The Vicious Female Supporting Character’s Character Collapsed After Her Voice Was Eavesdropped

Chapter 438: Lan Min feels uncomfortable, but she is happier than anyone else

Chapter 438 Lan Min feels uncomfortable, she is happier than anyone else

Li Beichen walked directly in front of Su Nian.

“Brother-in-law, you have been working in the garden for a long time. Are you tired? I just asked the servant to bring you water. Have you drank it?”

"Drink, thank you sister for your concern." Li Beichen looked at Su Nian who was nesting on the sofa: "I came here because I want to discuss something with you."

Su Nian responded casually.

Then Li Beichen sat next to her and hugged her naturally: "I was busy down there just now. I think our garden is too small. Why don't we change our house? After all, you can't guarantee that you will like roses in this life." One kind of flower, let’s move to a house with a bigger garden, and I’ll plant whatever flowers you like in the future, okay?”

Li Beichen's gentle look stung Lan Min's eyes.

But Lan Min was even more surprised by what Li Beichen said now.

 I will sow...

 But this idea was immediately given up by Lan Zhen.

Su Nian is a vicious female supporting character. Now that the heroine is by her side, of course she needs to show off: "Actually, you don't have to do this. You can just tell the gardener directly. There is no need to plant flowers for me personally. You have been plowing the ground all morning today." , I must be tired."

  Go and plant flowers for me yourself. You have been plowing the ground all morning today.

 Lan Min really didn't expect that Li Beichen was young enough to do this for Su Nian.

 Compared with this, it seems that what Li Beichen did for her before was nothing.

 “I asked Zhou Xu to find a land with a big yard.” The reason why Li Beichen chose to plant it himself.

  It wasn’t the future brat who caused the trouble.

The last time I bought roses, they ended up like this.

Li Beichen felt that he wanted to do something that that brat had never done.

 Let me prove that it is not easy for his front wave to be hit by the back wave on the beach. It is very difficult.

 When a woman’s soft hand squeezes his hand.    He knew he had done the right thing.

 Actually, he said there was another reason for changing the house.

 When he was in the garden just now, he looked up at the house and remembered that it was a house they randomly chose when they got married.

  It can even be said to be the so-called plot design.

  Not sincere at all.

 He will slowly change everything.

"Actually, it's not that troublesome." Su Nian lowered his eyes and saw the wound on the man's palm: "Why are you injured? Oops, medical kit, medical kit."

Su Nian quickly asked someone to get the medicine kit.

Li Beichen didn't say anything, but looked at Su Nian tenderly, watching her struggle with her minor injury.

However, Lan Min next to him felt extremely uncomfortable.

Sun Ying'er walked to Lan Min: "It turns out that once a man is in love, he has no reason. You know, when I met Li Beichen before, this guy always looked aloof and wanted to look at people with his nostrils, but now I wish I could hold the whole world in front of Nian Nian, hey, I’m really a bit envious, after all, that woman doesn’t want to be treated like this.”

Sun Ying'er looked down upon this Lan Min very much.

In her eyes, this Lan Zhen is a person who can only win the sympathy of men with tears, although she doesn't know what kind of means Lan Zhen has to win the sympathy of so many men, so that these men can treat her so well. She was dead set.

 But she knew this kind of woman, seeing her prey run into the hands of others.

 So many years of grievances.

   Lan Min feels uncomfortable, but she is happier than anyone else.

Yes, she, Sun Ying'er, is such a narrow-minded person.

 (End of this chapter)

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