Chapter 404 Li Beichen’s back-up plan

 “What should be done”

Su Nian was startled by these words.

 “Leave the rest to me.”

Li Beichen knew very well that Huo Linyuan was now weaving a very large web. Waiting for them to jump.

It doesn't matter, no matter how big the net Huo Linyuan makes, he can still break it.

Su Nian: "I don't want to leave the next thing to you."

Li Beichen raised his eyes and looked at Su Nian.

But Su Nian turned around the moment he raised his eyes.

This made Li Beichen unable to see her expression at all.

"If I leave it to you, then Lan Min will definitely think that I am shrinking. Although I snatched you back from Lan Min, I will never lose to Lan Min in this life. Otherwise, I will be really embarrassed. ”

On the face that Li Beichen couldn't see, Su Nian's face showed a look of panic.

 That’s right, it’s panic.

Damn it, when I heard this guy say, "Leave the rest to me." I actually felt dependent. How could I have such a thought? 】

 This made Li Beichen startled.

 The mentality of dependence…

 Could it be that…

But before Li Beichen had time to be happy, he heard Su Nian's voice again.

How can you have such thoughts? He will not live long, so why rely on him? Should you wait until he dies, then kneel before his spirit and beg for his blessing? 】

  【It's really funny. Besides, this guy is not very efficacious. It's not like I haven't prayed to him in my previous life, but I haven't had any efficacies even once. 】

Su Nian couldn't help but sneered as she thought about this.

 But her hand was slightly clenched.

 In order to distract himself, Su Nian started to look around.

Soon, Su Nian realized something was wrong.

Because the car he was riding in was motionless, Su Nian suddenly had an ominous premonition in his heart and hurriedly walked to the car.

When she saw Officer Yang slumped on the steering wheel in the cab, she subconsciously covered her mouth and took a few steps back.

 “What’s wrong?” Li Beichen came to her side. When I saw the scene in the cab, I immediately understood what was going on.

 Immediately began to check Officer Yang’s condition.


Su Nian is a person who has lived her whole life after all. Although she was frightened, she was still able to maintain her so-called rationality and immediately realized that she had been tricked.

Huo Linyuan should have prepared two plans.

  Whatever happens to her, something happens to Officer Yang.

 They are all fatal blows.

Su Nian immediately looked around.

It was then that she realized that there were no police cars around.

 You must know that there were a lot of police just now, and where are their cars?

As expected of the male protagonist, this game is really perfect.

 She was brought here on a completely unfounded charge, and then she was charged with the real charge of assaulting a police officer.

  In the early stage, she used unfounded charges to deceive herself, making her completely

"Huo Linyuan is indeed a bit smart." Li Beichen chuckled, and then walked up to Su Nian again: "But he didn't count me. Nian Nian, you go now, I'll handle things here."

Su Nian frowned when he heard this.

It doesn't matter if he stays here, because he is the president of the Li Group. If something goes wrong with him, Huo Linyuan will definitely use this to attack the entire Li Group, and the losses will be huge.

Just when Su Nian was about to say something, Li Beichen reached out and took out something from her clothes.

  —a black thing.

Su Nian was a little dazed.

Li Beichen held the thing in his hands, put it against her ear, and said in a voice that only the two of them could hear: "The bug also has a recording function. The recordings you and he just made were recorded."

This made Su Nian's eyes suddenly light up.

 No wonder he came so quickly.

 (End of this chapter)

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