Chapter 1079 The Right Choice

"Mr. Huo, if you have anything to say, just say it directly. We are both very busy. It is not good for both of us to waste time like this."

Huo Linyuan: "I came here, and you still don't know why?"

"Why do I know? Why do you think I know? I'm not a roundworm in your belly. Why do I know? Hey, you are really being a bit nagging like this."

 In this situation, it is obvious that I have the upper hand.

 If this is the case, then why should we follow this guy?

And didn't Li Beichen say... Since this is the case, then don't let the male protagonist refuse to listen. Even if she, Su Nian, grovels and says something in front of Huo Linyuan at this moment, she can't ease the relationship with Huo Linyuan.

 If that’s the case, then why not come directly.

This can also make you feel a little better

"Su Nian, I have sent my woman in. In essence, we have no grudges and we can live in peace."

This actually surprised Su Nian.

 What does this male protagonist mean?

 Why this attitude.

 This is to bow your head.

“Mr. Huo, what do you mean by this? Do you want to laugh away our grudges with me?”

Huo Linyuan leaned back in his chair when he said this: "Su Nian, you are a smart person. You know very well that if we continue, it will not be good for anyone. Now your husband has not woken up. , the entire Li Group is unstable."

  Su Nian had no expression at all when Huo Linyuan said this.

Even Su Nian didn't have much thought.

 It was as if in front of her, he was just an opera singer. "Su Nian!" This look really made Huo Linyuan couldn't help shouting his name.

Even though Huo Linyuan knew very well that he did this without any airs.

 Now Su Nian could really say that she had stomped her face to the ground.

 No woman has ever been able to do this.

 Huo Linyuan even thought that it would be great if this woman disappeared from this world... When he thought of this, Huo Linyuan's eyes became sharp.

"Okay, okay, I'm listening. What do you want to say? Just say it directly. There's no need to be so nagging." When Su Nian said this, his eyes were as disgusted as possible. dislike.

 Such an attitude.

Su Nian felt that she really had a good handle on this male protagonist.

  Hey, this so-called male protagonist is nothing more than that.

However, Su Nian also knew very well that it was almost the same for him. If he continued, he would indeed be in trouble.

Then he said: "Actually, Mr. Huo, I understand what you mean. You just hope that we can each take a step back, but I hope you can show your sincerity. Although the current situation seems to be similar between the two of us, I can I dare not say anything nice, but now my husband’s life or death is uncertain.”

"I have such a feeling in my heart, and I will try my best to get rid of this feeling in my heart. Mr. Huo, you should know my methods. Since you know, I also believe that you can make a normal decision. ”

“The right choice, I would like to know what you mean by the right choice.”

When Su Nian said this, he stood up: "The right choice is the right choice, Mr. Huo, don't try to trick me here. Your words here have no meaning. Instead of trying to trick me here, why don't you try to trick me here?" It’s better to think carefully about what is the right choice.”

 (End of this chapter)

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