The Unkillable Swordsman

Chapter 890: Improvement

Starlight Atlas.

Compared with the Atlas of Stars, they are their spirits into stars, and finally master the purpose of the astral world in advance.

Since this practice belongs to the sub-chapter carried by the Atlas of Stars, the practitioner needs to think about the stars transformed by the spirit of the Atlas practitioners, bathe in the glory of the stars, and at the same time can understand the mystery contained in the glory of the stars, so as to further Easily accessible to high-level expressions.

However, the starlight catalogue can make people contact the higher realm in advance, and also has a disadvantage, that is, any practitioner will be affected by the will in the master star.

The ancients were near Zhu, red near Mo, and black.

The starlight of the stars transformed by the core of Baili Qingfeng will always be bathed in the core of Baili Qingfeng's will, and will naturally be affected by the beliefs contained in the core of Baili Qingfeng's will, so as to achieve the synchronization of the two spirits, and also rely on the main spirit. .

It's like father and son, teacher and apprentice.

By word and word, not only will the sons and disciples gradually approach the father and the teacher, but they will also have respect for them deep in the soul.

"At the core of my will is not only the spiritual concept of world peace, but also branches of detail such as honesty, trustworthiness, friendliness, equality, justice, professionalism, prosperity and strength. While they are bathing in the stars, these spiritual concepts will also be rooted in them Deep in the spirit, they naturally become honest and trustworthy, but the starlight catalogue also has disadvantages, that is, quantity! "

Baili Qingfeng has practiced the Starlight Atlas for a while, and naturally understands why the empires of stars have such secret methods, and why there are still people who have been rebelling.

The ultimate purpose of the Atlas of the Stars is to control the astral world, to land on the constellation of the planet, and if the star light emitted by the main star is obscured by the practitioners who repair the planetary light atlas, then how will it shine its own stars in the future Eden came to the throne to achieve the true God?

Like Baili Qingfeng, the stars emitted by his stars are bathed and absorbed by dozens or hundreds of people, but if the population base reaches tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, millions ...

The starlight will be completely obscured.

Even if the star formed by the core of the will is regarded as a star, and the practitioners of the planetary light atlas are regarded as asteroids, when the number of asteroids reaches billions, they are continuously captured by the stars and put into the stars. finally……

Will become a very large planet.

The asteroid becomes the crust of the star, and the star becomes the center of the planet.

Who could guarantee at that time that the star was still that star? Instead of a new celestial body fused by the impact of billions of meteorites?

"In fact, there is no way to solve this problem."

Baili Qingfeng thought for a moment: "As long as those asteroids are not allowed to grow to a sufficient mass, no more asteroids will be injected into the star, which will be gasified by the star, and even converted into the combustion energy required by the star ..."

But this way ...

No doubt it is stifling their future.

His eyes fell on the starry sky that evolved from the spiritual world after he practiced the Atlas of Stars.

It is more intense than the stars, and it is not a problem to bear some practitioners in a lower realm, but if it is to bear the existence of the gods ...

This starry sky is far from perfect.

"After all, I only have eleven gods of refining. Even if the core of the will is condensed and a starry sky is condensed, at best, I can only afford a dozen of the ten deity practitioners who work on the planetary light catalogue ... No matter how many, it will cause the noise to win ... ... this starry sky is too small, and it is not astral ... "

When Baili Qingfeng said this, he suddenly thought of something.

"Wait! Astral?"

What is the purpose of the Star Catalog?

Crowdfunding becomes God.

Everyone puts their own stars into the astral realm, and shines the astral realm with their own starlight, in the hope that one day they will be strong enough to control the astral realm and land on the seat of God, if ...

Does he assume he is astral?

The spirit of Baili Qingfeng is concentrated in the galaxy consisting of a core of will and eight stars.

This galaxy is not worth mentioning compared to the vast astral universe, but ...

As long as he can continue to cultivate and continue to split his spirit, one day, this galaxy will become larger and larger, and it can accommodate more and more stars, and even further other stars.

In particular, the starlight transformed by everyone's spiritual catalogue is also part of the astral circle. The astral circle absorbs the star power transformed by the practitioners in reverse, thereby making itself larger ...

"Using the Milky Way as a metaphor, suppose that the galaxy I have transformed is only the super-large black hole of the silver heart, but the entire galaxy maintains balance because of the black hole I transformed, and runs slowly in the huge cosmic starry sky. , Then, who can say that the quality of this galaxy is not part of myself. "

The thought of Baili Qingfeng suddenly opened his eyes.

Many problems were solved.

He is only responsible for maintaining a balance and a general direction.

It's like a leader, a conductor.

