The Unkillable Swordsman

Chapter 853: Compensation

Latest URL: "Hoo ... hoo ..."

Baili Qingfeng panted.

Seeing that Hei Qi's body was completely out of shape under the outbreak of sword qi, he threw his sword aside weakly, so he sat down and recovered his strength.

"The high-level legend is truly a high-level legend. My star assassination has transformed into a super star assassination in this world, but I still can't kill it for a short time. This is after I have pulled them for an hour. Under the circumstances, if they did not run for an hour in advance, so that their status has not been maintained at the peak, I am afraid that the person who fell here is already me ... "

Baili Qingfeng thought.

Although he has the golden demon disintegration technique, which can erupt a point of power that is stronger than the ordinary legend, the golden demon disintegration technique is too affected by the universal cells.

"After going back, the cultivation focuses on two aspects. On the one hand, by clarifying the crystals as soon as possible, all the eight spirits are cultivated to the level equivalent to the tenth of refining God, and the fission of eight spirits to sixteen spirits is completed. Refine all sixteen spirits to ten levels, and ensure that you can cast a dozen times in one breath when performing the Assassination ... As for the second aspect ... "

Baili Qingfeng's attention is focused on the omnipotent cells that are consumed in the body to only 10%.

Although the multipotent cells are dividing rapidly and can be completed within a short time, but ...

As he digested more and more first-rate gold, the upper limit of his power burst became higher and higher, just like the previous burst, he directly burned one-half of the universal cell.

In other words, he has only two swords in a recovery cycle.

"I have eight spirits now, and four who have been tempered to the top ten. I can give these spirits different attributes, such as the spirit of 'deuterium', the spirit of '氚', and the 'electricity'. The spirit of the "Magnetic" attribute, etc .... Through the use of the spirit, and then communicating the true energy of the Thunder attribute in the body, the thermonuclear reaction is performed by the method of magnetic field restraint, so that an almost endless force erupts, which is transformed into The energy of the golden demon disintegration ... as long as the energy is sufficient, I can completely change the state of the golden demon disassembly into a normal state, and my pure power, speed, and defense will also break the half-step legend to the legendary leap at a stroke. To the point where they can stand shoulder to shoulder with the legendary mastery of enhanced magic. "

Baili Qingfeng estimated in his mind.

Of course, by virtue of the golden demon disintegration technique, he can compete with the title legend of mastering enhanced magic in terms of strength, speed, and defense, but it does not mean that he is the title legend.

At least the domain of the title legend, the sword of the title legend, and the battle experience of the title legend cannot be compared with it.


Baili Qingfeng recalled the special resonance between the power of life and the power of the mind that he had just killed Hei Qi, and he couldn't help feeling a little regretful.

If he has developed the field, the conditions for the three to resonate will be mature. At that time, the breakthrough will be a breakthrough to the realm of legend.


This regret lasted for a while but he left it behind.

Cultivation breaks through to the legendary stage. The power of life, the power of the field, and the power of the mind are united. The life form will gradually change and become more adaptable to the power of life, the power of the field, and the power of the mind. That new life form will adapt to the three forces.

However, to maintain this form, it has higher requirements on the external environment. It is okay in the second world. Once he returns to the barren realm, unless he has been staying near the door of space, it will not take long for the life form to go back.

Baili Qingfeng wanted to quietly live his ordinary life in Xia Ya, and stayed in the place where the gates of space such as Tianyu Mountain, Great Rift Valley, and Blood Orchid Town were not what he wanted. For this reason, he It is not a luxury to become a legend, but to help him complete schizophrenia.

"But then come back, with the opening of the door of space more and more, a large amount of special energy is poured into the barren realm. At present, the special energy factors in the barren realm have been rich, and before leaving the door of space, even if not fighting They can only persist for half a month. Now, I am afraid that they can support it for a month or two ... When the legendary form is almost unsustainable, go to the door of space for a few days and become alive again ... What is it, charge for two or three days, and shake for two months? "

Baili Qingfeng shook his head.

After a rest, his condition was almost restored, so he got up from the ground and came to Hei Qi's body.

Although Hei Qi was full of sin, but the death was great, and Baili Qingfeng would naturally not let him expose the dead body.

This is a barren mountain and ridge. It is inconvenient to cremate. It is not good in case of a forest fire.

So he dug a pit for him and buried it.

During the burial, his body accidentally dropped out two purple gold cards and four gold cards.

Seeing these six cards, Baili Qingfeng was silent for a moment, and said, "Your sword cricket broke my Storm Ripper's Battlegear, and my Storm Ripper's Battle Armor was made of fine blood God Steel. , The price is high, these cards will be used as your repair costs for breaking my armor. "

He put away the cards while talking.

