The unknown person in Honkai Impact 3

Chapter 138: The decisive battle is about to begin (two-in-one)

In the collapsed world.

The dark purple sky has completely covered Changkong City.

Raging winds and waves kept blowing.

The densely packed Valkyries of Destiny surrounded Changkong City inside and outside, each of them had solemn and solemn expressions.

Tianming did not block the news about outsiders from them, and also told them that the next battle might be more difficult than the Herrscher War.

But a Valkyrie is a Valkyrie.

No one chooses to leave here at this moment.

The Valkyries exist to seize the peace of this world from Honkai. They fight for all the good in the world, and are even willing to sacrifice their lives.

There was a deathly silence in the air, and the entire Valkyrie army was silent.

Above the sky, the coexisting dark purple and deep black light clusters were still beating and expanding.

Vaguely, you can see another world behind the light group, as well as the malicious eyes in it.

At the outermost edge of Changkong City, a group of people sneakily crossed the blockade of the Valkyries and quietly sneaked into the forest not far from Changkong City, quietly observing.

"It's really strange."

The black portable combat uniform reveals an impressive figure, and the short gray hair is exposed under the hat that half covers the face and looks like a crow mask.

Natasha Siora smacked her lips and said to the huge Valkyrie troops: "With such a huge scale, those who don't know would think that they are going to fight to the death with reverse entropy."

"Indeed, Siola. I heard that Anti-Entropy also sent most of their mecha troops here."

Next to Siola, a low and hoarse male voice echoed her words.

"Hey, Gray Snake, there isn't any relevant information within World Snake?"

“It didn’t happen before, but now it does.”

Gray Snake was completely covered in a black hoodie. A white mask with the right eye exposed is slightly weird.

He took out a tablet and made a few empty clicks with his right hand.

Then, Gray Snake handed over the tablet.

"Oh? So efficient? As expected of an intelligence leader." Siora took the tablet and checked the information on it.

After a while, Siora's expression gradually changed from the original casualness to a serious one. She read the message back and forth three or four times.

"Grey Snake, is your information accurate?"

"I don't dare to say whether the news itself is accurate or not. I got it from Tianming." Gray Snake was not annoyed when he heard that his ability was questioned. When he saw the news, his reaction was similar to Siora's, "And , looking at the postures of Destiny and Anti-Entropy, either this information is true, or these two mortal enemies are going to end here today. "

"Furthermore," Gray Snake raised his head and looked at the sky, "With the current appearance of Changkong City, the news is very correct - of course, it cannot be ruled out that this is some kind of plan by Bishop Otto."

"No matter how you say it, it won't be a problem." Siora paused mid-sentence.

"No matter what, we must remain vigilant. If necessary, the World Snake must also take action." The Gray Snake leaned under the big tree nearby, and his deep voice revealed an undoubted flavor.

The space with purple as the background color is quietly broken.

One second, Theresa and her group were still discussing how to leave, but the next second they were shocked to find that they had already come out.

"Oh my dear Valkyries, I miss you so much."

As soon as he came out, a burst of applause sounded from the side.

Otto walked out slowly from the side with a smile on his face.

"Master Bishop/Grandpa."

Theresa and the others saluted Otto.

"Huh?" Otto keenly discovered two new faces and asked: "My dear granddaughter, who are these two?"

Otto pointed at Yae Sakura and Hitamaru.

Yae Sakura's identity has actually been registered in the Destiny Library. In order to allow Yae Sakura to successfully become a teacher at St. Freya Academy, Theresa made up a fictional character file and filled it in the destiny database. Of course, with Otto's status, it was normal for him to have a teacher in St. Freya Academy, and he would not pay attention to this. So he didn't know Yae Sakura.

However, the trouble is that Theresa has forgotten some of the stories she made up in the past, but now she can't hesitate. She knows her grandfather too well. Once she hesitates for a moment, Otto's suspicious character will keep it in mind, and when the matter is settled, he will go to investigate Yae Sakura thoroughly.

That means that the identities of Yae Rin, Lin Jue, and Hitamaru will all be exposed under Otto's nose.

Lin Jue is okay, at most his origin is unknown. But Yae Rin and Hitamaru were in danger.

A resurrected from the dead, a former civilized Herrscher - now that the core of the Herrscher has been built into the Ksitigarbha Soul, and has given up the power of the Herrscher, it is no longer - but even so, Otto cannot let him go. she.

Neither of these two people could be exposed to Otto.

However, if you just use words like "friend" to pass it off. Given Otto's personality, he would still check it out.

It can't be said that they are friends of Youlandel and the others, otherwise the ending will still be the same.

what can we do about it?

To prevent Otto from being interested in them, he must first find a way to prevent Otto from discovering Sakura's strength. As long as Otto didn't notice, he wouldn't care too much about a person with low strength.

Secondly, they were asked to distance themselves from anyone present, because everyone present was the person Otto paid attention to.

