Chapter 183: He wants to make his own decisions about his life

When Li Beichen came to the office, it was already bright.

 He looked at the bright environment.

 The thought of Su Nian crying in his arms last night couldn't help but come to mind.

 He actually felt that it was not as bright as last night here.

 When this idea appeared in Li Beichen's mind, he smiled.

At this moment, the door was pushed open fiercely.

“Li Beichen, what exactly did you do to Miner?”

Li Beichen put away the smile on his lips, looked over following the voice, and saw Lu Jing with a furious face.

 Of course he knew what Lu Jing wanted to do.

I just want to make the play more realistic, so that Lan Min really feels that the people who have tormented her these days are all her own.

 After all, Lu Jing actually broke into his office to cause trouble after knowing what he did to her.

Lu Jing walked up to Li Beichen and grabbed Li Beichen's clothes: "You asked me to deal with Huo Linyuan, and I dealt with it, but I'm not stupid. I'm so stupid that I didn't even know I was your chess piece. I'm just here for the poor man, but You have really touched my bottom line now, and I really doubt whether you love Lan Min or not."

 Lu Jing had already planned it.

 He used this excuse to come to Li Beichen to settle accounts, and then beat the guy severely.

In this case, he stole Li Beichen's idea and was able to teach this reckless guy a lesson. After all, if this guy hadn't caused trouble, he would definitely have embraced the beauty long ago.

 “What I do is never wrong!”

 Then there was a huge noise in the office of the president of Li Group.

 Three minutes later.

Lu Jing was lying on the ground with a ferocious face, but Li Beichen's clothes were not wrinkled at all.

"I'm curious, you've been beaten by me not just once or twice, but why do you seem to not know that you can't beat me every time." Li Beichen's voice was full of doubts.

 The sarcasm level is directly maxed out.

 Lu Jing:…

 Nonsense, if you’re a man, you can’t back down.

"Li Beichen, if you wait, I will beat you one day, and I will beat you to pieces." Now Lu Jing secretly vowed in his heart that he must fight.

Li Beichen looked at Lu Jing.

At this moment, he was a little lucky, glad that his so-called personality was not as stupid as Lu Jing's.

 If he is really that stupid, then he feels that there is no need to live in this world.

"Forget it, don't say these are useless, we still find a way to do business. Have you forgotten Lan Min's body now? In fact, Lan Min's body is still because of Huo Linyuan. If we take care of Huo Linyuan, then Lan Min will Not sad."

 Lu Jing stood up.

"I don't care who stops me now, I have to deal with Huo Linyuan. After all, kidney transplant surgery is very important to Ji'er. If Ji'er is always sad and uncomfortable because of Huo Linyuan, then this operation will treat the symptoms but not the root cause. ”

Sure enough, after Li Beichen said this, he could see a proud expression in Lu Jing's eyes.

 He knew that his plan had succeeded.

This time he used Lu Jing's power to attack Huo Linyuan and Lan Ren at the same time. Even if he was not completely successful this time, it would still severely weaken the two of them.

 He doesn't even feel the so-called plot now.

 Next, he can use the second and third Lu Jing to directly deal with the so-called male and female protagonists of this world!

  No longer bound by the plot.

 He is who he is, not some licking male lead!

 His life is his own decision.

 (End of this chapter)

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