The Unkillable Swordsman

Chapter 889: adapt

The morning sun shines through the windows with anti-theft nets into the room, casting a shadow like netting stockings.

On the bed, there was no figure of Baili Qingfeng, but there was a sound in the bathroom.

After a while, the cleaned Baili Qingfeng stepped out of the room, and a refreshing and energetic youth image came to his face.


Baili Qingfeng went downstairs and greeted Yiyi.

"Qing Feng, you are up."

Shi Yiyi said, "What do you want to eat in the morning?"

"Steamed buns, fried dough sticks, and roasted wheat are fine. Noodles and flour are also fine."

"Okay, it just happened that Xiao Zhu said he wanted to eat fan packs. I'll buy them later."

"I went to buy it with Xiaozhu."

Baili Qingfeng said: "Most of the time you prepare breakfast for me and Xiaozhu. Today you are resting and Xiaozhu and I will buy it for you."

"My other identity is your life assistant. This is what I should do."

Shi Yiyi smiled.

"Then you should take a vacation today, Xiaozhu."

Baili Qingfeng shouted.

"Brother Qingfeng."

The sound of thyme came from outside the courtyard.

Soon he saw the lilies in a sports suit carrying a sword and came out from the outside.

Watch her blood flow ...

Obviously practicing sword.

Baili Qingfeng glanced at the time ...

7.12 ...

With such diligence, Baili Qingfeng felt more pressure.

"Let's go and buy breakfast."

"Good brother Qingfeng."

Xiao Zhu answered.

At present, Baili Qingfeng took the small hand of Bailizhu and walked to the renovated old town.

After walking for a while, he seemed to think of something. There is a newly-built commercial pedestrian street not far from the old city. At present, he and Bailizhu speeded up a little bit.

Many people got up early along the way. In some open spaces, he even saw someone doing morning exercises.

This morning exercise is not a square dance-like morning exercise, but a group of three or five young people gather together to practice boxing and perform well.

In addition, there are some martial arts men who promote their own martial arts hall with their disciples and run around the university town to form a special landscape.

On a clearing at the entrance of Shire University, there is a table with a sign on it that reads "Qingyun Street Budo Convention" and a series of monetary rewards below. Wuhui friends' activities.

Since this pedestrian street is mainly for the business of middle school students in several nearby colleges, even if there are many people in the morning, the snack shops and pastry shops are opened early, and it is not difficult to buy some breakfast.

"Very lively."

Baili Qingfeng said.


Bailizhu nodded: "Brother Qingfeng likes this life?"

"Yeah, I always want to live a peaceful, peaceful, harmonious and beautiful life. If there is no dispute and war in the world at any time, I can stop walking around and retreat quietly Shanlin, live a peaceful life in my mind. "

Baili Qingfeng said.

Xiaozhu looked at Baili Qingfeng and said earnestly, "Brother Qingfeng, I will work hard to help you."

"Oh, I wait for that day to come."

Baili Qingfeng looked at Xiaozhu and smiled: "The future of this world will one day be handed to your young people."


The belief in Bailizhu's heart could not help but be firmer.

At this moment, her heart has not been polluted. Under the influence of Baili Qingfeng and the care of Shi Yiyi, she maintains a pure and immaculate heart. In the exchanges with Baili Qingfeng, Under his influence, the belief in her heart, which has already touched the door of the power of the soul, has a tendency to turn into the core of the will.

It is just that she is still in a weak state of mind, and Yae Awakening is the minimum standard for condensing the core of the will—the tenth time of refining the gods. There are still two stages left. The firm faith condenses for a moment, after all, she is immersed in the soul and turned into a vigorous future. Background.

After having a light breakfast, Baili Qingfeng researched the catalogue of the stars.

The lesson of death before the **** of death reminded Baili Qingfeng.

The immortal emperor did not know what method was used. As soon as he stepped into the bi-moon realm, the immortal emperor could immediately sense it.

In addition, he has the ability to launch attacks from the air. If he does not want to end up like the true **** of death and the true **** of blood, he must have the precautionary method to sense and lock on the immortal emperor. Otherwise, he will As the Immortal Emperor said-unless he never enters the bimonthly world forever, the next time he enters the bimonthly world, it will be his real death.

"The last time I argued with the Immortal Emperor, it seemed that the Immortal Emperor wanted to destroy my spirit with a strong mental idea, but then I barely carried it."

Baili Qingfeng carefully recalled his spiritual confrontation with the immortal God Emperor: "Perhaps because I have gathered the core of the will, the spiritual realm broke through to the eleventh level of refining the gods, or ... The key is in the catalog of stars ... the power of the astral world? "

He remembered hearing Silvia.

