Chapter 184 You are not qualified to negotiate terms with me

Su Nian kept an eye on the news every day.

 Listening to Li Beichen's end, he and Lu Jing besieged him.

Hearing that Lan Min was treated like a madman in the hospital, he was even tied to the bed in the end.

 None of this is the plot in her memory.

Every time she heard a piece of news, Su Nian felt more and more uneasy.

However, as an insignificant supporting role in this plot, she is not even qualified to participate in the main plot.

Su Nian felt as if there was a knife hanging above his head.

 A knife that might fall off at any time.

 Such a feeling really made Su Nian uncomfortable, and she felt restless in the room every day.

But soon, her restless days were over.

 The reason why he said this was because Su Nian met Huo Linyuan.

Huo Linyuan directly opened the door of the old house with strong force.

Looking at Huo Linyuan walking towards him, Su Nian couldn't help but step back: "Why are you here?"

"Why didn't I show up here? Li Beichen and Lu Jing are now chasing and intercepting them. I should have stayed in Huo's now and was so busy with the trouble they caused me, but why did I show up here? here."

Su Nian couldn't help but feel chills all over his body when he heard Huo Linyuan's words.

 She forgot an important thing.

This is a **** Mary Sue!

Now that Lan Min's body is like this, and now her kidney is the only thing that can save her, how could the male protagonist Huo Linyuan do nothing.

 Now, including the old man's attention, all of his attention is on how to take advantage of this opportunity to kill Huo.

 Today, the old man went to meet old friends for dinner just for this reason, leaving him alone in this old house.

"Huo Linyuan, don't do this nonsense. No matter what, I am still Li Beichen's wife and the young mistress of the Li family. If you do anything to me, the Li family will never let you go." Su Nian said the lines that needed to be said now, The brain is also spinning rapidly. Now that the plot has changed so much, she can't guarantee whether she will die.

"If you don't let me go, then I also want to see whether it is the Li family that is more powerful or my Huo Linyuan who is clever." Huo Linyuan smiled when he said this: "Su Nian, I know you are also a smart woman, you should I know that struggling now is useless, and may even lead to unreasonable disasters.”

"In that case, I will come with you honestly. Anyway, this kidney of mine does not belong to me, and it is not given to anyone." Su Nian shrugged honestly: "But I hope Mr. Huo , you can take good care of your woman, I don’t want to lose my kidney and still have no husband.”

Huo Linyuan turned around and said, "You are not qualified to negotiate terms with me."

Su Nian: ...mmp, I even risked a kidney, but this is too much.

Su Nian then followed Huo Linyuan obediently.

I have to say that Huo Linyuan was really fully prepared this time.

 The people they brought were all well-equipped, as if they were waiting for the Li family to come to their senses and then come and rob them.

 But when Su Nian saw this, he laughed directly.

 Because she knows it very clearly.

 No one will come.

 Even if the old man knew that she had been robbed, he came to the rescue in time.

 But Li Beichen would also stop it for the sake of Lan Min.

 So the situation she is in now is really in a state where the sky is not responding and the earth is not functioning properly.

Now Su Nian knows clearly that he can rely on himself.

  Sorry, today the editor suddenly informed me that it will be put on the shelves tomorrow, and it will be 8,000 tomorrow. Please subscribe a little bit, please...



 (End of this chapter)

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