Chapter 1053 What did Su Nian do this time?

Luo Qian also realized at this time that he had been fooled.

 I was led emotionally by Su Nian.

 This is a bad situation. If she is led emotionally by this guy, then the communication between them will be under her control, which is really not okay.

Luo Qian immediately said: "Su Nian, some winnings and losses in games are not real winnings and losses. If you want to really win in the overall situation, then that's the key."

Su Nian laughed when he heard this, and then said: "Do you really think you can win in the overall situation?"

Luo Qian could hear the arrogance in Su Nian's voice when he said this.

 Although I feel a little uncomfortable, I also know that this is an opportunity.

"Su Nian, you are very confident that this is a good thing, but you have to know that God cannot always favor you."

 After Luo Qian finished speaking, Su Nian didn't speak for a long time.

Luo Qian doesn't think Su Nian is a simple person who bows his head.

Su Nian's behavior really made him a little worried.

What is this guy doing?

Just when Luo Qian was about to speak again, Su Nian's voice finally spoke: "Luo Qian, what you said is indeed very good now, but now you know what methods I have, what are my plans?"

Luo Qian looked at the person lying opposite.

"You can't even guess this. Where did you get the courage?" Su Nian, who was being looked at by Luo Qian, turned around at this moment, and then looked at: "You asked this question, which also proves I said this."

"Su Nian, you are here. I don't know what Li Beichen's situation is now, but you are here again."

Su Nian laughed when he heard this: "You really think that I...have no back-up plan. Maybe the world outside is changing at this moment, and it may have been doomed a long time ago."

"what have you done!"

“Guess, guess, guess what I did, there will be a reward for guessing it right, hehe.”

Luo Qian then hit the door hard with his hand.

This scheming guy.

 Yes, I may have been misled by this guy.

 She may not have any plans, she's just talking nonsense.

"Su Nian, you are just talking nonsense here, what can you do." Su Nian is not talking.

 Whether she was talking nonsense after all... we will find out later.


Just when Huo Linyuan and the others were staring at Su Nian and the Li family.

 Suddenly the hot search exploded.

 There were many people surrounding Huo.

 And protested with banners.

Huo Linyuan smiled when he heard the news: "Su Nian is indeed not a simple person. He is not a simple person."

But Huo Linyuan's secretary didn't look very good at the moment.

"Whatever they did is wrong. No matter what they did, you should contact the police now and arrest these people on the grounds of disrupting the order of our company."

“Mr. Huo, maybe it won’t work this time.”

When Huo Linyuan heard this, he subconsciously looked at the secretary: "What do you mean by this? Why is it not working? What did Su Nian play this time? Tell me. Tell me carefully."

Huo Linyuan was still looking forward to it when he said this.

He finally figured out that Su Nian never played his cards according to common sense.

 Ever since Huo Linyuan really regarded Su Nian as his opponent, he found it really interesting.

"It's like this. A piece of clothing produced by Su Nian's company was worn by a popular artist, and his fans wanted the same style. But I don't know who released the news, saying that we persecuted Su Nian's company, and now the fans of this star Just come to our company to make trouble.”

Huo Linyuan's face looked a little bad when he heard this.

 And...the reason why his face looks like because he can't understand the logic.

What exactly did Su Nian do this time?

 (End of this chapter)

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