These muscular big men looked at Qiu Shaogong’s miserable state, as well as his sharp roar, and without saying a word, they all ran out of the box carrying various knives and steel pipes.

Soon the little brother who guarded the door found a stretcher, carried Qiu Shaogong out of the KTV entrance, and ran towards the hotel.

Who are they?

When was it bullied by other people like this.

This revenge must be repaid!

Soon after their deliberate inquiry, they knew Shen Futian’s room number, and without saying a word, they went straight upstairs.

Before he came to the top floor, Shen Futian heard movement outside.

At this time, he was sitting cross-kneeled on the bed cultivating, and since he strengthened his physical fitness, his hearing had far exceeded ordinary people.

At a distance of tens of meters, he could hear everything he wanted to hear.

Seeing the movement in the elevator getting bigger and bigger, his brows frowned lightly.

He doesn’t care, if he disturbs others to sleep, it’s not good.

Thinking of this, he came directly to the door of the corridor.

At this time, the elevator door also opened just now, and dozens of people rushed out of the elevator, and when they saw Shen Futian standing outside who was already waiting for them, their expressions were slightly stunned.

“Boy, who are you? What are you doing standing here, go back, or we’ll let you know what’s awesome. ”


Shen Futian questioned, looked at him obliquely, and said.

“Are you really going to let me go?”

“What’s wrong with just letting you leave? Don’t you want to leave yet, look at the appearance of your little white face, if you beat your face, don’t look for us. ”

This big man said viciously.

And at this time, Qiu Shaogong, who was carrying a stretcher behind, had already come to the front, looking at Shen Futian in front of him, his face immediately changed greatly, the bruises on his face burst out, and his swollen face like a pig’s face was full of hideousness, which looked not terrifying at all, but extremely ridiculous.

“It’s you, kill him for Lao Tzu, Lao Tzu will watch him die in front of Lao Tzu.”

Listening to Qiu Shaogong’s words, these muscular big men were stunned.

The young man in front of him was still such a small white face, and he actually beat Qiu Shaogong like this.

It won’t be that Qiu Shaogong’s brain was beaten stupid.

Don’t know anyone?

For a while, these muscular big men were stunned.

Seeing that they had not moved, Qiu Shaogong’s face was full of anger, and he stood up on the stretcher, who knew that the stretcher ‘clicked’, and it broke directly, and Qiu Shaogong’s whole person fell off the stretcher.

With a bang, it hit the ground, and suddenly another scream sounded.

“Kill this kid for me~~!”

Lying on the ground, blood dripping from the corners of his mouth, he still tore his face and shouted.

At this moment, these muscular knots continued to hesitate, but instead said with a sinister smile on their faces.

“Boy, you actually beat our people like this, today your life is lost.”

“Welcome, warm welcome.”

Shen Futian had long been impatient with this kind of person, since these people were looking for death, how could he let it go.

Everyone only felt a black shadow flash in front of them, and they felt a sharp pain all over their bodies.

Bang bang!

A crash sound was heard, and before these muscular men could react, they slammed into the wall one by one.

Click, click, click

The sound of bones breaking continued to sound, and it continued to become a piece of music.

It’s only been ten seconds, and everyone on the ground is already lying down, groaning. The groans continued.

Only the few guarding brothers who were still in a daze carrying the broken stretcher remained.

Shen Futian came to their side and grinned at them, and suddenly these little brothers who guarded the door, their legs were soft, and they knelt on the ground.

“Please… Beg…… Please… Don’t…”

“Hurry up and carry your people and roll quickly, if you don’t leave my sight for three seconds, you won’t have to leave.”

Shen Futian smiled, revealing that in the eyes of these guarding brothers, it was like a devil’s sneer.

He was about to help the person leave, and was about to carry Qiu Shaogong, but Shen Futian’s eyes looked over.

Old Qiu Shaogong’s face turned red, and he shivered in fear.

“I know, I’ll get out!”

Say it, and roll.

Seeing these people all roll into the elevator room, Shen Futiancai walked into his room with satisfaction and continued to rest.

The dozens of people who came over this time were all broken by him, either hands or feet, and at least they had to lie in bed for months to recover, but even if they recovered, they would not want to fight fiercely in the future, they could only grow crops at home and see how they bullied others.

The matter on this side soon reached Liao Shishi’s ears, listening to the report of the hotel customer service, Liao Shishi’s whole person was stunned.

She couldn’t have imagined that dozens of muscular big men couldn’t stop it for more than ten seconds, and they were solved by this little brother, and he looked at him with ease.

He is actually a master of national arts?

Liao Shishi thought so in her heart, and she was even more curious about Shen Futian in her heart.

Can’t he not be curious, not only can enter the Taklamakan desert to explore, but also can blade dozens of muscular knots of the big man, such a handsome man, it is impossible not to arouse the curiosity of others.

It is simply a light in the night, attracting countless moths.

Thinking about Shen Futian’s affairs, Liao Shishi was unconsciously addicted to it, unable to detect the passage of time.

On the other side, Shen Futian returned to the room again and began to cultivate.

He believes that after this time, they should have learned some lessons, and they will not be so arrogant for the time being.

In the second half of the night, as he thought, it was very stable, and there was no more disturbance.

Nothing was said all night until dawn.

The first rays of sunlight shone through the floor-to-ceiling windows, and Shen Futian, who was sitting cross-kneeled on the bed to cultivate, opened his eyes, and the essence in his pupils flashed away, like the bright stars in the sky.

Getting up from the bed, Shen Futian simply freshened up.

A knock on the door answered.

Shen Futian came to the door, opened the door, and Wang Gongzi walked in from outside, at this time his face was full of excitement, holding an apple tablet and said.

“.~ Brother Shen, we’re in the headlines again, but it’s not an entertainment headline (who gets money).”

Wang Gongzi thought he had enough appetite and said.

Shen Futian has long had experience, and it should be that those portals and those physical newspapers have been updated.

He wasn’t very interested.

Wang Gongzi looked at his appearance, and his face immediately collapsed, reluctantly.

“Brother Shen, it’s not two ah, all the reports at once are us, even if it’s Wang Banbi, it can’t steal our headlines.”

Saying that, he handed over the apple tablet in his hand.

Shen Futian took a look, and sure enough, it was the same as he guessed.

The major portals have updated their media channels, and the headline on the front page of each portal is him, but the title is different, but the meaning is the same, Shen Futian has found a treasure again.

It is also the remains of the lost ancient city of Loulan Ancient Kingdom, which has been lost for thousands of years, killing hundreds of treasure hunters and archaeologists.

As soon as this news broke, it immediately caused an uproar. _

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