The ultimate purpose of the practice of Atlas of the Stars is to control the astral realm, to reach the seat of the **** with the power of the astral realm, to achieve the true god.

"The catalogue of the stars belongs to the god-forming method of the star empire. Perhaps because of the need for crowdfunding, the star-empire circulates this method of god-making, so that the masters are not in the minority ... just like the original emperor Same as swordplay ... if I really want to understand the mystery of the star catalog, I still have to go to the empire of stars ... "

Baili Qingfeng thought it was suddenly a headache.

The empire of stars is in the bi-monthly world ...

And once he has gone to the bimonthly realm, he will be stared at by the immortal emperor, facing his attack from time, as if ...

Is it a knot?

"Before I finished persuading the Immortal Emperor, I was going to the bi-monthly world ... At that time, I can only entrust others to help me go to the bi-monthly world."

Baili Qingfeng shook his head.

At this moment, he seemed to feel something, and for a moment, he went downstairs.

A short while later, Bai Yisheng, who had been separated shortly, had taken several people outside his courtyard.

"The landlord."

Baili Qingfeng nodded in front of Bai Yisheng.

"Your Majesty, I am here this time for the solution of destroying several other space gates."

White wins.

"Oh, figured it out?"

Baili Qingfeng said.

For a long time, he had thought of destroying the door of space and blocking the connection between the two worlds, in order to reduce the threat of bi-monthly aliens, and even human beings, to the souls of the heavenly wasteland. At first, due to the heavy resistance, he suppressed the heart in his heart again and again The idea was not implemented.

At the same time that the invasion of the cavemen caused great damage, it also made people all over the world see the huge gap between themselves and the second world. In addition, he already had a good reputation in the wilderness world, and then proposed to destroy The gate of space no longer needs to worry about being obstructed.

"There are already several steps of data, as fast as one year and as slow as three years, we can find the balance point of the door of space and completely destroy the door of space."

White wins.

Only after he finished speaking, he hesitated a little.

"Any questions?"

"Look at this information."

Bai Yisheng handed a document to Baili Qingfeng: "This is the data we have obtained from the League of Nations. According to the observations of the League of Nations over the past few years, it has been found that the integration process between the Tianhuang Realm and the Bimonthly Realm is in progress. With constant acceleration, the large number of space channels that have appeared in the past century is the best example. As soon as a century, and as slow as a millennium, the two worlds will be completely merged, regardless of each other. "

"A hundred years fast and a millennium slow, will the two worlds be completely integrated?"


Bai Yi Shengshen nodded his head: "We spent a lot of manpower and material resources to destroy the door of space. In a period of time, we can prevent the second world from invading our world. It can be calculated according to the model of the original alliance, the fastest 30 During the year, the number of space channels will increase tenfold compared to the present, that is, there will be more than 10,000 space channels around the world. In the next 50 years, a naturally formed space door will appear. Later ... the power of the world can no longer be a barrier between the two worlds. Crossing from the second world to our heavens is as easy as flying through the atmosphere. "

After saying that, he added a tone and added: "Of course, this is the fastest model. Another model shows that this process should last for thousands of years."

"Can this process be reversed?"

"This is the fusion of the world and the world, unless there is any force that is powerful enough to push a world, otherwise ..."

Bai Yisheng did not go on.

Baili Qingfeng was also slightly silent.

If the fusion of the two worlds is irreversible, then his mobilization of a large number of scientific scholars to destroy the door of space makes no sense ...

"There is a piece of data inside the Confederate Alliance that shows that this gradual integration is the best result for our heavenly world, otherwise, if this integration process takes place in a short period of time, the entire world of heavenly world ... 90% of the soul They will be killed in these great changes in the world, and the longest integration process that lasts two thousand years has given us a chance to breathe, and let us adapt to the environment of the second world ... "


"Yes, the souls of the Heaven and Famine Realm can only choose to adapt."

Bai Yisheng looked sad.

Adapt to alien invasion, second world oppression, adapt to ...

The house is broken and life is gone.

Although this process will happen in the next hundred to millennia ~ ~ It seems that it has little to do with their generation, but ...

They cannot remain indifferent.

Baili Qingfeng sighed for a moment, and said, "I see, the door of space, let's put it aside."

He thought of the ternary fortune, the six fortune, and the nine fortune ...

It's time to discuss with Baili Changkong and carry out global promotion.

But as globalization spreads, confidentiality needs to be considered.


The thought of Baili Qingfeng fell on the catalog of stars.

Or the subsidiary chapter of the Atlas of Stars-Atlas of Starlight.

Wonderful book house

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