Chapter 428 Li Beichen is really sick

However, Su Nian didn't sleep for long before she woke up.

 After all, she sneaked out of the old house at night, so of course she had to go back early to avoid making the old man angry.

Su Nian originally planned to quietly get out of Li Beichen's arms.

But as soon as he moved, Li Beichen's murmur sounded in his ears: "Don't move, sleep with me for a while longer."

"It's getting late now. I have to go back. If I don't go back, dad will find out."

 “He knows.” The man made no intention of opening his eyes.

Su Nian was slightly startled when he heard this. But thinking about the way Li Beichen went to the old house last night and came back in a hurry, he must have made a lot of noise and probably woke up the old man.

When he thought of this, Su Nian felt even more that he should go back.

 After all, the old man said that yesterday.

"Then I have to go back quickly. But Beichen, don't worry about it today. Just rest well at home. You know? Dad is actually very worried about you. Dad is so old after all. It's a bit wrong for you to make him so worried. not good."

Su Nian chatted for a long time before realizing that something was right.

Hurrying to push Li Beichen away, he saw that Li Beichen's face was a little red, and then he put his hand on his forehead.

It doesn’t matter if I don’t let it go. Once I let it go, I was startled: “Beichen, why is your forehead so hot? Do you have a fever?”

 Then Su Nian called the family doctor again.

 The family doctor originally thought he was here to go through the motions and cooperate with Li Beichen's fun.

 I didn’t know that I was shocked when I took my body temperature and it was 39°.

 Suddenly everyone became busy.

Su Nian suddenly felt nervous after seeing Li Beichen's condition worsening.

  Just spent the whole morning like this.

Li Beichen's fever was finally gone. Li Beichen opened his eyes again in the afternoon.

 The moment he opened his eyes, what he saw was Su Nian's anxious face.

"Beichen, you're awake. How are you? Do you feel uncomfortable? You have a fever, and you have had a fever for a long time. Do you know?"

"I'm fine, don't worry, but you can't stay here anymore, go back to your old house quickly." After Li Beichen said this, he looked at Zhou Xu next to him: "Zhou Xu, send your wife to your old house. "

Su Nian didn't expect that Li Beichen's first sentence after waking up would be this.

 But with Li Beichen's current situation, how could she leave with peace of mind.

"Beichen, you are like this, how can I leave? I won't leave."

Of course, Li Beichen didn't want Su Nian to be infected by his cold. After all, it would be fine if he felt uncomfortable. There was no need for both of them to feel uncomfortable: "Su Su, listen to me. I'm fine. You'd better go to the old house to stay for a few days. After a few days, Can I pick you up in person? Don't get infected by me. And you also said that I had a fever for a long time just now. My body is very weak now and I need a good rest, so you follow Zhou Xu obediently. You Now that I’m gone, I can sleep quietly for a while.”

Zhou Xu who was next to him also advised: "Madam, just listen to Mr. Li. If you are by Mr. Li's side, then Mr. Li will be distracted by you and will not be able to have a good rest at all."

This made Su Nian's face suddenly look ugly.

  【What do you mean by this? It's like I'm a burden. It's a pity that I took such good care of this guy just now. 】

   【If you don't let me stay here, I won't stay. It makes me feel like I'm a rare person! 】

Su Nian left directly.

Li Beichen sighed deeply, then put his hand on his forehead.

 He seems to have messed up.

Is this God's retribution for pretending to be ill?

 (End of this chapter)

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