The Unkillable Swordsman

Chapter 888: remains

The **** of death is suspected of being killed by Baili Qingfeng ... "

When Baili Qingfeng and Bai Yisheng were chatting, an piece of information was put on the desk of the emperor and president of the Steel Empire, the Shining Empire, and the Golden Eagle Empire.

The steel empire and glorious empire who got this news had no idea about Baili Qingfeng.

Only President George, who has not bowed his head completely, is full of unwillingness.

"Not just the true **** of death."

Hess of the intelligence department once again came up with a new data: "There is news that the blood **** of the blood temple has also fallen ... The time is exactly the same as the time when Baili Qingfeng entered Tianzhuyuan from Tianyu Mountain a few months ago. ! "

"He not only killed the true **** of death, but also the blood **** !?"

George wiped the sweat from his forehead, his hands trembling unconsciously.

"The news that the true **** of death was beheaded by Baili Qingfeng was circulated from within the Void Legion. We are not yet 100% sure about the truth, but the true **** of blood ..."

Hess took a deep breath and slowly said, "Our spy lurked silently to the country of Akamatsu, and hypnotized more than a dozen cave people with the Master God of Refining, and got exactly the same news. The true **** of blood is Falling in the course of confrontation with Baili Qingfeng ... It is said that when the judge and legendary Holy Spirit of the legendary realm of the Blood Temple will be killed by Baili Qingfeng, the incarnation of the true **** of blood has come, and it is intended to be thunderous Baili Qingfeng killed, and at this time ... he summoned his true body! "

"real body!?"

"Yes! The true body of the Void Demon!"

Hess said in a deep voice: "At that time, the whole world was chanting his greatness, and then they saw a sword-light across the sky, slashed in the sky, a sword killed the true **** of blood, and died in the true **** of blood. At that moment, it seemed that the sky was falling, the sky was falling down, the whole world was in pain and sorrow, and it seemed to be mourning the fall of this true God ... "

"He ... he really killed the true **** ..."

George leaned back in his chair, and the whole man was disheartened.

"We ... are fighting against the existence of a true God who can beheaded?"

His words caused a long silence in the office.

It took a while for Vice President Ron's powerful voice to sound: "The more we can't give up at this time!"

George's gaze fell on him.

"Bali Qingfeng can actually summon the real body of the Void Demon, what does this mean? It means that he has long been out of our heavens, and he has already trusted in the gods of the second world. Or, he simply It is the life of the second world. Can we allow the souls of the second world to rule this world that originally belonged to us? "

Ronnie rightly said: "Everyone has yielded to the Baili Qingfeng and the Nirvana, and our Golden Eagle Empire has now shouldered heavy responsibilities and has become the only hope for human civilization in the wilderness world!"

"That is the true god. At present, in the entire human history of the Heavenly Famine World, no one has faced such a great existence except Baili Qingfeng. How can we fight !?"

"His Excellency, human beings are afraid of the unknown, so they will exaggerate the unknown terror, but in fact the so-called unknown veil is lifted, and it may not be as scary as we imagine! The true **** is nothing more than a legendary species, At present, we have developed the first generation of penalty weapons, and we have perfect propulsion technology, and we have developed the most advanced guidance system. Even if we assume that true gods are ten times stronger than the legend, they rely on penalty weapons. And still be able to kill it. "

"Divine punishment weapon ..."

George heard Ron's words, and the fear in his heart faded a little.

"Furthermore, according to research by researchers, some of the techniques of those punishment weapons are similar to that of the ruins."


George's heart moved.

This is one of the sources that caused the Golden Eagle Empire and even all humankind to take off.

Satellite, telephone, computer, supersonic fighter ...

A series of electronic products are derived from the technology obtained there. Otherwise, although humans may have invented firearms and cannons at present, it is estimated that they still stay on the accumulation of caliber to increase their power and range.

"His Excellency, maybe ... we should explore the ruins again and see if we can gain anything ..."

President Ron proposed.

"The ruins ... but the ruins are on the ancient land ... and the ancient land is occupied by the fire dragon ..."

"Have the President remembered our Holy Spirit plan?"

"I remember."

George looked at him: "Is there any progress?"

"We have achieved good results by contacting and cooperating with the only church during this time. In addition, our spying found that there is really God behind the only church."

"Is there a **** behind the only church?"

George's eyes lit up.

"Not only is there a god, but the oracle is also very generous and generous, and the oracle that has been promulgated is not at all compulsory ... in a word spread from East China Island ..."

Ron organized the language a little bit, and quickly said, "Buddha! Yes, the **** is very Buddha! At least, according to the pope, the **** has lowered the shrine for a long time, but even if they There is no movement at all, and I still do n’t see the urging of God, so such a generous, generous and very Buddha-like God fits the initial development of our Holy Spirit plan! "

George listened and couldn't help but get lost in thought.

