Chapter 1024 Dealing with a person who has no right to life

 Lan Min’s brain is easy to use.

 Immediately fell to the ground.

"Su Nian, why did you attack me? Why are you so cruel? What do you want to do? You have already taken Beichen away from me, and you have also provoked our relationship. What do you want to do?" Lan Min said. Holding his belly.

Although Lan Zhen really doesn’t want to use the child in his belly as a bargaining chip.

But she knew very well that if she didn't do this, Huo Linyuan would definitely feel that she was doing something wrong, so no matter what ideas she had, she had to do this.

 “Lan Zhen, what do you mean by this?”

Lan Min held her stomach tightly: "I know you don't want me to get close to Beichen, but you can't do this no matter what. The child in my belly is innocent. If anything happens to you, you Just come for me, why are you coming for my child?"

 Faced with Lan Min’s behavior.

Su Nian’s eyes became colder and colder.

Even after Lan Min raised his head and saw Su Nian's eyes, he was not calm.

 Such a look.

What does Su Nian want to do?

"Su Nian, what do you mean? What do you want to do? I tell you, don't mess around. If you mess around, then I will be really rude to you, really rude to you."

But Su Nian walked into Lanzi step by step.

Especially when Su Nian opened his mouth, Lan Min finally understood what horror was.

The reason why I say this is because Su Nian said: "Lan Yan, I don't know if you understand the law. You know that a baby has no right to life before it is born."

"You, you, you, what do you mean? I tell you, don't mess around. If you really mess around, the consequences will be..."

"What can I do? I just deal with a person who has no right to life. What do you think I can do, haha." After saying this, Su Nian walked towards Lan Min step by step: "And Don’t forget, how did you get out when I sent you in? You were able to get out, how could I not get out?" These words at this moment really made Lan Min start to tremble.

That kind of fear is a fear that cannot be described in words.

"Su Nian, I didn't do anything. I really didn't do anything." At this moment, Lan Min got up directly from the ground. What other plans did Lan Min have now?

But Su Nian didn't care about anything, and just grabbed her hair: "What do you want to do, what bad thoughts do you have for my man? I can tolerate these, but my child is my entire bottom line. Now you step on it." It’s reached my bottom line.”

Su Nian really wanted to kill this guy at this moment.

  She can play with the orchid and treat her as a toy.

 But he couldn't bear the threat she brought to Mo Bao.

 Mo Bao was really moved and speechless when he saw his mother like this.

  No matter what time, space or world it is, mother always loves herself the most.

 And Lan Min also really felt that Su Nian really wanted to do something to him.

 In this situation, Lan Min was really panicked.

 Her brain was spinning rapidly, what to do, what to do.

At this moment, Lin Na's voice sounded: "Mrs. Li, don't be impulsive. Don't be impulsive. If you can't control your emotions, the consequences will be really disastrous."

"Ms. Lin, are you a mother? You know that for a mother, her children are the most important thing to her, and she can do anything for her children!"

 (End of this chapter)

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