Chapter 1054 Lin Na, do you have any ideas?


 It was originally a matter of being a star.

 But gradually, the news that the official seal of the Huo Group was lost also began to amplify.

The fans of this star are getting more and more angry.

Your company can even lose an official seal, but now it prevents us from wearing the same style as our brother.

 Originally, forget it like this.

 Until they discovered something

This star is the artist created by the talent show that Su Nian and Sun Ying'er held.

  And Huo Linyuan...are almost 89% similar.

 When the news came out, everyone felt that the matter had changed.

 Especially the fans of this star.

Su Nian is their brother's Bole. Without her, how could they see...their brother.

 Now that Su Nian encounters such a thing...then they must help.

 And at this moment, a video streamed out from somewhere.

That's what the little star said: "Actually, I only participated in that program for fun. After all, everyone thought that Miss Su and Miss Sun were just for fun, and they just wanted to **** off the president of Huo Group.

 At the beginning, I also wanted to earn some living expenses, but I didn’t expect that I would actually win.

 When I won, Miss Su and Miss Sun came to me seriously and talked to me about the future. When I first heard the news, I was really stunned. Was this meant to compliment me? "

"I still remember that Ms. Su said to me, yes, I know you all think we are messing around, but I feel that no matter how much we mess around, we can't mess with other people's future, so we pay for what we say. "

 When the words of this little star came out.

The fans started attacking.

 And expand the matter of the official seal.

 Indeed, this official seal can be repaired.

But if you can just lose your official seal casually, doesn’t that mean it’s easy for others to mess with your company’s official seal?

 Huo's is a well-known company, and can even be said to be a leading enterprise. It has been a long time since such a situation occurred in such a large company, but there is no news at all.

There are many people who have something to say about this.

 Gradually the turmoil became bigger and bigger.

 Like dominoes.

Lin Na admired Su Nian when she saw this situation.

She thought about it for a long time, but she couldn't figure out how Su Nian would start from this place.

And Huo Linyuan...even she doesn't understand this entertainment industry...

 She had a headache when she saw Huo Linyuan.

 Actually, there is a way now.

  It can even be said to be the only way.

—Just to make Su Nian confess.

 Let everyone know that Su Nian did this.

 But it would be great if it could be done.

It's not easy for Su Nian to find an excuse for doing things.

Lin Na is now also curious about what method Huo Linyuan will come up with to deal with this matter.


 Such a trick is really not easy to deal with...

 “Lin Na, do you have any good ideas?”

 Lin Na sneered in her heart, wondering what good idea she could do.

However, Lin Na also knew that this Huo Linyuan was no ordinary person.

 He will certainly not be so short-sighted.

So asking this question now is probably to test himself. At the same time, he also laments that Huo Linyuan really can't afford it. Even in such a situation, he still wants to test himself.

“I don’t have much choice now. After all, I’m not familiar with things in the entertainment industry.”

 (End of this chapter)

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