Chapter 1150 The Ridiculous Sun Family

The old lady frowned when she heard this: "What do you mean? Do you have any objection to my arrangement? Sun Ying'er, you have already been so sorry to your sister, don't you feel guilty?"

Sun Yan didn't speak when the old lady said this, but looked aggrieved.

When the old lady saw Sun Yan like this, she immediately felt that as a grandma, she should hold a bowl of water evenly and let everyone know who is in charge of the Sun family.

"You are still a sister. If word spreads about your selfishness and your behavior, you will be laughed at. Ying'er, please stop making trouble now. Grandma, I did this all for you. What if you do it now? If you don’t listen to me, grandma, you will really regret it.”

Second Aunt Sun spoke at this moment: "Our Yanyan's temperament is good, and it's because of her good temper that she always suffers, wu wu wu, it's all my fault, it's all my fault, my Yanyan's character is so bad It’s good to be like this, so my Yanyan will suffer.”

"Then let Sun Yan marry Huo Linyuan according to your wishes. Now that everything has been resolved, why bother?"

The old lady really didn't expect that Sun Ying'er would be so disobedient at this age, just like her dead mother, with such a stubborn temper.

Sun Yan is happy now. Anyway, no matter what the situation is, she will benefit.

"Huo Linyuan looks down on her. What can I do? Sun Ying'er, I am your grandma. Do you have to speak to me in such a tone? Can't you just be a little obedient and show your respect to me?"

Sun Ying'er laughed directly when she heard this: "Okay, it's up to you. You can find a way now and give you all Sy Company. That'll be fine."

When Sun Yan heard this, she knew that her opportunity had come, and immediately said: "Okay, you call Su Nian now and tell me that you will transfer everything to me. I actually feel that I My personality is somewhat similar to that of Su Nian. I think Su Nian and I will be more opportunistic together.” Sun Ying’er didn’t think anything else about what these people said.

 But these words made Sun Ying'er angry all of a sudden.

 Because when Sun Yan said this, she really felt that in Sun Yan's mouth, Su Nian was a person who might be played by her at any time.

This undoubtedly does not mean that she looks down on Su Nian at all.

When she realized this, Sun Yinger's anger suddenly came out, and she said directly: "Why are you so sure? What kind of person do you think Su Nian is, a woman who can climb into other people's beds casually? Hahaha, do you still want to have contact with Su Nian? I just told you, you better not dream, because you will never be able to compare with Su Nian in this life. "

In Sun Yan's heart, she always felt that this Sun Ying'er was lucky enough to be appreciated by Huo Linyuan, or she used some means to seduce Huo Linyuan. After all, with her own abilities, how could Su Nian and Huo Linyuan not see her? .

Now that Sun Ying'er said this, it was undoubtedly not a slap in the face.

"Sister, why do you say that? Are you not confident in yourself? Do you think you are inferior to me? If you are really not afraid, then introduce Su Nian to me."

 (End of this chapter)

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