“You dare to speak ruthlessly, don’t you?”

Shen Futian looked at Qiu Shaogong, whose face was swollen like a pig’s head, and actually dared to speak, this really did not put him in his eyes.

Immediately stepped on it.

The whole foot stepped on his face, crushed fiercely, and saw his swollen face, blood flowing down the corners of his mouth, and the sound of clicking, and several teeth fell off.

This crushing crushed all of Qiu Shaogong’s words into his stomach.

The intense pain made Qiu Shaogong’s entire face distorted, when had he been tortured like this, and for a while resentment and hatred were like weeds rising wildly in his heart.

He must make this guy in front of him pay a heavy price.

He had to let this guy die.

Qiu Shaogong’s heart was vicious, but the pain on his face made him unable to bear it anymore, and he kept screaming.

After a while, he started shouting.

“I’m wrong, I know it’s wrong, please uncle let me have a way to live, spare my life, spare my life, uncle.”

“I’m a fart, just let me go.”

“Uncle, uncle, I don’t dare anymore.”

Words begging for mercy came out of his mouth, but they plunged into his own 14 like a knife.

He vowed to repay him a thousand times the bullying today.

The hatred in Qiu Shaogong’s heart poured out the water of all over the world, and it could not be washed away!

Listening to his plea for mercy, Shen Futian looked at the people around him before lifting his feet, and a huge footprint on the other party’s swollen pig-like face occupied the entire face, looking as miserable as it was.

“Well, seeing that you are still sincere in admitting your mistakes, I will spare you a dog’s life today, and I don’t get out quickly.”

Shen Futian said indifferently.

“Thank you uncle, thank you big brother, I’ll go.”

Qiu Shaogong hated in his heart, hatred swallowed his entire heart, stood up and prepared to find someone to destroy this guy in front of him.

But at this time, the young man in front of him had a devilish smile on his face.

“Let you roll, not let you go.”

Every word was like a throwing knife into his heart.

But looking at the other party’s magic power, he did not dare to show the slightest expression in his heart, and directly rolled up in the bar, rolling into the elevator before disappearing.

Watching Qiu Shaogong leave, the entire bar suddenly remembered a burst of applause.

The applause started out of nowhere and spread throughout the bar.

Obviously, the guests of the entire bar were very upset when they saw this Qiu Shaogong, it seemed that he was severely lectured, and they all felt happy in their hearts and wanted to applaud Shen Futian.

However, Liao Shishi’s face was not ordinary, and she looked at Shen Futian very worriedly, and said.

“Little brother, you better leave quickly, this Qiu Shaogong, you and we are very powerful here, you better leave here tonight, once you leave here, if you want to trouble you, you can’t.”

Shen Futian listened to the concern in Liao Shishi’s words, smiled at her, and said.

“It’s impossible to leave tonight, I’m so tired, I was so disturbed by him, and I didn’t have the mind to drink, so I went to sleep.”

With that, he drank the cocktail in his hand and walked out towards the bar.

Liao Shishi didn’t want to give up yet, and walked out after him and said to him.

“Little brother, I know that you said this for the sake of face, now there is no one, listen to my persuasion, leave now, don’t stay here, Qiu Shaogong’s family is really powerful here, even…”

Speaking of this, Liao Shishi did not dare to say any more.

Shen Futian felt a trace of interest, but seeing that he was unwilling to say it, it was not good to ask again, just waved his hand and said.

“I’m not for this little thing, I don’t even want my life, don’t worry, I have my own measure.”

With that, he walked towards the elevator.

Liao Shishi still wanted to persuade, but she also knew that the other party would not care at all, so she had to swallow the words into her throat.

Back in his room, Shen Futian opened the floor-to-ceiling window, exhaled, and exhaled, as if to wash away his exhaustion.

Thinking of that Qiu Shaogong, he unconsciously remembered what Liao Shishi had said half a sentence, and his brows frowned slightly.

Looking at her incomprehensible appearance, Shen Futian probably guessed his details, seeing that he was one of those people, since this is the case, then he can’t let him go so easily.

Thinking of this, he said directly in his mind.

“System, open the popularity lottery system for me, I want to draw prizes.”

As soon as his words fell, a popular lottery interface of the system interface appeared in front of him.

Walked directly to a wave of bronze treasure chests.

I saw a flash of bronze in front of his eyes, a bronze treasure chest fell from the sky, fell into his sea of consciousness, opened with a bang, a white light flashed, and something flew out.

“Shh, congratulations to the host, getting ‘yang. Ji Ka ‘x1! ”

Impotence card: When using this card, you only need to think about the person’s appearance and name in your mind to make this card work, and the recipient will be yang for life. Rhizoma, no longer has any ability to do anything, become a real waste, as to whether to change orientation, is no longer within the scope of this card.

Look at this stalk. The effect of the scab, Shen Futian’s eyes lit up, and he almost laughed.

Without saying anything, he directly thought about Qiu Shaogong’s appearance in his mind, and suddenly the ‘Yang. The card was slightly hot, and then the whole card burned, turning into a cloud of ash in his hand, blowing with the wind, and disappearing without a trace.

At this time, he had already run to a KTV entrance hundreds of meters outside the hotel, and several young brothers guarding the door saw that Qiu Shaogong, who had a blue nose and a swollen face, changed his face and ran towards him.

But at this moment, Qiu Shaogong only felt a chill under his legs, and then 180 was a sharp pain.

The pain caused him to skim all his running steps, become a soft-footed shrimp, let out a scream in his mouth, and planted down.

The face made a close contact with the ground, and a crisp sound sounded.

The entire bridge bone of the nose was directly broken, and two nosebleeds flowed out like two small snakes.

However, Qiu Shaogong did not have time to worry about the sharp pain in the bridge of his nose, and at this time, he felt that his lower body seemed to be deflated.

When you touch it, what used to look like the thickness of a thumb suddenly becomes a small earthworm.

“This… This…… How is this… Possible? It hurts! ”

He let out a series of screams in his mouth, and even the few guarding brothers who came over were stunned by the situation in front of them, and they didn’t know what to do for a while.

Qiu Shaogong hurriedly scolded.

“Are you blind? I still want to die, and I don’t hurry up and help me. ”

Qiu Shaogong, who was bowed into a shrimp with his waist up, walked into the KTV noodles and soon entered a private room.

“Qiu Gongzi, what’s wrong with you? It doesn’t matter who did it, we will avenge you. ”

Just helped him into the box, but inside the box was full of muscular big men, seeing his miserable appearance, they roared one after another.

“Revenge, revenge, must take revenge, get a stretcher, Lao Tzu will watch this kid die.”

Qiu Shaogong covered his lower body while shouting hoarsely. _

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