Chapter 1151 What is Mr. Lu afraid of?

 The old lady obviously didn't want to waste her time like this.

So when Sun Ying'er and the others were talking, they walked up to Sun Ying'er and gave Sun Ying'er a slap in the face.

 This posture is completely different from the desperate situation just now.

This slap really blinded everyone.

But Sun Yan quickly reacted and said in a persuasive voice: "Grandma, don't do this. If you do this, it will make my sister more and more angry, and the prejudice between my sister and us will become more and more serious." many."

These words undoubtedly did not add fuel to the fire, so the old lady said directly: "What kind of thing is she? Girl, a loser. The only person who can raise this loser to be so big and treat her with kind words is an old bone like mine." He was so kind to her, who knew this loser would be so shameless."

"Okay, let's do things as I said. Give Yanyan that company and marry her properly. If you mess around, don't blame me for being rude."

 “What if I don’t agree.”

The old lady was really angry: "I can't help but you disagree. From the second child's family, to the third child's family, hold her down for me. I must let this loser know who is in charge of the family." "

Second Aunt Sun and Third Aunt Sun rushed over when they heard this.

 Since the power of the Sun family lies with the boss, there is no benefit to them at all.

 Now I finally have this opportunity.

 Of course they must seize the opportunity and take care of their boss.

And of course Sun Zhuang understood what these two women had in mind.

But Sun Zhuang had no intention of moving. In fact, it was very simple. He just wanted to make Sun Ying'er understand that in this world, he was the only one she could rely on. If she offended him. Then she will definitely be miserable.

 Let this Sun Ying'er learn a lesson. Don't mess around like this, it's useless.

 At this moment, the room was kicked open. "What are you doing? What are you doing? I have called the police now. You are beating people now, which is like a group fight. If you still don't stop, then you will go to jail."

This voice…

Sun Zhuang's expression immediately changed when he saw the person coming, and he immediately went to greet him: "Master Lu, Master Lu, this is our family's matter, and you can't care about our family's affairs like this. If this is really the case, If you say it, it won’t sound good if you spread it out.”

Lu Jing was indeed waiting below according to Sun Ying'er's instructions.

 But as time passes slowly.

 His heart became more and more uneasy.

 The kind that is very uneasy.

So Lu Jing came up before the time obviously came. When he came up, Lu Jing had already thought about it. If he came up too early and it had no effect, then he would apologize to Sun Ying'er.

Anyway, I had done a lot of wrong things at Sun Ying'er's place. One more thing was not too much, and one thing less was not a lot. But I didn't expect that I heard a loud noise just when I was about to walk to the door.

As soon as he heard such a noise, Lu Jing knew something was wrong and rushed in quickly, but he didn't expect to see such a scene.

 I feel really angry to death.

How dare these guys.

Now when he heard what Sun Zhuang said, Lu Jing laughed, and immediately grabbed Sun Zhuang directly in front of him: "It seems that you are really not familiar with this young master. This young master never pays attention to any rules in his life." After saying this, he punched Sun Zhuang hard.

This fist scared everyone.

 (End of this chapter)

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