Chapter 1081 Use your head when it’s time to use it

“It would be great if your brain could understand what we want to do, and you wouldn’t follow me anymore.”

 Lu Jing:…

This made Lu Jing look behind him through the rearview mirror.

 But unexpectedly, his and Sun Ying'er's eyes met.

Sun Ying'er said in a slightly helpless voice: "This is to increase the visibility of our company, and at the same time, it can also make the public think that we are innocent, thereby strengthening..."

  When speaking of this, Sun Ying'er stopped.

 "Enhance what..." Lu Jing asked curiously.

Sun Ying'er looked elsewhere: "Just think about this for yourself. After all, you have been with me for so long, haven't you made any progress at all? If this is really the case, then I really feel that you should Think carefully about whether you should continue to stay by my side. After all, there is no use in staying by my side like this. "

 “It’s useful, it’s quite useful.” Lu Jing said quickly.

 After Lu Jing finished speaking, he also thought of what Sun Ying'er wanted to say... Lan Min.

This would be even worse for Lan Min... Ahem, forget it, forget it, just say what Sun Ying'er says, and I should just stay by Sun Ying'er's side honestly.

 Ahem, really don’t mess around.

 In this way, the two of them arrived at the place.

As soon as she got off the car, Sun Ying'er's cell phone rang.

 She took out her mobile phone.

 It's a call from Zhou Xu.

After answering the phone, Zhou Xu said: "Miss Sun, please pay attention, Mr. Huo has sent someone."

Huo Linyuan sent someone.

After hearing this, Sun Ying'er knew that it was right for her to come here instead of Su Nian.

Then the little artist came: "Mr. Sun, Mr. Sun, you are finally here. Your coming here really makes me feel a little brighter." These flattering words made Lu Jingdu frown.

What's going on with this guy?

 Why do I feel like this guy is more licking than me?

The artist looked around, and then asked curiously: "Why didn't Mr. Su come?"

Sun Ying'er subconsciously wanted to explain, but before she could say anything, Lu Jing's voice rang out: "Because the things here are too small. What kind of person is my aunt? How could she come here?"

As soon as these words came out, the surrounding area suddenly became quiet.

Sun Ying'er's face suddenly turned ugly.

What is going on with this guy?

 Why do you say that?

The artist also knew that he couldn't talk to Su Nian and Sun Ying'er at all.

"Yes, yes, what this gentleman said is that I am indeed not worthy. It is good enough for Mr. Sun to come here now. My performance today is sponsored by SY. If it were not for your company, then I would definitely be nothing. I I won’t realize my dream at such a young age.”

Lu Jing looked aggrieved when he saw this little star talking.

 I really want to hit this guy.

Is this guy still a man? Why did he talk so effeminately, almost like a woman? Lu Jing really wanted to hit this guy.

"That's because you have the ability. After all, my sister and I have sponsored many people, but you are the only one who can have such popularity. I believe that if we both cooperate well, then we will benefit from it in the future." Sun Ying'er said Here I stretched out my hand.

The artist knew very well that when a person of Sun Ying'er's status said something like this, it was a promise. With the current promise, he was very satisfied, and he immediately extended his hand.

 The two men simply shook hands.

 (End of this chapter)

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