Chapter 423 Li Beichen is sick

“It’s just that my throat is a little uncomfortable, it’s okay.” After saying this, he coughed heavily again.

 He suddenly felt that this was a good way to get sick.

"You're coughing so hard, how can you say it's okay? Do you think I'm stupid when you're like this?" Only then did Su Nian remember that Li Beichen had a fight with Huo Linyuan that day and suddenly fainted.

 How can a good person faint suddenly?

 There must be something going on.

She has seen how busy Li Beichen has been at work these days.

Thinking of this, Su Nian quickly asked the housekeeper to arrange for a doctor to come.

Li Beichen followed Su Nian back to the room obediently.

Looking at Su Nian giving various orders seriously, Li Beichen felt his heart suddenly warm even though he knew very clearly that he was just taking advantage of the unborn child.

 The final diagnosis given by the family doctor was that I had a cold, or a severe cold, and needed a good rest.

  After the family doctor finished speaking, there was a man lying on the bed with a "weak" look on his face.

When Su Nian heard that it was a cold, she subconsciously breathed a sigh of relief, but she still walked to Li Beichen with a worried look on her face: "Beichen, do you want to go to the hospital for a check-up? After all, your health was quite good before. After the fight with Huo Linyuan, I suddenly fell ill. You should have a checkup to see if there is anything wrong with your body. "

Li Beichen smiled: "It's nothing, just a little cough. And I am also a human being. As long as I am a human being, I will inevitably get sick. After all, I also eat whole grains, so I just need to rest for a few days."

"Yes, yes, you shouldn't go to the company these days. Just have a good rest. You don't usually get sick. If you get sick all of a sudden, it must be serious." After saying this, Su Nian hurriedly helped. He gathered up the quilt.

Li Beichen looked at her quietly, as if he were a good baby.

In order to make the disease more real, Li Beichen asked Zhou Xu to explain it to the company.

Su Nian originally wanted to take care of him.

But this illness was originally because he was trying to delay time and waited until Su Nian had forgotten those things, so he secretly disposed of them without anyone noticing.

 All these plans were directly interrupted by the old man.

Li Jianhong came to Li Beichen's room with a serious look on his face: "What's wrong? Why did he suddenly become ill?" "It's nothing, I just contracted some cold."

 There is always a lack of intimacy between father and son.

 Especially adult father and son.

Li Jianhong felt a little relieved when he heard this. Then he looked at Su Nian beside him, and his face fell.

Su Nian's heart suddenly thumped when the old man looked at her like this.

  After all, as a wife, it is her responsibility to take care of her husband.

“Nian Nian, why are you here, how can you be so close to him, what kind of body is he, what kind of body are you, what if he passes the disease to you.”

These words made Su Nian a little confused.

Then the old man continued: "How about this? Nian Nian and I will go back to my old house in the next few days. When Beichen is well, you can come back."

 Li Beichen:! !

When Su Nian heard this, he subconsciously refused: "Dad, I understand your good intentions, but Beichen is like this..."

Su Nian was interrupted by the old man before he finished speaking: "Nian Nian, I understand what you want to say, but don't forget that in the eyes of people outside, you are just confinement. If you stay like this, So what do people outside think?"

As a father, Li Jianhong could tell at a glance that someone was pretending when he walked in.

Especially when I saw Su Nian looking worried.

 He understood instantly, haha.

You must know that when he heard that this guy Li Beichen was sick, he immediately ran over non-stop. As a result, he had to break this brat's plan.

 (End of this chapter)

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