Chapter 1023 Mo Bao is the weakness

 Mo Bao was really speechless.

This woman really broke his own bottom line.

 I didn’t expect this woman to really say such a thing.

 In front of a child who is over one year old, he uses such a teasing tone to say something bad about the child’s mother.

 Haha, but this also shows that this woman has a bad mind.

 You need to know how ordinary children can be as smart as him and how they can understand these things.

 So this move is not a smart move in nature.

Mo Bao didn't say anything, he just looked at Lan Min quietly.

There was doubt in his eyes.

With such a gaze, Lan Zhen finally realized that he had done a very stupid thing.

 This child is just over one year old.

Furthermore, Lan Min also felt that a woman like Su Nian would not give birth to a smart child.

So Lan Zhi felt that he had to think carefully about how to get useful information out of this child's mouth.

“Woo, where is my dad? I want my dad. My dad ignores me when he sleeps and doesn’t play with me. I want my dad to play with me.”

These words instantly attracted Lan Zhi's attention.

 Dad ignores me when I sleep and doesn’t play with me.

So what this means is that something really happened to Li Beichen.

When he thought of this, Lan Min squatted down and was parallel to Mo Bao: "Mo Bao, tell me, why doesn't daddy play with you when you sleep? Why doesn't daddy play with you?"

"Dad just won't accompany me, wuwu, no matter how much I call daddy, he won't accompany me. Why is this happening? Is it because dad doesn't like Mo Bao? Wuwu, he clearly said that the little boy he likes in this world is The child is Mo Bao, why is he like this now? Is he lying to me?"

"Are you sure your father can't stop shouting no matter how hard he shouts?" Lan Min's voice became a little louder.

 And he also stretched out his hand to pull Mo Bao. Mo Bao was very painful when he was pulled by this woman.

 But Mo Bao endured it.

Mo Bao knew very well what his mother was thinking about recently. How could his son not help his mother?

 “It hurts, it hurts.”

How could Lan Min be worried about Mo Baotian, so he quickly spoke again: "Please tell me clearly, your father won't listen no matter how you scream, no matter what method you use, it won't work. Tell your aunt properly, and you You must know that this child cannot lie, and you must know that if the child lies, he will be eaten by the monster. "

When Mo Bao heard this, he raised his head and cried: "I didn't, I didn't lie, dad just doesn't play with me, no matter what, I don't want the monster to be eaten."

These words succeeded in making Lan Min's heart immediately become confused.

 Did something really happen to Li Beichen?

 If Li Beichen really comes out. If something happens, then what should you do?

Are you really cooperating with Huo Linyuan to attack Li Beichen and letting the Huo family really suppress the Li family?

 Do you really want to do this?

 Lan Min was really confused.

 But at this moment, a figure suddenly jumped directly in front of her.

Before Lan Min could react, he slapped her directly in the face.

Lan Min's eyes regained clarity, and he immediately saw an angry Su Nian. .

Su Nian was really mad at this moment.

"Lan Zhen, if something really happens to you, just come directly to me. What are you doing to the children?"

Su Nian received the news from Zhou Xu that Mo Bao was here, so he hurried downstairs.

 I saw this scene without expecting it.

You must know that Mo Bao is her weak point.

 (End of this chapter)

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