If it was just skepticism at first, now it’s definitive news.

When the news came out, the outside world exploded into a pot of porridge.

No matter who it was, they didn’t want to believe that the news was true, they just thought it was a joke.

What is the Taklamakan Desert?

It was the desert of death, it was a forbidden area for human beings, and it could only go in, but it could not get out.

When Shen Futian live-streamed into the Taklamakan Desert to find the lost ancient country of Loulan, most Ren listened to it as a joke.

How is it possible to find an ancient country of Loulan that disappeared thousands of years ago in the vast desert?

If it is really so easy to find, then in the past hundred years, those treasure hunters who have died have long been found, where can they get Shen Futian’s turn?

Moreover, people are fighting in a team, what does Shen Futian have?

It’s just a single person, and they want to find an ancient country in the big desert, they don’t care at all.

Even thinking about whether the other party can come out of the desert is a mystery, and I want to find the Loulan Ancient Kingdom, this is a dream that has not woken up yet, right?

But now, you say that the other party really found this Loulan ancient country that has been lost for thousands of years, they will only think that this is an April Fool’s joke, but now April Fool’s Day has long passed 180, right?

If it were an online report, they wouldn’t take it seriously, but now the whole network is about Shen Futian’s discovery of the ruins of the Loulan Ancient Kingdom, and even the photos of the ruins of the ancient city from various angles have come out, how can they not believe it?

At this time, they only have the feeling of being a dog.

The whole person is not good!

People take years or even decades to find a treasure, but this guy, every once in a while, finds a treasure, this luck is really too against the sky.

Countless melon-eating people looked at the news on the Internet, and they were stunned for a while.

“Before the ruins of the ancient city of Loulan Ancient Kingdom, which have been lost for thousands of years, finally appeared, how did it disappear, please let us follow the footsteps of Shen Fuhao and get close to the ruins of this ancient city. 》

——NetEase News!

“Another treasure is here, the mysterious Loulan Ancient Kingdom, and what treasure can stop his footsteps.” 》

——Sina News!

“Shocked, men watch silent, women watch tears, Shen Fuhao once again found a huge amount of treasure, and his net worth doubled again. 》

– UC Shock Department!

“The Taklamakan Desert can no longer stop his steps, this planet, what treasures can he not find? We’ll see! 》

——Sohu News!

“The mysterious ancient country of Loulan Suspected Lost is now alive, and for it in the past hundred years, how many treasure hunters have been buried in the Taklamakan Desert, and now they can finally blind themselves. 》

– Phoenix News!

“Luck is bursting, lady luck has been taken, Shen Fuhao’s net worth has doubled again, becoming the youngest billionaire, and the Forbes list has advanced several places again! 》

——Qiandu News!

“The third treasure reappeared, Shen Fuhao’s footsteps did not stop, the pace of discovering the treasure did not stop, the mysterious ancient country, the treasure of King Xiang, and the underwater city, what else can stop him?” 》

——Tencent News!

Not only the news of these portals, but in tens of minutes, Shen Futian’s news was once again on the Weibo hot search list.

#沈伏天-Loulan Ancient Kingdom# became a hot search topic on Weibo.

And under his Weibo, countless fans are raising their hands to celebrate.

Congratulations to their idol for once again breaking through a world problem, solving a mystery that has puzzled them for thousands of years, and an unsolved mystery is about to be revealed in front of everyone.

Shen Futian looked at such a hot topic on Weibo, and he had to express it.

On his Weibo, he gave himself a thumbs up, and then posted a few photos of the ruins of the ancient city and the extremely well-preserved jinpa.

Suddenly, the entire Weibo became a sensation again, and in just ten minutes, his Weibo exploded below.

With more than two million retweets and nearly 800,000 comments, it has advanced towards one million.

The popularity is so hot, nearly fifty percent of the fans are congratulating him, and three percent of the melon-eating masses want to ask him what he gained this time?

(beee) The last remaining Ichisei is mocking, envious, jealous, and hateful.

For these people, Shen Futian has always been too lazy to pay attention to them.

He is not a renminbi, and he can’t make everyone like him.

And he is now so temperamental, so handsome, and so rich, he is simply the public enemy of all men.

Nowadays, only close to about 10% of people can’t eat grapes under his Weibo and say grape sour, which is still good.

Shen Futian is very understandable, not to mention him, even if Dayao, who has set up various honors for the country, is not all kinds of hacked on the Internet, he is hacked, it is not a big deal.

On the contrary, looking at the fast-growing fans on his Weibo, he is still beautiful in his heart, now he has more than 15 million fans, and is moving towards 20 million, maybe one or two adventures to hunt for treasure to reach this number.

It’s just that there is still some way to go before completing the main quest two.

“How’s that, isn’t it a cool feeling?”

Wang Gongzi’s voice sounded on the side.

Shen Futian’s media reports don’t matter much, but it is the subsequent growth of fans, and the rise in popularity is what he cares more about.

After chatting with Wang Gongzi for a while, when it was almost eight o’clock, Wu Lao walked in with three museum directors.

Wu Lao said.

“Brother Shen, are you ready to open the appraisal? I can’t wait. ”

Wu Lao was excited, his face full of excitement.

The remaining three old men also had similar expressions, and what they saw next would be the history of the ancient country Loulan Ancient Kingdom, which had been lost for thousands of years, which did not allow them not to be excited.

Such a country, even during the Tang Dynasty, made the monarchs of the Great Tang yearn for it, and even sent a large army to look for it, but they did not find it, you can imagine the curiosity in their hearts.

Shen Futian naturally didn’t bother to affect the interests of these four old men on this, and besides, he wrapped the top floor last night, not without this consideration.

With the help of these free laborers, paying less commission is secondary, the key is that these people want to ask them to help, it is impossible, but they can now take the initiative to ask for the army, which is exactly what they can’t ask for.

They were all well-informed, far more powerful than the appraisers of the auction house.

With their help, Shen Futian was able to know the stories behind the cultural relics and antiques of the Loulan Ancient Kingdom, as well as their definite news.

The appraiser of the auction house is at most to identify the age, or whether it is precious or not.

Even if it is just such an outcome, it is possible to go wrong.

However, these four old antiques in front of him are absolutely impossible to make mistakes, and the loss to him can be minimized.

Not to mention the matter of the relics museum, just identifying the treasures in his hands was enough for Shen Futian to give out the reward.

After agreeing, Shen Futian immediately asked Wang Gongzi to call and arrange it.

Suddenly, the entire hotel saw boxes of large boxes being transported towards the top floor.

Watching these tightly sealed dozens of large boxes being carried into the hotel with great difficulty, the reporters who rushed to the hotel froze. _

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