Chapter 429 Zhou Xu, do you want to double the bonus?

Su Nian just walked to the living room and stopped: "Zhou Xu, do you want to double the bonus?"

After hearing this, Zhou Xu immediately understood what Su Nian meant, and then said against his will: "I don't want to!"

Su Nian turned to look at him: "Don't you really want to? As the first secretary beside Beichen, your bonus, especially the year-end bonus, is also a very considerable number. If this number is doubled..."

Zhou Xu: "Madam, you'd better leave quickly. If you go back quickly, you can still have breakfast with me."

Su Nian: "Twice."

 Zhou Xu: “This is not a matter of money, it’s Mr. Li’s order.”

Su Nian: "Three times"

 Zhou Xu:…

 Three times the bonus.

It was impossible for Zhou Xu not to be moved.

 But he knew very well that he had to be rational. After all, if something happened to the person in front of him, let alone the bonus, he would definitely be unlucky.

"I know what you are worried about. I won't be close to Beichen. I will just stay in the living room. When Beichen's situation stabilizes, I will return to my old house. If you agree, then when Beichen gets better, I will Ask him to give you four times the bonus. If Beichen doesn't give it to you, then I will give it to you myself." When he said this, Su Nian paused and said, "On the other hand, if you don't listen to me, Are you sure you will have a good life?"

 Zhou Xu's expression changed.

"You know better than anyone how favored I am now. You said that if I wait until Beichen gets well, I can whisper something in his ear, Zhou Xu..."

Zhou Xu was still struggling after hearing this, and immediately said with a serious face: "Madam, you must promise not to go near Mr. Li's room. If you get sick, let alone Mr. Li, even the old man can't spare me." Can't spare me."

"I'll just sit here and play, and won't get close." Su Nian sat on the sofa: "If you are still worried, then ask the doctor to prescribe some preventive medicine for me. After all, I slept with him yesterday. Sleeping together."

 Zhou Xu hurriedly went to make arrangements.

In this way, Su Nian sat in the living room for the next three days, listening to the family doctor's report. When it was finally confirmed that Li Beichen had nothing to do.

 She breathed a sigh of relief.

 And asked Zhou Xu to send him back to his old home.

When getting out of the car, Su Nian smiled and said to Zhou Xu: "Zhou Xu, tell your boss Li that I am angry. If he can see me within the next month, then I will take his surname."

  When Su Nian asked him to send her back to her old home, Zhou Xu had an ominous premonition.

 “Madam, please don’t embarrass me.”

"Zhou Xu, you can't get four times the salary for nothing." After saying this, Su Nian turned around and walked towards the old house.

 As Li Beichen's wife, she has done all the things she should do, but as Su Nian, she still has a bit of a temper.

 Speaking so strongly.


She, a vicious female supporting role, has been busy for so long, so she needs a holiday.

 Wait, she will go find the old man now and sue Li Beichen severely!

 Zhou Xu saw Su Nian's back and suddenly felt that he had no love left in his life.

It's really a fight between gods and gods, and the little devil will suffer.

Sure enough, when Li Beichen heard this, he sighed helplessly. He really felt like he was screwed now.

  After all, in order to get better quickly these days, he has been cooperating with the doctor's various treatments and taking a good rest, just hoping to get better soon.

 (End of this chapter)

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