, with a fierce golden light, he rushed out to Hei Qi.


Heiqi did not hesitate to turn around and flew into a retreat, ignoring the majesty of the three six saints in the nine generations of the young generation.

But when his strength broke out, a fierce pain and irresistible furious spread of madness swept across his body, leaving his feet soft and his body almost falling to the ground.


He tried his best to burst out of the forbidden technique and quickly showed the sequelae. In addition to the deterioration caused by his strong support for the injury, the entire brain burst out, which has caused him to lose most of his resistance.

"not good!"

This change made Hei Qi's face change drastically. Seeing that Baili Qingfeng was quickly killed, he quickly yelled, "I do n’t know that Your Majesty is the reincarnation of the true God, offend the true God, and also ask the True God to forgive me. I would like to use my lower body Serve at the side of the true god, saddle in front of the horse, and repay the sin to the great true **** ... Your majesty lets me kill whoever I kill, even if I slaughter the city and destroy the country, I have a lot of trouble ...

"You actually !?"

Baili Qingfeng was shocked.

When he saw Hei Qi begging for mercy, there was still a hint of thought in it. Should he give him a chance? After all, he is also human ...

But when he heard him say "slay the city and destroy the country" later, he understood ...

He is so naive!

The enemy is an evil person who even a cute girl like Xiaozhu refuses to let go. He also casually talks about the desperate people who say words like destroying people, killing cities, and destroying the country. It is the greatest sin to keep them alive!


Facing evil, there is only killing!

Baili Qingfeng's eyes were resolute, and in his heart suddenly a kind of conviction to kill himself and become righteous!

Murderer, people always kill it!

He kills sin and kills him one day.

He has this mental preparation!


I will not go to hell, who will go to hell!

With this conviction and this determination, Baili Qingfeng clearly felt that the power of his heart could not help being triggered again, and resonated with the power of life on him!

Knowledge and action in one!

Knowing is the psychic cognition!

Yes, that is, do it yourself!

His cognition, his conviction, his will, his determination, and his practical actions made him find the meeting point of the power of life and the power of the mind in one fell swoop!


He never made a field!

Otherwise, at this moment, he will take advantage of this opportunity to go straight into the legend!

But with these experiences, the moment when he truly cultivates the legendary field someday in the future, a settling and the achievement of the legend will come to fruition.

In other words, there is no longer any barrier between him and the realm of legend, except in the realm of legend.

But Baili Qingfeng didn't realize it.

The resonance of the power of the soul and the power of life makes him fast to the extreme speed by one point ~ ~ The golden brilliance is like a rising sun, which illuminates the world in front of Hei Qi .

"I should have thought, I should have thought ..."

There was a tragic appearance on Hei Qi's face: "Except for the reincarnation of the true **** with superb and supreme ingenuity, who can inspire the terrible power of shoulder-to-shoulder title with the legendary half-step legendary body, in addition to the supreme **** in the reincarnation practice? , Who can have an endless and never exhausting physical fitness ... "

He made an idea and hit a real reincarnation god.

"Killers, people always kill them! I am from Heiqi, a nobleman, and have been practicing all the way up to now, the name of the three deities of the six saints is based on killing and plundering, and today ...

Hei Qi looked at Jin Yanhuanghuang, like the Baili Qingfeng who was killed in the sky, completely lost all the intent of resistance, and allowed countless sharp sword lights to tear his body completely ...

"Heavenly Zhaozhao!"

Wonderful book house

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