
A column of black light penetrated the sky and the earth. Google search reading

A group of tentacles stretched out from the dark purple and dark black light group.

Seeing this situation, Otto calmly ordered on the frontline battlefield: "All troops, prepare to face the enemy!"


A uniform roar erupted, and all the Valkyries activated their Valkyrie armors.

On the other side, Walter Yang, the leader of the Anti-Entropy Alliance, also ordered: "It's almost time, let all mechas enter the ready state."

"As you command, leader."

Tesla, who had always been grumpy and carefree, was concentrating and holding her breath at the moment as she entered the instructions into the command hub.

The next moment, all the anti-entropy mechas were activated. Except for the largest number of invisible Titans, the remaining mechas such as the Thunder Control Mecha and the "Sidewinder" series mechas were also ready to go.

"Bishop 'God Machine Baldr' and 'Sub-God Machine Mystertin' have all been put into the battlefield." Amber said respectfully, "In addition, the Hyperion's main gun has been charged."

"Very well, always be alert." Otto said expressionlessly.

"Alliance leader, Hephaestus has entered the battlefield." Tesla reported to Walter.

"Understood." Walter nodded.

In the air, on the main bridge of the Hyperion.

The captain of the Hyperion, Himeko, listened quietly to the instructions conveyed by her adjutant.

"How are Kiana and the others doing?"

Suddenly, Himeko asked.

The adjutant was stunned for a moment, and then responded quickly: "The special plane has arrived at St. Freya Academy. The teachers from there reported that the three of them have arrived safely."

"That's good." Jizi breathed out and nodded.

In the forest near Changkong City.

"It looks like it's about to begin." Gray Snake sighed.

"What are the instructions from the Lord?" Siola asked.

"The people of the World Snake are wandering around the periphery. If the situation is good, there is no need to do anything. If the situation is severe, help. If the situation is extremely bad, everyone in the World Snake will evacuate quickly, and I will quickly report the situation to the Lord. ”

Siora nodded, she had already guessed about this instruction.

Picking up her bow and arrow, Siora hid her figure under black clothes.

"Now, take action."

The endless darkness of the sky was oppressive and almost suffocating.

Dark purple and deep black light groups have completely covered the sky above Changkong City.





It's like a certain barrier has been broken.

Several transparent and colorless fragments slowly fell from the sky.

And this also means——

——The battle has begun.

In an instant, countless weird black species emerged from the light group.

Their eyes were purple and black, and their bodies were exuding black energy. Their bodies were covered with tentacles, and each tentacle had countless small tentacles.


It sounded like a cat scratching its paws on a blackboard.

As the voice fell, this group of unknown species seemed to have received some instructions. A ray of red light flashed in their purple-black eyes, and then they quickly rushed downwards.

"The whole army fights!"

On the front line, countless Valkyries showed no fear. They burst out with powerful momentum and rushed towards their opponents without any hesitation!

"Re-run team! Fire!"

With an order, countless artillery fire spurted out from the rear, pouring down on the enemy.

"Boom boom boom!"

The sound of artillery fire shook the sky continuously, and the concussive dust covered the air.


The bombardment of artillery fire caused countless unknown creatures to disappear into the sea of ​​artillery, which obviously annoyed the other party. This group of unknown creatures spread their tentacles.

In an instant, countless black tentacles stabbed directly into the Valkyrie troops.

A thick tentacle smashed into a group of Valkyries, and the huge force set off a gust of wind, knocking all the surrounding Valkyries away.

Another tentacle penetrated the body of a Valkyrie. The Valkyrie armor had no effect at all in front of it.

There are countless small tentacles on the piercing tentacles, which suck the life of the attacked person. The bright red blood flows all the way up the tentacles and into the monster that exudes black energy.

There was a "click".

A sword pierced the thick tentacle.

The broken black tentacles fell off in mid-air, and the species exuding black energy let out a sharp howl.

Seeing this situation, the other Valkyries also picked up their weapons and attacked the tentacles.

But this group of tentacles didn't just stay motionless and be slaughtered by others.

The black tentacles waved in the air, knocking away those who wanted to attack it.

At this time, a bullet suddenly pierced the sky and accurately hit an unknown species.

Then, the bullet exploded in the species' body, and the Honkai energy that emerged ripped the species' body apart.

Like a kite with its string broken, this species fell to the ground helplessly along with the tentacles it controlled.

This is not over.

The fallen species suddenly exploded, and thick black unknown objects were sprayed onto some of the Valkyries.

The parts of their bodies that were touched were instantly corroded. Some people even had their heads rotted directly, and they died on the spot without even being able to scream.

"Watch out for the tentacles!"

"Protect teammates!"

"Be careful of those fallen things! Don't get too close to them!"

"Rear! Rear! Launch missiles in the direction of three o'clock!!!"

Countless commands sounded one after another.

The air support warships continued to fire bullets at the enemy.

The bullets poured out like a violent rain on the enemy.

The next moment, a thick tentacle sprang out from nowhere and penetrated Zhan Ting directly.

On the ground, the anti-entropic Titan has completely lost its invisibility.

As mechas, they charge at the front, raising their fists to smash the enemies into the ground.

The thunder-controlling, fire-controlling, "Rattlesnake" series mechas and other mechas were on full fire, constantly scanning the opponent and spraying missiles.

The god machine Baldr and the sub-god machine Mystatin were flying low, piercing each enemy one after another with the sharp blades in their hands. Or being pierced by enemies one after another.

The war has begun, and the outcome is destined to be tragic.

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