Chapter 1392 Lu Jing’s real man moment

 But the fist of thinking did not fall on Sun Ying'er.

 Then open your eyes.

 Unexpectedly, I saw Lu Jing.

 To be precise, it was Lu Jing who stood in front of him.

And Lu Jing…

Just when Sun Ying'er couldn't help being surprised in her heart, Lu Jing's voice rang out: "Hey, Aunt Sun, don't worry, I said, I, Lu Jing, have no other use, but I am still a sandbag for you and my aunt. It’s okay, after all, I have no use elsewhere.”

"Lu Jing, who gave you the courage to stop me?" Huo Linyuan's furious voice sounded again.

Lu Jing returned his gaze to Huo Linyuan.

 After all, it’s almost enough to take credit.

 It’s time to get down to business now.

"Who gave me the courage? What kind of courage do I need to deal with you? Let me tell you that I am not afraid of you. In fact, I have never told you that I have not been free of charge during this period. I have always been there. Improve yourself, so what you are facing now is not the previous Lu Jing, but a brand new Lu Jing.”

"I, Lu Jing, must prove to the world that I, Lu Jing, am not a useless person. I, Lu Jing..." Before Lu Jing could finish speaking, Huo Linyuan punched him in the face.

Lu Jing's expression suddenly changed.

Lu Jing pointed at Huo Linyuan: "You, you, you, how can you sneak attack? I'm not even ready."

Sun Ying'er was a little touched when she saw Lu Jing blocking her in front of her and saying such words.

 But it looks like this now.

 Sun Ying'er's heart was really moved... After all, who could be moved like Lu Jing... It was really... a bit...

Zhou Xu next to him couldn't help but cover his face with his hands. If Lu Jing could catch up with Sun Ying'er, it would prove that there was something wrong with his eyes, something was really wrong.

 No, there must be something wrong with God’s brain...

"Then let me take a good look at what future you, a loser, have in this period of time." Huo Linyuan had only one idea in his mind right now.

Then let everyone take a good look at their abilities and let these **** know what it would be like to go against them.

But Lu Jing was able to catch Huo Linyuan's moves at first.

  But as time goes by.

Lu Jing is becoming increasingly unbeatable.

Sun Ying'er was also anxious when she saw this: "Lu Jing"

On the other side, the people called by Zhou Xu also came.

 The scene fell into a state of melee.

Zhou Xu protected Su Nian, and Lu Jing protected Sun Yinger.

"Lu Jing, please leave me alone and leave quickly." Sun Ying'er looked at Lu Jing who was about to be beaten until he couldn't bear it anymore and said subconsciously.

 When Sun Ying'er finished speaking, Lu Jing fell directly to the ground.

Seeing Lu Jing falling to the ground, Sun Yinger's heart suddenly suffocated, and she immediately went to help Lu Jing.

But before Sun Ying'er's hand touched Lu Jing, Lu Jing directly stretched out his hand and pulled the person to his side: "Aunt Sun, hide behind me. I will never let you Something happened."


Lu Jing directly interrupted Sun Ying'er: "Don't yell. If you yell like this, it will only delay my operation. I have to operate with you properly to let you know that this cheap nephew of yours is not just a cheap nephew." , but a very powerful nephew.”

 After saying this, Lu Jing rushed over again.

 But he was directly punched to the ground by Huo Linyuan.

 (End of this chapter)

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