Sure enough, man is a creature who is good at using self-wisdom. As long as he thinks and thinks a lot, and doesn't dig into the horns, any difficulty will not be difficult.

Can't solve the difficulties ...

Just because the book is not read enough, the knowledge is not enough, or the thinking is not enough.

"I can make people edit the starlight catalogs at first, and then practice the star catalogues when their spirit breaks through to the tenth level of refining the gods. In this way, I will continue to enhance the background of the astral world I have transformed. I can never shine a sky in the real astral world, but when I am the astral world, why should I go to the astral world again? "

In other words, when his black hole is powerful enough to dominate the operation of the universe, what is the difference between it and the mastery of the universe?

"It was decided in this way, the starlight catalogue, the starlight catalogue, gradually, I am now equivalent to a star of a galaxy, the person practicing the starlight catalogue is equivalent to a star, the starlight catalogue belongs to a meteorite, satellite, and wait until As the number of people increases, as my level of practice improves, my own strength will also grow and evolve into a silver heart. At that time, they will be equivalent to stars, planets, satellites, meteorites ... to complete this astral system step by step. "

Thinking of this, Baili Qingfeng couldn't wait to modify the starlight catalogue and the star catalogue.

He came along this way and created countless ways. He already has extremely rich experience in modifying the exercises, and the new Starlight Catalogue and Star Catalogues have the old version of the exercises as a reference, plus his own The planetary system, the star system, the galaxy, and the universe are fully understood, and the modification is amazingly efficient.

After six hours ...

"It's done!"

Baili Qingfeng looked at the new version of Starlight Catalogue and Starlist Catalogues written by himself, with a smile on his face: "It's almost like this. Crowdfunding maintains the balance of the cultivation system, as long as my spiritual will is always strong When I can suppress all beings in the astral realm and master the direction, I do n’t need to worry about confusion. Even if a certain star is really strong enough to affect my spiritual consciousness, I am not going to kick him out of my astral realm and let him Be a stray planet. "

Looking at this newly written catalogue of stars and stars, Baili Qingfeng was quite satisfied.

He set hard standards.

People who practice the gods below ten practice starlight catalogs.

People who practice the gods above ten practice the catalogue of the stars.

One layer is responsible for one layer.

"Let the members of the Void Knights test it first to see how it works. They just took the legendary blood essence and the true **** essence, and their spirits will soon reach the tenth level under the refinement of gas and the refinement of gas. "

Baili Qingfeng said, divine thought swept through, and soon found Mi Luo who lived in the old city's nearest yard.

Not long after, Miro rushed over and took away the newly written starlight catalogues and star catalogues of Baili Qingfeng, and then it was natural that Baili Qingfeng did not need to worry about teaching.

"It takes its own hard to strike the iron, and the catalogue of the stars has spread, and the load on my spirit must increase significantly. Then ...

Baili Qingfeng closed his eyes and parted out a spirit so that Yiyi did not have to call himself to eat at night, and then began to adjust his mental state.

Three hours later, Baili Qingfeng directly activated the Holy Spirit's eternal life method. For a time, the familiar and touching singing melody sounded again in his mind.

"The great‘ Immortality ’, you are the one and only of heaven and earth, the proof of the eternal existence of all things!”

"The great‘ Immortality ’, you are the eternal beacon and the path of the soul!”

"Great 'Immortality', you are ..."

"It seems that the lines have changed back?"

Baili Qingfeng was surprised when he heard the chanting.

I don't know if he will give him a new line of immortality to make him talk better.

With this idea, Baili Qingfeng soon came to the kingdom of the immortal emperor.

For more than a month, the kingdom of the immortal emperor seems to have changed slightly.

Not only has it become more massive and majestic, but the number of chanters and chanters has also increased a lot, and the vastness of divine power hangs from the sky, like an immortal emperor like the sun. The light is even more dazzling.

It seems that there is a special sound ~ ~ Or the immortal emperor has already recorded his spiritual fluctuations. When Baili Qingfeng really appeared here, the immortal emperor's eyes fell on the first time Baili Qingfeng.

That substantive coercion ...

Let Baili Qingfeng convey a kind and friendly emotion in the spirit as much as possible: "Hello."

"This is impossible!"

The immortal emperor looked at Baili Qingfeng, as if there was a hint of incredible weight in his eyes.

"You can actually block the power of the Supreme Excalibur."

"What sword is that? A really good sword."

Baili Qingfeng looked up, looking at the clouds and mists, as if the pillar of the giant sword holding the immortal **** emperor's kingdom, as if suddenly thought of something: "Immortal, I want to ask, this sword is not Yours? "

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