Chapter 403 Is the police car a Mercedes-Benz?

Su Nian noticed something was wrong when he got in the car.

 Because the car parked in front of her was a Mercedes-Benz.

The police car is a Mercedes-Benz?

 Haha, although this is a Mary Sue novel.

 But the police department cannot be so rich.

“Miss Su, why don’t you get in the car? Are you still worried about what we will do to you?” Officer Yang’s voice rang out.

“That’s what I said, Officer Yang, you took me away in front of so many people. If anything happens to me, you will be responsible. What can you do to me?”

 After saying that, he got into the car directly.

When the vehicle started moving, Su Nian looked at the scenery outside the window casually.

 The car is very quiet.

 But there is a strange atmosphere permeating the air.

“Is it worth ruining your future just to vent your anger on your daughter?”

Officer Yang, who was sitting in the driver's seat, looked at the rearview mirror when he heard this: "Ms. Su, what do you mean, what did I do?"

"No, I'm giving you a chance." Su Nian was able to get into this police car, of course he was confident: "Your plan is just like what I just said, I got into your car under the eyes of so many people. Che, anyone with any sense knows that if something happens to me, you will be linked to it, but if you think about it the other way around, if something happens to me, you can get away with it. "

Police Officer Yang’s expression changed.

Police Officer Yang stared at Su Nian, and Su Nian looked at her.

"I guess Huo Linyuan's people are waiting for me and plan to take me away, right?"

 But Officer Yang still drove calmly: "Ms. Su, do you have a little more imagination? You know what you are talking about. You are slandering public officials."

 “Am I being slanderous?”

Police Officer Yang looked away.

Actually, Su Nian was just testing whether Officer Yang was really seeking revenge.

 But when she saw his avoidant eyes, she was convinced.

This destination is not a police station.

As for being in the public eye, haha, she sent the heroine Lan Min to the police station in full public view. This Lan Min is not just running around outside now.

"I'll give you a chance now, let me go, or you'll have to bear the consequences."

Police Officer Yang continued to drive.     "I'm counting down to five now."




Police Officer Yang stepped on the brake: "Counting to five, do you count down from three?"

Su Nian opened the car door and said, "Sorry, I forgot to tell you that I failed math." After that, he got out of the car.

 When she got out of the car, she saw many speeding cars.

Su Nian looked at the car and subconsciously took a few steps back.

Although she told Sun Ying'er to follow her in the car and wait for her to get off the car, Su Nian was not sure whether the car coming was one of theirs.

 Such a situation reminded Su Nian of that time.

Huo Linyuan wanted to take her to the operating table.

 The vehicle stopped in front of her.

 When the car stopped, a tall man got out of the car.

 It was none other than Li Beichen.

Li Beichen walked quickly to Su Nian.

“You still know how to be afraid, you are so brave, I thought you didn’t know how to be afraid.”

"Why are you here, and why are you here in such a timely manner?" Su Nian was a little confused. After all, Li Beichen told her today that he had work today, so he couldn't accompany him to record.

Even if you knew you were in danger, you wouldn't have arrived in such a timely manner.

"As a husband, if you are in danger, you should do it in time."

The reason why Li Beichen came so timely was of course because he was right next to him.

Su Nian and Sun Ying'er, two young women, made such a big fuss. It was impossible for Huo Linyuan not to do something. He had to stay by their side.

This is really what he thought!

 (End of this chapter)

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