"This Baili Qingfeng has made it clear that he has taken refuge in the Void Real God, or it is simply an incarnation made by the Void True God. Do we really want to watch the world that belongs to us end up being such a **** who does not know good and evil? Dominion? At least, I am not willing! "

"Well, now the three aspects are being implemented simultaneously ..."

George glanced at the crowd: "First, we will improve the propulsion system and the guidance system to maximize the power of magical punishment weapons. At least we must ensure that our magical punishment weapons can strike the mainland of East Asia. Second, organize an expedition to infiltrate the ancient continent to see if you can find other items on the ruins. Third ... perform the Holy Spirit plan with all your strength! "

"Her President, you have made a very wise choice!"

Ron stood up and said with a smile.

"So, gentlemen, what are we waiting for? Get started."


Baili Qingfeng borrowed a computer and released a new message in the group.

This time the specific time is given.

That is, February 1985.

Thirteen days later.

After sending the news, he was on his way back to Dongshenzhou.

As for Bai Yisheng and Tianji Tower, the power and resources of Xintianji Tower will be used to cooperate with the Void Knights and Void Legions led by Constantine and Silvia, as well as Prime Minister Yasuo, Alof, Iron Empire, and Glory. Empire reconstruction of West Yanzhou.


"The cave invasion is smoother than I thought. There should be no other troubles to deal with. Just wait for the fire dragon that will occupy the ancient continent to be expelled or beheaded. Then I can proceed to the ternary fortune, The six-yuan fortune-making tactics and even the nine-yuan fortune-making tactics have been promoted to the world, training a top powerhouse, and greatly enhancing the combat effectiveness of humans in our world. One person who has developed the nine-element fortune will have the strength to compete with any force in the second world, including the empire of stars. "

Baili Qingfeng, while planning, turned around the grove.

After walking through the grove, the first person who appeared in front of Baili Qingfeng was Xiaozhu who was practicing his sword.

Just a few days ...

After only a few days without seeing it, Xiao Zhu's swordplay has become a bit faster and sharper than before.

In addition, with the eyesight of Baili Qingfeng, it was judged immediately. Xiaozhu's strength has been raised to the sixth-level God of War, although there seems to be a trace of the Holy Spirit fruit that has not completely dissipated, but it can be less than two months in a row. Breaking through the two realms, this speed is not surprising. Even Baili Qingfeng's practice efficiency was a bit worse than that of Xiaozhu.

But even so, this is still not the one she has made the most progress in. She is most amazing in the realm of refining gods!

From her, he felt a wave equivalent to the re-awakening of the Eightfold Refining God.

"Clarity crystal and Holy Spirit fruit are so amazing?"

Baili Qingfeng was a little surprised.

He looked up at the yard.

Shi Yiyi is in the yard, and he is not forbidden for Shi Yiyi, a gradual generalization of spiritual resources such as the Holy Spirit Fruit. Even if he has clear crystal stones, he has left a few for her, but her refining realm is worthy. At the fifth level, Master Zhou Tian has a higher level of refining gods, but also has seven powers.

In other words, with the same practice of using resources, less than two months later, Xiaozhu has completely come up behind.

And, relying on her sword skill, even if she let the seven-level master fight, there is a possibility of victory.

"Deserves to be my disciple."

Baili Qingfeng looked for a moment, a smile appeared on his face.

The more powerful the lilies, the happier he was.

He has also received a few disciples since he set foot on the cultivation path, such as Yu Caiwei, Ge Feibai, and Ge Sasha, and even more apprentices, Wang Yang, Morpheus, Jack and others.

It is a pity that among these people, they are either fascinated by the flower world after a little achievement, or they have other purposes, or they have broken the connection by chance.

And now, the only one who can truly be called a Baili Qingfeng disciple is Xiaozhu.


Xiao Zhu's performance made him extremely satisfied.

"Brother Qingfeng."

It seemed to be aware of Baili Qingfeng's gaze that Xiaozhu stopped practicing sword and called out sweetly, "You are back."

"I'm back ~ ~ Bai Qingfeng nodded with a smile:" Nothing at home. "

"It's all right."


Baili Qingfeng nodded.

Looking at Xiaozhu, he felt a little pressure.

"I'm not strong enough."

Although he hoped to see the picture of blue being better than blue, if he was surpassed by a young girl, it would still be a shame.


(Chapter 888! When I saw the title of this chapter, an inexplicable voice came to my mind: Don't 1998, not 998, 888, what are you waiting for, quickly pick up your mobile phone subscription.)

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