Chapter 1393 Huo Linyuan is really crazy.

Su Nian was stunned when he saw such a scene.

 She didn’t expect it either.

 It will be like this.

Su Nian now fully understands.

What Huo Linyuan meant just now.

This guy really wants to kill himself.

it is true…

 After such an idea appeared, Su Nian's eyes became firm.

“Zhou Xu, how are our people doing?”

Zhou Xu: "All the people we arranged are here, and we can stabilize the situation for the time being. Madam, what should we do now, should we retreat or something."

"Now that Mr. Lu has attracted that guy Huo Linyuan, he has attracted a lot of firepower to us. If we take this opportunity to retreat to a safe area, then your safety will be guaranteed." Zhou Xu said this. When speaking, he spoke very fast, and at the same time, he seemed worried that Su Nian would not retreat because of the situation at Lu Jing's side.

Zhou Xu immediately continued: "I know you may be loyal, but the most important thing is that you leave, leave to a safe area, and think of a way to solve the current situation."

 But when Zhou Xu finished speaking, Su Nian exclaimed.

 She turned around and saw a man holding a stick.

 “Madam, are you okay?”

There are really more and more people in Huo Linyuan.

Huo Linyuan's behavior now proves that he is serious and can still say it.

Ever before Huo Linyuan came here, he had already decided to do it for real! Very real.

At the same time, Lu Jing was also completely beaten to the ground.

Huo Linyuan's voice also sounded: "Hahaha, Su Nian, Sun Ying'er, you two bitches, I tell you, today is the time for us to resolve all our grievances. I must make everything settle."

Su Nian was really a little scared.

 After all, no one thought that Huo Linyuan would be so crazy.

 There were people bleeding and falling all around.

Su Nian realized that he might have made a mistake.

But...who would have thought that this Huo Linyuan would be so heartless and crazy.

It can even be said that Huo Linyuan is really crazy now, completely crazy.

At this time, Huo Linyuan walked towards Su Nian step by step: "Su Nian, it's all you. The reason why everything has come to this point is entirely because of you. If it weren't for you, then things would never have come to this point. One step, so no matter what happens to you, you are asking for it.”

“I hope you can be a little more peaceful in your next life and not worry about so many things!”

Su Nian was really a little scared, but she looked around and said, "Huo Linyuan, don't go too far. We are in the CBD of a city now. If you really do something to me, then both of us will almost It can be said that the entire army will be wiped out!"

But when Huo Linyuan heard these words from Su Nian, the smile on his face became more and more arrogant: "Hahaha, you are still saying this now, Su Nian, are you scared? If you are scared, Then just say it directly, I can understand your fear, after all, everyone is afraid, this is normal, super normal."

"But I really hate you. I hate that you didn't listen to me seriously just now. Even though you are so annoying, my heart is still good. I can repeat it to you again."

Every time Huo Linyuan said a word, his eyes became more and more serious: "The truth is always in the eyes of the winner."

 (End of this chapter)

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