When he folded the card, he turned it over, and actually turned out a book of swordsmanship from Hei Qi.

Illusionary Demon Sword.

Looking at this book of swordsmanship, watching Hei Qi's exquisite sabre made by Shenjin, perhaps with the crystallization of divine power, he put it away again: "The demon of the three magnificent and six saints should not be inherited in one body. Buried in this way, your sabre should not be so unknown in the wilderness! You can rest assured that I will help you find his new master and reproduce your sword and glory. "

After collecting the good things, Baili Qingfeng turned the soil over, buried Hei Qi, and stepped on it a few feet to lay down the soil.

After doing this, he turned around, and soon came to the battlefield with Sara. After a search, three purple cards and five gold cards appeared in front of him.

Looking at these gold cards, Baili Qingfeng recalled a little ...

The destruction of his armor was not related to the great lord, and the opponent seemed to be killed by the star assassination technique when he first met.


Great Lord ...

"A great lord, since the scenery is buried, there is no one around here. I can only help you to ensure that you die properly, full of smiles!"

Baili Qingfeng nodded his head, pulled his sword, was energized, and shot with a blast of energy. Along with a roar, a large pit that was ten meters long and five or six meters wide was soon torn on the ground.

This pit is more than several times larger than Hei Qi?

Then he put Sara's body in the pit and spent time filling the soil one by one.

At the end, he deliberately went hundreds of meters away, picked several small red flowers, and inserted them on the grave.

After doing this, he seemed to think of something.

The sacrifices of big men are usually made by salute.

At the moment, he pulled his sword again, the wind and thunder were really excited, and the sword was soaring. The range of tens of kilometers was suddenly filled with a thunderous thunderous sound.

The thunderous sound continued for a minute, before Baili Qingfeng took the sword, packed his body, did not even leak the shattered Stormbreaker's armor, and then left in the direction of Qianming Mountain.

He did not forget his purpose of coming to the Qianming Mountains-domesticating a legendary bird.

When hunted by Sara and Heiqi, his "Television" looked around and found a nest of birds.

Baili Qingfeng spent half an hour at the bird's lair, put down his body one by one, and lurked silently.

This kind of bird is called a maggot, and it is not a legendary species, but one of the maggots that were spotted by Baili Qingfeng seems to have taken some natural treasure to cause a genetic mutation, which has transformed into a legendary life.

This is the goal of Baili Qingfeng.

As for the remaining three-head lord level and six-head high-level maggots, it is not worth mentioning.

Ling Ling's eyes were very keen, and Baili Qingfeng had not been approached within a kilometer of them and had already been noticed.

It seems that the force of vitality inferior to Baili Qingfeng's body was felt. This legendary Lingchi not only did not escape, but issued a fierce howl, and rushed towards Baili Qingfeng for the first time. ...

As a result, the next battle becomes simple.

Compared with the legend of human beings, the legendary creature physique is indeed one point, but even a team composed of half-step legends has the courage to hunt down the legendary beasts. Ordinary human legends can often be used to fight against legendary beasts with non-special bloodlines. .

Relying on the omnipotent cells that had been recovered, not long after, Baili Qingfeng had brought the legendary spirit to the ground with the power of the golden demon disintegration technique.

After he got down, he took turns training his beast with four spirits, sometimes even hitting four in a row.

Although the legendary fierce beast has amazing blood and high resistance to refining mysticism, it has been severely damaged by the Baili Qingfeng, and the blood and blood are extremely weak. In addition, Bailiqingfeng's refining mysticism is being bombarded round by night.

at last……

One day later, when Baili Qingfeng couldn't remember himself after smashing thousands of animal tamers, the legendary linger finally moaned and stopped the unnecessary resistance.


Some numbed Baili Qingfeng cheered up his spirit: "Finally surrendered? Go down ~ ~ My fifth spirit will be sharpened to the tenth level of refining."

At the moment, he pondered a little, and planted a spiritual seed in the legendary spirit world.

Unfortunately, because the legendary life is so strong and bloody, even the spiritual seeds of Baili Qingfeng cannot control the legendary bird once and for all, and they must add energy to the spiritual seeds to ensure foolproofness.

"The eleventh step of refining the gods is just to develop a spirit that is equivalent to the tenth step of refining the gods. It can make people do more than one heart. It is estimated that the qualitative change will not occur until the twelveth step of refining the gods."

Baili Qingfeng said aloud, and he had some longing for the twelve-fold realm of refining God.

"It's time to go back ... It's time to leave Titan City for a day and a night. Xiaozhu won't be hungry ..."

Baili Qingfeng carried all his things on the spacious back of the legendary maggot, and then, with an order, skyrocketed: "The purpose of the second world trip has been achieved. When I go to Titan City to receive Xiaozhu, we will directly Come back home."

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