Also, we need to divert Otto's attention and not let him continue to pay attention to this matter. Otherwise, Theresa knew that she could not hide her decision from Otto.

So how should she say it?

We also have to consider the reaction of Yulandel and the others. If they sabotage her, the situation will be worse.

"It was just a victim who was saved by chance."

Although she had a lot of thoughts, Theresa said it directly without hesitation.

"By the way, Grandpa, I, Yulandel, and Rita don't know what the current situation is."

"As for the current situation," Otto thought about it after hearing Theresa's words, "I can't really say at the moment, but it can be seen that the decisive battle is not far away."

"Is that so?" Theresa paused, "Grandpa, I think we have to prepare a strategy first."

"You are right, I have prepared the strategy." Otto nodded, and his tone returned to his original serious state, "First. Bianca Yulandel Atagina, Rita Rossweiser, you two S-level Valkyries are under this light group. When the decisive battle comes, you should give priority to finding the opponent's powerful units and look for opportunities to break them. Be careful not to entangle with too powerful units."

"Theresa, your task is to wander around and don't let too powerful units enter the front line of the Valkyrie troops."

"As for the arrangements for others, I won't go into details. I'll say another word here."

Otto's face showed a rare uncertainty, and he seemed to be hesitating about what to say next.

But he did not hesitate for too long. His voice lowered and his tone became weaker.

"If the opponent's strength is too strong. We will start Plan B and migrate as many people as possible with the existing technology. Some of them may go to outer space to wander. The remaining part may use the function that is not yet mature."

"If that is the case, I am sorry to my Valkyries. You have to use your lives to delay time for us."

At this point, Otto bent down and bowed to the three people.

"No need, Bishop." Rita helped Otto up, "If that is the case, we will do it even if you don't say it."

Of course, there is another possibility that Otto did not say.

That is, the opponent's strength is too strong, so strong that they don't even have the power to resist.

Of course, if that is the case, then the world of collapse is over. There is no need to prepare any strategy at all.

Therefore, this possibility is not said because there is no need to say it.

"In any case, we are the frontline warriors protecting the world of collapse." Yulandel turned around and faced the light group in the sky. The golden hair carried a faint fragrance, "From the moment we became Valkyries, we were ready to sacrifice ourselves at any time." Hearing this, Otto shook his head and sighed: "I hope this result will not happen. Oh, by the way, Anti-Entropy has also joined this battle. Don't get hurt by mistake during the battle." "Anti-Entropy? That's right, relying on the power of destiny alone is not safe enough." Theresa seemed very confused at first, and then said suddenly. Of course, this is her acting. In fact, Einstein's adventure was deliberate-the script arranged by Master Mo. With Anti-Entropy's attention to destiny, it is bound to discover that destiny has invested abnormally in Changkong City. If you continue to pay attention, you will inevitably find the light group with dark purple and dark black, and naturally you will be aware of the invasion from outside. Theresa actually knows a lot about Anti-Entropy. Although it is a mortal enemy of destiny, the two forces are incompatible. But there is no doubt that Anti-Entropy is definitely an organization that fights to protect the world and for civilians. And, unlike destiny, Anti-Entropy is more humane. "Heh." Otto smiled and didn't discuss it any more. "I'll leave first. Goodbye, Valkyries."

Otto left without any hesitation.

During the whole process, Otto didn't mention Yaezakura and the others. And judging from their performance at the end, they probably didn't care too much.

This made Theresa feel relieved.

This time, she was lucky. Fortunately, Yulandel and Rita didn't say anything. Fortunately, Yaezakura and Hiyomaru also quickly noticed the situation and stood quietly by the side. Eyes watch the nose, nose watch the heart.

And Otto shouldn't be idle to explore Yaezakura's identity during this period. After this matter is settled, Theresa can go back to modify Yaezakura's file.

"Hiss hiss hiss"

Theresa heard a strange sound coming from the sky.

Looking up, she saw that the dark purple and dark black light ball had expanded to a huge size.

The volume might be able to accommodate a Hyperion.

Not far away, Theresa could feel countless Valkyrie troops. And countless invisible, anti-entropy mechas.

"I don't know how many people will die in this battle." Theresa said silently in her heart.

In fact, if he wanted to avoid this war, Master Mo could do it completely.

But Master Mo still chose to release some of his power and let them invade the world of collapse.

Is this what Master Mo did on purpose?



Because it is necessary.

Without this battle, the world of collapse will always be a frog in the well, and they will know nothing about the outside world.

Without this battle, the world of collapse can only remain self-contained and only know how to fight wits and courage with the collapse.

If there is no battle, there will be another battle sooner or later. Mo Ye can't protect the collapsed world forever. His move is purely an investment in Theresa.

Just like in many fantasy novels, the protagonist always receives protection from the big guys before growing up.

This is what Mo Ye did.

Seeing the increasingly quiet atmosphere in the air, Theresa silently prayed: "I just hope everyone can be safe."

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