Chapter 422: No beast is big enough to attack a patient

very happy.

Hearing this, Li Beichen couldn't help but frown.

You must know that before, he let go of so many things from Su Nian, but Su Nian was not really happy.

Sun Ying'er gave her something that would make her happy!

 He should study hard!

Li Beichen took off his suit jacket and put it on his hands casually.

When he arrived at Su Nian's room, he knocked gently on the door, but received no response.

 He walked in.

 When he saw the bright lights in the bathroom, his face darkened.

 You have to know that it is not yet seven o'clock in the evening, and Sun Ying'er has given her a gift, then it is very likely that it is because of Sun Ying'er's gift.

What on earth did Sun Ying'er give that made Su Nian pay so much attention to it?

Then Li Beichen scanned the entire room with his eyes.

 Then he saw a pile of clothes on Su's bed.

 Could it be clothes?

In order to try on the clothes given by Sun Ying'er, I actually took a shower.

 He wanted to take a closer look at what kind of clothes this was!

 I walked to the bed immediately.

But after he saw the clothes...

 The clothes on the bed are either as thin as cicada wings or all kinds of...

 For example, kittens, little leopard prints…

these things…

Li Beichen immediately began to think about how to make these things disappear. After all, he really had no confidence in his self-control. When he heard the sound of someone coming out of the bathroom, he directly chose to run away.

 When he returned to his room, Li Beichen couldn't help but start thinking.

Think about what Su Nian would look like if she put on those clothes.

 Everyone has bad elements in their heart.

Why does Li Beichen feel that the day is coming when he will give up?

He closed his eyes and began to think about how he could get those things away without anyone noticing.

 This is really a bit difficult.   …

Su Nian tried on the clothes after taking a shower.

very satisfied.

 The next step is to look for opportunities.

 She has to think carefully about what opportunities to look for.

 While eating, I was still thinking.

This was what Li Beichen, who had been restrained for a long time, heard as soon as he stepped into the restaurant.

  【Hey, what opportunity should I look for? 】

  【What kind of opportunity can I wear those clothes naturally and jump into it naturally...】

【But this guy keeps saying he loves me, so I might as well wear it directly. After all, he usually talks sweetly so easily, and there should be no chance of me showing up in those clothes again and asking me why I am posing. 】

 Li Beichen:! !

  【I wore those clothes, jumped directly on him, and then sat on him}

Li Beichen couldn't listen anymore. If he continued to listen, he would really end up leaving his father and leaving his son.

 Immediately, I started coughing on purpose, and the cough was very loud.

Su Nian came back to his senses and immediately became concerned: "Beichen, are you okay? Why did you cough suddenly, and you coughed so hard."

 “I’m fine.”

"You suddenly coughed so hard, are you really okay?" Su Nian stood up, walked to Li Beichen, and patted his back gently to help him breathe.

    Why is my sudden cough so severe? It seems like I want to cough my lungs out. 】

  【Generally, if a person in good health suddenly falls ill, it is a serious illness. 】

Hearing that Su Nian was so anxious, Li Beichen felt happy.

 Even in my heart, I care about him. It seems that I really care about him this time.

Li Beichen felt that this little woman should be a little tempted by him.

 But I was happy for less than three seconds.

  【If he is sick now, then I can't attack him to get the seeds. After all, I am not a beast enough to attack a sick person. 】

Li Beichen:…

 (End of this chapter)

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