Chapter 1080 I hope you can ignore me

"The right choice, haha, is there really a right choice?" Huo Linyuan looked at Su Nian when he said this: "Actually, I was really curious at the beginning, why Li Beichen, who has loved Lan Min for so many years, let go, even I even suspected he was acting."

Su Nian did not expect Huo Linyuan to say this.

 She stopped.

"Now I understand why, why aristocratic families always demand that they be well-matched."

Su Nian now really suspects that there is something wrong with his ears.

 This is the male protagonist.

How could the male protagonist say such a thing?

Even though Su Nian knew very well that the male protagonist said this just for expediency, it was still a bit unbelievable. If the male protagonist really said this to numb himself, then Su Nian really thought that the male protagonist was powerful.

 You can do anything to achieve your own goals.

Su Nian put on the look of a joke: "Then tell me, what do you mean now? You are interested in me, haha, you won't rob me in turn."

Huo Linyuan shook his head: "If you are the kind of woman who comes and goes when I call you, then you will not appear in front of me. Su Nian, you are the first woman that I take seriously. I even feel that You may bring more surprises to me."

"I will bring you more surprises, hahaha, Huo Linyuan, did you use your brain when you said this? You said it as if I was a plaything or a clown, and even the purpose of what I did was To attract your attention, haha, if you look at your opponent like this, then I really don’t regard you as my opponent anyway.”

After Su Nian finished speaking, he turned around: "Okay, when I said this, I was indeed a little excited. After all, you don't regard me as your opponent. This is also a good thing. In this case, I can do a lot while you are ignoring me." things.”

Huo Linyuan looked at Su Nian who was walking further and further away.

 This woman is really different from ordinary women.

Li Beichen is really lucky.

 Then Lan Min's crimes began to increase.

 Lan Yan was an executive of Su Nian's small company, and then joined the Li family and involved the Huo family.

 Now it’s as if Lan Min is really playing with three companies.

 Public opinions on the Internet have condemned it. Neither Su Nian nor Huo Linyuan made any movement, they both stayed in the dark.

 Look at the whole situation.

 Then we saw the official filing a lawsuit against Lan Min.


 Even if it comes to litigation.

Su Nian didn't believe that Huo Linyuan really wanted to send Lan Min in.

But this really made Su Nian feel that he had to take it seriously. After all, the more this situation happened, then Huo Linyuan must have planned something in his heart.

At the same time, Sun Yinger also began to let Su Nian stay at home.

  Minimize Su Nian’s exposure as much as possible.

 She wanted to help Su Nian with some things and withstand a lot of wind and rain for her younger sister.

 For example, the entertainment artist's matter.

Su Nian was supposed to go. But Sun Ying'er stopped her.

"What are we going here for? What's there to do?" Lu Jing, who was driving, asked curiously: "I know we are using this star this time, but don't forget, this artist is the one you make famous, and he is useful. , It’s totally their luck.”

Lu Jing secretly visited the artist.

That man really looks like Huo Linyuan.

Although I know that Sun Ying'er will definitely not be interested in such fakes, I still feel a little uncomfortable.

 (End of this chapter)

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